Following discussions with the Planning and Budgeting
Committee (PBC), the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) is about to open a new
funding track to support access for the entire community of researchers in
academia to university research infrastructures located at universities around
the country.
The following criteria of the research infrastructures to
which grantees can be referred include:
service is provided within the infrastructure of an institutional,
faculty, departmental, or inter-departmental unit, where the operation and
maintenance of the equipment is the responsibility of the operating body
and not the units of one or a number of researchers.
At least
10% of the capacity of the service is open to users from other
about the service and the way of registering for accessible service is
open to all.
service is priced according to the institution's rules. Pricing is uniform
for all researchers, but overhead will increase for external users.
to the service is subject to academic adjustment of the requested service
to the services provided at the infrastructure center, and compliance with
the rules of the service units (ethical approvals, safety, etc.).
clarification, institutional equipment will also include advanced HPC
computing equipment.
funding (up to 25%) can be covered by the researcher, including the
submitted ISF grant.

Nano Center and Nano Fabrication Services »

NIBN and BioInformatics Services »

Department of Chemistry Services »