​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ute Deichmann

(For Ute Deichmann's extended publications list click here)


U. Deichmann. In press. Mendel's Modern Methods and Concepts of Hereditary Transmission in the Context of Darwin's and Other Naturalists' Prescientific Notions of Heredity and Lysenko's Pro-Darwinian Anti-Mendelian Doctrine of Inheritance in the USSR. CSHL Press.​

U. Deichmann. 2024. Two Pioneers of Epigenetics: Their Different Paths to Chromatin Research and DNA Methylation, and General Reflections on EpigeneticsFrontiers in Epigenetics and Epigenomics, 1, 1334556. doi: 10.3389/freae.2023.1334556

U. Deichmann. 2023. Introduction to Perils for Science in Democracies and Authoritarian CountriesEuropean Review, 31(5), 425-431. doi:10.1017/S1062798723000157​

U. Deichmann. 2023. Science, Race, and Scientific Truth, Past and PresentEuropean Review, 31(5), 425-431.  https://doi.org/10.1017/S1062798723000200​​​​

U. Deichmann. 2023​. Self-Organization and Genomic Causality in Models of Morphogenesis​. Entropy, 25(6), 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/e25060873

U. Deichmann. 2023​. Chromatin Research and Epigenetics - Historical Perspectives, Current Research, Open Questions, and Misconceptions​Medical Research Archives, 11 (2).​

U. Deichmann. 2023. Biocolloidy and Epigenetics – Is “Scientific Revolution” a useful concept in biology? Open Access Government.

U. Deichmann. 2022. The Idea of Constancy in Development and Evolution - Scientific and Philosophical Perspecti​ves. BioSystems, Vol. 221, 104773.

U. Deichmann. 2022Exploring the History of Science. Open Access Government. 

U. Deichmann. 2022. I​rreproducibility and scientific truthOpen Access Government. 

U. Deichmann. 2021. Biological Hierarchy, determinism, and specificity​.​ Research Features.

U. Deichmann. 2021. Constancy & plasticity in biology – the central role of hierarchical causal models. Open Access Government

U. Deichmann. 2021. Template ​​Theories, the Rule of Parsimony, and Disregard for Irreproducibility- The Example of Linus Pauling's Research on Antibody Formation. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol. 51, Number 4, 427–467.

U. Deichmann. 2020. The social construction of the social epigenome and the larger biological context​​. Epigenetics & Chromatin 13. 37.

U. Deichmann. 2020. Data, theory, and scientific belief in early molecular biology: Pauling's and Crick's conflicting notions about the genetic determination of protein synthesis and the solution to the 'secret of life'. HYLE: International Journal for Philosophy of ChemistryVol. 27, 25-46.

U. Deichmann. 2019. Science and political ideology: The example of Nazi Germany. Mètode Science Studies Journal 3: 41-49 (in Spanish).

U. Deichmann. 2019. From Gregor Mendel to Eric Davidson: Mathematical models and basic principles in biology. Journal of Computational Biology. 26.4:637-652.

​U. Deichmann. 2017. Hierarchy, determinism, and specificity in theories of development and evolution. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39.4: 3-16.

U. Deichmann. 2017. Eric Davidson, his philosophy, and the history of science. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39.4: 1-7.

M. Morange and U. Deichmann. 2017. Introduction: Eric Davidson and the molecular biology of evolution and development. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39.4:1-4.

U. Deichmann. 2017. Biology and political ideologies: on the futility of scientific justification for political values, now and in the past (Review of M. Meloni, Political biology. Science and social values in human heredity from eugenics to epigenetics, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016) Metascience 26: 289-292.

U. Deichmann. 2017. Francis Bacon, Karl Popper or Michael Polanyi? The philosophies of modern experimental biology and the impact of the big data technology. In N. Bar-Am, S. Gattei, eds. Encouraging openness: Essays for Joseph Agassi on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 325: 129-142.

