The Research and Development Authority - Staff:
Comptroller's Office
Research Liaison Section
Contact with funding sources; Coordination and dissemination of grant information, announcements, and guidelines to faculty members; Contract negotiation, review and administrative supervision of contract specifications; Generation of contacts to enhance funding possibilities for faculty researchers.

Daphna Tripto Head of Research Liaison Section E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472443 |
Orly Kayam Israel Team Leader (Public institutions, ISF - Israel Science Foundation). E-mail Tel. 972-8-6477709 |

Eti Hecht-Vazana Israel Team Coordinator (Israel government offices and agencies). E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472437 |

Galia Chelets Israel Team Coordinator (Bi-national funds, Industrial & commercial funding sources, internal seed-money grants and funds, Private donors grants, Ministry of Defence). E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472436 |

Not Currently Assigned International Team Coordinator (Horizon Europe, European funding agencies)
For questions about:
-submission to Horizon Europe: contact Abigail Blas
-submission to European funding agencies: contact Galia Chelets

Yaara Hazan USA Team Coordinator (United States Federal and Public funding agencies). E-mail: Tel. 972-8-6477748
David Spivak Research Strategy Coordinator E-mail: Tel. 972-8-6477756 |
Abigail Blas
Information and Publications Coordinator
Tel. 972-8-64772445
Research Budget Management: Israeli Section
Responsible for all Israeli Funding Sources:
- Setting up grant accounts in accordance with sponsor contracts/agreements and in compliance with University guidelines
- Budget control and monitoring , including personal appointments , fellowships , salaries , equipment , travel , etc ,
- Processing requests for budget alterations
- Processing salary adjustments for principal investigators
- Authorization of overhead rebates. (grant closeout)
- Preparation and submission of financial reports according to guidelines and requirements of the granting agencies or foundations and for quality assurance of research expenditure documentation.
This involves:
Liaison with researchers, rationalization of records with University financial departments
(Accounting, Budget, Salaries, Purchasing), assembling documents and information on expenditures for report preparation, review of contract specifications in relation to expenditures made by the Principal Investigator, preparation and management of audits.

Tali Vaknin Head of Research Budget Management: Israel Section
Tel. 972-8-6472433 |

Meital Dror Public Institution Budget Team Coordinator (Public Institutions, Industrial contracts). Faculty: Engineering and Management and Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences.
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472432 |

Noga Talker Budget Officer (Public Institutions, Industrial contracts) Faculty: Natural Sciences (except Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences). |

Helen Abutbul Budget
Officer (Public Institutions, Industrial contracts).
Humanities and Social Sciences.
Tel. 972-8-6472431 |

Rinat Solomovich Budget Officer (Public Institutions, Industrial contracts)
Faculty: Health Sciences, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research.
Tel. 972-8- 6428192 |

Osnat Rozenthal Budget Officer (Government Offices)
Faculty: Humanities and Social Sciences, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research.
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472434 |

Rinat Dechterman Budget Team Coordinator (Government Offices)
Faculty: Health Sciences and Natural Sciences.
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6477710 |
Tamara Gavrielov Budget Officer (Government Offices)
Faculty: Management, Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial and Management Engineering. E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472004
Moran Roash Budget Officer (Government Offices)
Faculty: Communication Systems Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electro-optical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Budget & Management: International Section
Responsible for all Foreign Funding Sources:
- Setting up grant accounts in accordance with sponsor contracts/agreements and in compliance with University guidelines
- budget control and monitoring , including personnel appointments , fellowships , salaries , equipment , travel , etc ,
- processing requests for budget alterations
- processing salary adjustments for principal investigators
- authorization of overhead rebates. (grant closeout)
- preparation and submission of financial reports according to guidelines and requirements of the granting agencies or foundations and for quality assurance of research expenditure documentation.
This involves:
Liaison with researchers, rationalization of records with University financial departments (Accounting, Budget, Salaries, Purchasing), assembling documents and information on expenditures for report preparation, review of contract specifications in relation to expenditures made by the Principal Investigator, preparation and management of audits.

Jasmin Thalker Head of Research Budget Management: International Section
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472438 |
| Shani Asulin Budget Officer (U.S. Federal funding sources, U.S. Public funding sources, USA-Israeli bi-national foundations: BARD and BSF. Faculty of Engineering, the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research and Faculty of Business and Management). E-mail: Tel. 972-8-6428185 |

Ofra Abutbul Budget Officer (European-Union, Israel-German Foundations: DIP and GIF, Research Centers and Donations, The Ministry of Science - Binational cooperations and other international cooperations excluding USA, Australia and New Zealand; Faculty of Health Sciences, The Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research).
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472440 |

Olga Ignatov Budget Officer (European-Union, Israel-German Foundations: DIP and GIF, Research Centers and Donations, The Ministry of Science - Binational cooperations and other international cooperations excluding USA, Australia and New Zealand; Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Business and Management.
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472441 |

Luba Milbert Budget Officer (U.S. Federal funding sources, U.S. Public funding sources, USA-Israeli bi-national foundations: BARD and BSF). Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472439 |

Lilah Pikus-Horesh Assistant to Head of Research Budget Management Budget Officer (European-Union, Israel-German Foundations: DIP and GIF, Research Centers and Donations, The Ministry of Science - Binational cooperations and other international cooperations excluding USA, Australia and New Zealand) Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. E-mail Tel. 972-8-6472446 |
Budget Officer (U.S. Federal funding sources, U.S. Public funding sources, USA-Israeli bi-national foundations: BARD and BSF).
Tel. 972-8-6472442
Scientific Publications Section
The Scientific Publications Section (SciPub) is responsible primarily for scientific and language editing of research proposals written in English by BGU researchers for submission to prestigious international and national funding bodies.
Time permitting, SciPub also provides the following services, for which staff members are charged at the rates set by the University's Finance Division:
• Editing research proposals other than those detailed above.
• Editing academic papers written in English.
The Section gives priority to:
• Proposals considered by the University to be "institutional" (e.g., European Union, ISF, DIP).
• Proposals from young researchers (first three years of employment at BGU).
• Proposals that have been awarded high marks by prestigious funding bodies but have been returned for revision before resubmission