The Integrated Manufacturing technologies laboratory - IMT-BGU, is a future factory suited for higher-education needs and "hands-on" teaching situated in the Industrial Engineering and management department. IMT-BGU is open, modular and robust, with a decentralized control scheme employing state-of-the-art control methodologies and integration tools. The lab aims to provide a teaching and research platform for students to learn, investigate, develop and apply advanced methodologies concerned with integration of production facilities and in operation of robotic workstations. The laboratory emphasizes integration of shop floor activities, information systems, human factors and human modeling and shop floor control, autonomous and semi-autonomous processes. The laboratory enables implementation of concepts from: intelligent system control, information systems, Human factors and green manufacturing, human/ machine/robot interfaces, machine vision algorithms for quality control applications, decision making systems, AGV control algorithms including, task allocation, navigation and conflict resolution, manufacturing operation handling, material routing algorithms, self-learning algorithms for manufacturing operation optimization.
IMT-BGU website