A. Barell and U. Deichmann. 2016. Internationality as moral challenge and practical success: The origin and early development of the Israeli-German collaboration in the sciences. Yearbook of the Simon-Dubnow-Institute 15: 341-369.

U. Deichmann. 2016. The Beginnings of Israeli-German Collaborations in the Sciences: Motives, Scientific Benefits, Hidden Agendas. Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. 9.3: 35-86.

U. Deichmann. 2014. The Concept of the Causal Role of Chromosomes and Genes in Heredity and Development: Opponents from Darwin to Lysenko, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57(1): 57-77.

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, and A. S. Travis. 2014. Editors' Introduction to Special Issue, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57(1): 4-7.

U. Deichmann. 2014. Women and Genetics in Germany – Research and Careers until 1950, in: Reiner Nürnberg, Ekkehard Höxtermann und Martina Voigt (Herausgeber), Elisabeth Schiemann 1881–1972 Vom AufBruch der Genetik und der Frauen in den UmBrüchen des 20. Jahrhunderts Beiträge eines interdisziplinären Symposiums zum 200. Gründungsjubiläum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Biologiehistorische Symposien, Rangsdorf. (http://www.basilisken-presse.de/biohistorische-symposien/elisabeth-schiemann-1881-1972.html)

U. Deichmann, A. S. Travis. 2014. Transfer von Traditionen: „Deutsche Chemie in Palästina, 1924–1939, Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 8(1): 28-47.

U. Deichmann, S. Schuster, J.P. Mazat, & A. Cornish-Bowden. 2013. Commemorating the 1913 Michaelis--Menten paper Die Kinetik der Invertinwirkung: three perspectives, FEBS Journal Special Issue: Michaelis-Menten and Allostery Anniversaries.

U. Deichmann. 2013. Review of Kaerin Nickelsen & Govindjee, The Maximum Quantum Yield Controversy. Otto Warburg and the 'Midwest-Gang' (Bern: Bern Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 2011), History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35: 201-293.

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, and A. S. Travis. 2012. Editors' Introduction to Special Issue, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(4): 470-472.

U. Deichmann. (2012). Crystals, Colloids or Molecules? Early Controversies about the Origin of Life and Synthetic Life, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(4): 521-542.

U. Deichmann. 2012. Beyond Popper and Polanyi: Leonor Michaelis, a critical and passionate pioneer of research at the interface of medicine, enzymology, and physical chemistry, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(4): 612-626.

U. Deichmann. 2012. Kultur und Identität in der Wissenschaft. Der Beitrag jüdischer Forscher zur internationalen Bedeutung deutscher Naturwissenschaft – ein jüdischer Beitrag?, Proceedings of the Moses Mendelssohn Centre, Potsdam, 205-221.

U. Deichmann. 2012. Origin of life. The role of experiments, basic beliefs, and social authorities in the controversies about the spontaneous generation of life and the subsequent debates about synthesizing life in the laboratoryHistory and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 34(3): 341-360.

U. Deichmann. 2011. Michael Polanyi on Scientific Authority and his Criticisms of Popper and Russell, Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, 56: 2419-268. London: Oxford University Press.

U. Deichmann. 2011. Early 20th Century Research at the Interfaces of Genetics, Development, and Evolution: Reflections on Progress and Dead Ends, Developmental Biology 357: 3-12.

U. Deichmann. 2010. Chemistry and Engineering Life around 1900 - Research and Reflections by Jacques Loeb, Biological Theory 4(4): 323-332.

U. Deichmann. 2010. Gemmules and Elements: On Darwin's and Mendel's Concepts and Methods in Heredity, Journal for General Philosophy 41: 31-58.

U. Deichmann. 2008. Challenging the Protein Dogma of the Gene: Oswald T. Avery – a Revolutionary Conservative, in Oren Harman and Michael Dietrich (eds.), Rebels, Mavericks, and Heretics in Biology, New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 154-173.

U. Deichmann. 2008. Politik und Forschung: Heinrich Wieland und andere Chemiker in der NS-Zeit, in Sibylle Wieland, Anne-Barb Hertkorn, Franziska Dunkel (Hg.), Heinrich Wieland. Naturforscher, Nobelpreisträger und Willstätters Uhr, Wiley-VCH, pp. 81-114.

U. Deichmann. 2008. Different Methods and Metaphysics in Early Molecular Genetics – A Case of Disparity of Research?, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30: 57-82.

U. Deichmann. 2007. “Molecular” versus “Colloidal”: Controversies in Biology and Biochemistry, 1900–1940, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 32: 105-118.

(with Ulrich Charpa), 2007. Problems, Phenomena, Explanatory Approaches – Introduction by the Editors, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, pp. 3-36.

U. Deichmann. 2007. 'I Detest his Way of Working'. Leonor Michaelis (1875-1949), Emil Abderhalden (1877-1950) and Jewish and non-Jewish Biochemists in Germany, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, pp. 101-126.

U. Deichmann. 2007. Empiricism and the Discreteness of Nature: Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1998), the Founder of Microbiology, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, pp. 39-50.

U. Deichmann. 2007. A Brief Review of the Early History of Genetics and its Relationship to Physics and Chemistry, in Wenkel and Deichmann, Max Delbrück in Cologne. An Early Chapter of German Molecular Biology, pp. 3-18.

U. Deichmann, U. Charpa. 2007. Jewish Scientists as Geniuses and Epigones – Scientific Practices and Attitudes towards them: Albert Einstein, Ferdinand Cohn, Richard Goldschmidt, Studia Rosenthaliana 40: 12-55.

U. Deichmann. 2007. Collective Phenomena and the Neglect of Molecules: An Historical Outlook on Biology, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 29: 83-92.


Edited Volumes since 2008

U. Deichmann. 2023. Perils for Science in Democracies and Authoritarian Countries​. European Review, Cambridge University Press. In press.

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, Eds. 2019. Genomic regulation: Experiments, computational modeling and philosophy Journal of Computational Biology. 26.4.  ​

U. Deichmann and M. Morange. eds. 2017. Causality, genomic regulation, and evolution in the post-genomics era. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39.4.

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, A. S. Travis. (2014). The Changing Concept of the Gene: Recurrent Debates on the Causal Role of Genes, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57(1).

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, A. S. Travis. (2012). Synthetic Life. Scientific, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(4).

U. Deichmann, and M. Morange. (2012). Origin of Life. Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Perspectives, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 34(3).

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, and E. Davidson. (2011). Animal evolution as the reformulation of developmental gene regulatory programs: Historical origins and current impact on research and theory, Developmental Biology 357(1).

U. Deichmann, and A. S. Travis. (2010). Special Section: Darwinism and Scientific Practice in Historical Perspective, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 41(1).

U. Deichmann, and A. S. Travis. (2008). Philosophies in Modern Biology, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 30(1).

Edited Books

U. Deichmann, and U. Charpa. (2007). Jews and Sciences in German Contexts. Case  Studies from the 19th and 20th Centuries, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck.

U. Deichmann, and S. Wenkel. (2007)Max Delbrück and Cologne. An Early Chapter of German Molecular Biology, World Scientific Publication.

Anthony (Tony) S. Travis, Senior Research Fellow​


A.S. Travis, Heiko Stoff. Paperback edition 2022.​ "Discovering Chemical Carcinogens: The Case of Aromatic Amines,” in Ernst Homburg and Elisabeth Vaupel, eds, Hazardous Chemicals: Agents of Risk and Change, (New York: Berghahn), 137-178.

A.S. Travis. 2022. "Luigi Casale’s Enterprise: Pioneer of Global Catalytic High-Pressure Industrial Chemistry," in Pierdomenico Biasi, ed., Catalysis Today, Vol. 387: 4-8.


A.S. Travis​. 2022.​“History of Chemical Industry versus Corporate History: Technologies and Products” Carmen Giunta and Jeffrey Seeman, eds., Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, Vol. 47, no. 1: 50-61.

K.H.R Rouwenhorst,  A.S.​ Travis,L. Lefferts. 2022. 1921–2021: A Century of Renewable Ammonia Synthesis, Sustainable Chemistry, 2022, 3, 149–171. 


A.S. Travis​. 2021. “Trade and Industry: New Demands, New Processes and the Emergence of Science-based Chemical Industry,” in Peter Ramberg, ed., A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century, 167-190.


A.S. Travis and J. T. Morris​. 2021. “Trade and Industry: The Growth, Diversification, and Dissolution of a Global Industry,” in Peter J. T. Morris, ed., A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Twentieth Century, 149-172.


A.S. Travis. 2021. First Steps: Synthetic Ammonia in the United StatesSubstantia, Vol. 5, no.1: 55-77.

A.S. Travis​. 2021A Life of Its Own: How Luigi Casale’s Enterprise Launched and Still Nurtures the Global Nitrogen IndustryNewsletter, Historical Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, 44-50.​

A.S. Travis​. 2021. For the Scientific Record: Chemistry, Photography, and Raphael Meldola, Newsletter, Historical Group, Royal Society of Chemistry.

A.S. Travis​. 2020. "High Pressure Apparatus” in Joseph D. Martin and Cyrus C. M. Moody, eds, Between Making and Knowing: Tools in the History of Material Research, 287-296.

A.S. Travis, S. P. Foster and S. Seeger. 2020. “Saccharin beyond Serendipity: A German-American Wechselspiel of Invention and Industry” in Shaul Katzir, Sagi Schaefer and Galili Shahar, Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, Vol. 48, 83-121.​

A. S. Travis. 2019. Chemical modeling: From Paul Ehrlich's dyes to beta blockers: A brief history​. Journal of Computational Biology 26.7: 726-734.

A. S. Travis, B. Friedrich, M. Popplow. 2019. Berlin, Jerusalem, and Karlsruhe: Mark Fritz Haber's 150th birthday. Bunsen Magazin, 21:47-50.

A. S. Travis, B. Friedrich. 2019. The life and work of Fritz Haber revisited on the 150th anniversary of his birth, in Berlin, Jerusalem, and Karlsruhe. RSC Historical Group Newsletter, 76: 56-59.

A.S. Travis. 2017. Essay review of Paul David Blanc, Fake Silk: The lethal history of viscose rayon. New Haven 2016, Yale University Press. In Royal Society of Chemistry, Historical Group Newsletter and Summary of Papers 72.

A. S. Travis and H. Stoff. 2019. Benzidine, Butter Yellow: The Cases of Aromatic Amines and Azo Dyes in the Twentieth Century, Toxic Chemicals, E Homburg and E Vaupel (eds), Berghahn.

A. S. Travis. 2016. The First Decade at the NIMR [National Institute for Medical Research], Mill Hill: The Instruments that Revolutionized Analytical Chemistry, in Overy C, Tansey E M. (eds), Technology, Techniques, and Technicians at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) c.1960–c.2000. Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine, vol. 59. London: Queen Mary University of London.

A. S. Travis. 2015. Nitrogen, Novel High Pressure Chemistry, and the German War Effort, Wheeler Award Lecture 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry Historical Group Occasional Paper.

A. S. Travis. 2012 Raphael Meldola, His Blues and His Times. Biotechnic and Histochemistry 87(4): 288-294.

A. S. Travis. 2010. Raphael Meldola and the Neo-Darwinians. Journal for General Philosophy of Science 41: 89-118.

A. S. Travis. 2009. Raphael Meldola: Natural Selection, the Essex Field Club, and a magnificent area for experimental natural history, Essex Naturalist (new series) 26: 13-38.

A. S. Travis. 2009. A Woman in Biochemistry and Toxicology: The Polish-British Refugee Regina Schoental. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 34: 92-104.

A. S. Travis. (2008). What a Wonderful Empire is the Organic Chemistry. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 33: 1-11.

A. S. Travis. 2008. Models for Biological Research: The Theory and Practice of Paul Ehrlich. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30(1): 79-98.

A. S. Travis. 2007. Anilines: Historical Background, chapter 1 in Z. Rappoport, ed., The Chemistry of Functional Groups: The Chemistry of Anilines. Chichester: Wiley, 1-73.

A. S. Travis. 2007. Manufacture and Uses of the Anilines: A Vast Array of Processes and Products, chapter 13 in Z. Rappoport, ed., The Chemistry of Functional Groups: The Chemistry of Anilines. Chichester: Wiley, 715-782.

A. S. Travis. 2007. Toxicological and Environmental Aspects of Anilines, chapter 15 in Z. Rappoport, ed., The Chemistry of Functional Groups: The Chemistry of Anilines. Chichester: Wile, 835-870.

A. S. Travis. 2007. Mauve and Its Anniversaries. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 32: 35-44.

A. S. Travis. 2007. Unintended Technology Transfer: Reppe Chemistry in the United States. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 32: 27-34.

A. S. Travis. 2007. German-Jewish Chemists and Raphael Meldola: The 1906 Jubilee Celebration for the Discovery of the First Aniline Dye. In Ulrich Charpa and Ute Deichmann, eds, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 51-75.


A. S. Travis, S. Shaik. The history of chemistry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1948-1967. The History of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem series (in Hebrew), Magnes Press, forthcoming.

A.S. Travis. Nitrogen capture: The growth of an international industry (1900-1940). Springer International Publishing:Cham 2018.

A. S. Travis. (2009). On Chariots with Horses of Iron and Fire: The Excursionists and the Narrow Gauge Railroad from Jaffa to JerusalemJerusalem: Magnes.

 Edited Volumes

A.S. Travis. 2017. Globalising synthetic nitrogen: The interwar inauguration of a new industry. Ambix 64:1.

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, A. S. Travis. 2014. The Changing Concept of the Gene: Recurrent Debates on the Causal Role of Genes, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57(1).

U. Deichmann, M. Morange, A. S. Travis. 2012. Synthetic Life. Scientific, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(4)

U. Deichmann, and A. S. Travis. 2010. Special Section: Darwinism and Scientific Practice in Historical Perspective. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 41(1): 55-60.

U. Deichmann, and A. S. Travis. 2008. Philosophies in Modern Biology, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 30(1).


Noa Sophie Kohler, Research Fellow

N.S. Kohler. 2022. What are Jews: interrogating genetic studies and the reification of race. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 100, part B, 1 - 16.

N.S. Kohler. 2021. Negotiating Jewishness through genetic testing in the State of Israel. Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice​ ​30 (2): 36-40.

N.S. Kohler. (2018). The Science, race, ethnicity, and identity workshop conference report. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 96: 209-212.​

N. S. Kohler. (2013). Genes as Jewish History?: Human Population Genetics in the Service of Historians, inside: Race, Color, Identity. Rethinking Discourses about 'Jews' in the Twenty-First Century. Efraim Sicher (ed.). Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 234-246.

N. S. Kohler, and D. Mishmar. (2011). Being part of the Ashkenazi Family: An Integrative Historical, Genealogical and Population Genetics Study of Family Names, in: Avotaynu, The International Review of Jewish Genealogy, pp. 51-53.

Alessandra Passariello ​​

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2017-2019)

A. Passariello. Acidi Nucleici, si, ma quali? Jean Brachet e la spiegazione del differenziamento cellular. In B. Fantini, M. Capocasa, eds, Edizioni ETS, Milano. In press.

A. Passariello. 2019. Review of G. B. Müller (ed), Vivarium: Experimental, Quantitative and Theoretical Biology at Vienna's Biologische Versuchsanstalt. The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology, The MIT Press, 2017. Mefisto, 3.2:153-163.

Ari Barell, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2012-2013)
and Senior Research Fellow (2013-2014, 2015-2017)


A. Barell. (2014). King-Engineer: David Ben-Gurion, Science and Nation Building. Ben-Gurion Research Institute Press.

Chapters in Collective Volumes

A. Barell. 2017. Nationalizing utopia: Theological vision and the salvation plan, in D. Ohana, Nationalizing Judaism: Zionism as a Theological Ideology, London: Lexington. 13-35.

A. Barell. Forthcoming. Knowledge Ecologies and Academia in Israel. The Public Role of Academia. Tel Aviv University Press.


A. Barell and U. Deichmann. 2016. Internationality as moral challenge and practical success: The origin and early development of the Israeli-German Collaboration in the Sciences. Yearbook of the Simon-Dubnow-Institute 15, 341-369.

A. Barell. Research Note: A response to Adi Sapir's Protecting the Purity of Pure Research: Organizational Boundary-Work at an Institute of Basic Research. Minerva 55.1, submitted.

A. Barell and D. Ohana. (2014). ‘The Million Plan’: Zionism, Political Theology and Scientific Utopianism, Politics, Religion & Ideology, published online 6 February.

A. Barell. (2014). The Failure to Formulate a National Science Policy: Israel’s Scientific Council 1948-1959 , Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture 33(1): 85-107.

A. Barell. (2014). ‘The Miracle Maker‘: Science Corps and the Origins of the Israeli Military Research, Review of: Uriel Bachrach, By the Power of Knowledge: The Scientific Corps of the IDF (1948-1952), Cathdra 151: 179-183.

A. Barell. (2012). Zionist Epistemology: David Ben-Gurion’s Politics of Numbers. Iyunim Bitkumat Israel 22:91-121.

A. Barell. (2012). Leviathan and the Academy: Was there an Attempt to Nationalize the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Early Years of the State of Israel? Democratic Culture in Israel and in the world, 13: 7-79. [Hebrew version appeared 2011 in Democratic Culture 13: 7-59].


Cristian Timmerm​ann

C. Timmermann and Z. Robaey. (forthcoming). Agrobiodiversity, the Common Heritage Principle and Market Incentives [German].

C. Timmermann and G. Felix. (2015). Agroecology as a Vehicle for Contributive Justice, Agriculture and Human Values Published online 10 January 2015.

C. Timmermann. (2014). Pesticides and the Patent Bargain, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, published online10 August, pp. 1-19.

C. Timmermann. (2013). Pesticides and the Patent Bargain, Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Hongladarom, Duangmal, Ingkaninun, Phanchinda, and Promngram (eds.), Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, pp. 139-146.

C. Timmermann and G. Felix. (2013). Agroecology Beyond Food, Farming Matters 12: 30-31. (Also translated into Chinese).


Israel B​elfer

I. Belfer. (2014). Information-Laden science, a Hacking-Type Revolution, Proceedings of the International Conference on Philosophy of Information (ICPI 2013), Xian Jiaotong University International Center for Philosophy of Information (XJTU-ICPI), pp. 136-179.

I. Belfer. (2014). Informing Physics: Jacob Bekenstein and the Informational Turn in Theoretical Physics, Physics in Perspective 16(1): 69-97.

I. Belfer. (2014). A Bit of a Revolution – a Hacking Type Information Revolution in Science and Society, submitted to Historical Studies of the Natural Sciences.


Roni Armon​

R. Armon. (2010). Beyond Darwinism’s Eclipse: Functional Evolution, Biochemical Recapitulation and Spencerian Emergence in the 1920s and 1930s. Journal of the General Philosophy of Science, 41: 173-194.


Ahuva​ Gaziel

A. Gaziel. (2011). Questions of Methodology in Aristotle's Zoology: A Medieval Perspective. Journal of the History of Biology.