7. Publications:
(a) Books
1. 1994 - The Fear, the Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac, University Press of America.
2. 1997- Experience of God and the Rationality of Theistic Belief, Cornell University Press.
3. 2001 – Mystical Experience of God, a Philosophical Enquiry (Ashgate Publishers, London)
4. 2003 - “Abraham! Abraham! Kierkegaard and the Hasidim on the Binding of Isaac (Ashgate Publishers, London)
5. 2012 – God's Kindness Has Overwhelmed Us, A Contemporary Doctrine of the Jews as God’s Chosen People (Academic Studies Press)
6. 2016 – This Was from God, A Contemporary Theology of Torah and History (Academic Studies Press)
7. Under Contract – The God of the Jews and the Jewish God (Academic Studies Press)
(b) Articles
1. 1969 - "Suter on Russell on Meinong," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 29, 441-445.
2. 1974 - "Inductive Evidence for Other Minds," Philosophical Studies, 25, 32336.
3. 1974 - "The Simplicity of God," in A. Parush, ed., The Rational and the Irrational (Hebrew), 7077.
4. 1975 - "The Paradox of Omnipotence, and Perfection," Sophia, 14, 3139.
5. 1977 - "The MetaPhilosophy of Religious Language," Nous, 11, 15161.
6. 1977 - "Omnipotence and Impeccability," The New Scholasticism, 51, 15161.
7. 1978 - "The Religious Option is a Genuine Option," Religious Studies, 4, 50514.
8. 1979 - "On Arguing from God's Possibility to His Necessity," Logique et Analysis, 525-26.
9. 1980 - "Theological Realism," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1727.
10. 1982 - "God and Theoretical Entities: Their Cognitive Status," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 13141.
11. 1982 - "Teshuva and Authenticity," Tradition, 24953.
12. 1982 - "Instrumentalism and Realism," (Hebrew), in Kasher and Halamish, eds. Israeli Philosophy, 109-19.
13. 1984 - "Institutional Belief," International Wittgenstein Symposium on Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion, 7881.
14. 1984 - "The Philosophical Hassagot of Rabad on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah," The New Scholasticism, 145-69.
15. 1985 - "Religion as Language," Religious Studies, 21, 159-68.
16. 1987 - "Aesthetics in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook," (Hebrew), in S. Rosenberg and B. IshShalom, eds., Yovel Orot, 15968.
17. 1987 - "The Problem of in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook," (Hebrew), Da'at, 145-55.
18. 1987 - "Orot Haemunah," Jewish Action.
19. 1989 - "Limits of Maximal Power," Philosophical Studies, 55, 329-36.
20. 1989 - "Freedom and Determinism in the Philosophy of Maimonides," in E. Ormsby, ed., Maimonides and His Time, (Washington: Catholic University of America), 139150.
21. 1990 - "Radical Responsibility in the Thought of Maimonides," in Ira Robinson, ed., The Thought of Moses Maimonides, Philosophical and Legal Studies, (New York, Edwin Mellon Press), 249265.
22. 1990 - "Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling," Man and World, 23, 295304.
23. 1991 - "The Love of God in Maimonides' Philosophy," in J. Pelaez, ed., The Life and Work of Maimonides, (Cordoba, El Amendro)
24. 1992 - "Maimonides' `Ravings,'" Review of Metaphysics, 45, 309328.
25. 1992 - "A Hassidic Analysis of Purim," Jewish Action, 2 pages.
26. 1993 - "Sukkot," Jewish Action.
27. 1992 - "A New Look at the Problem of Evil," Faith and Philosophy, 9, 210-216.
28. 1993 - "Religious Diversity and the Epistemic Justification of Religious Belief," Faith and Philosophy, 345-364.
Reprinted in Philosophy of Religion, The Big Questions eds. Michael Murray and Eleonore Stump (Oxford, Blackwell: 1999), pp. 441-453.
29. 1993 - "Maimonides and the Cure-all Book," in Fred Rosner and Samuel Kotteck, eds., Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist and Philosopher (Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson), 189- 197.
30. 1993 - "Abraham and Ambiguity," in A. Segi, ed., Religion and Morality, (Bar-Ilan University Press), 23-39.
31. 1993 - "Naming and Naming God," Religious Studies 29, 193-216.
32. 1993 - "Can Faith Persist in the Presence of Evil?" Tradition, 21-27.
33. 1994 - "Zion and Jerusalem: The Jewish State in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook," (Hebrew) in Iyunim b'Tekumat Yisrael 4, 505-514.
34. 1994 - "Experiencing God's Infinity," American Philosophical Quarterly, 53-61.
35. 1994 - "Spirituality and Poetry," in D. Schatz and L. Kaplan, eds., Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook: Jewish Spirituality, (New York University Press), 88-119.
36. 1994 - "Zion and Jerusalem The Jewish State in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook," in D. Shatz and L. Kaplan, eds., Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook: Jewish Spirituality, (New York University Press), 276-289.
37. 1995 - "Names and Divine Names: Kripke and Gikatillia," in Moshe Koppel and Ely Merzbach eds. Higayon, Studies in Rabbinic Logic, (Zomet Institute), 51-60.
38. 1995 - "Prof. Leibowitz and Religious Experience," (Hebrew), A. Segi, ed., Yeshayahu Leibowitz, (Jerusalem: Keter), 29-38.
39. 1995 - "The Name of God," Nous, 29, 536-543.
40. 1996 - "Illuminating Faith," Jewish Action Reader (NY: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, 1996).
41. 1997 - "The Denial of Free Will in Hassidic Thought," in M. Kellner and B. Maniken, eds., Free Will and Human Responsibility in Jewish Thought (University of Maryland Press).
42. 1997 - "Hasidic Existentialism?" Hazon Nahum (Yeshivah University Press).
43. 1997 - “Hasidism and Modernity,” (Hebrew) Yad L’Ori, editor Shmuel Glick.
44. 1997 - “And Sarah Died,” (Hebrew) Akdamot 2.
45. 1997 - "And Sarah Died," Tradition, 32.
46. 1998 - "Petitionary Prayer," Midwest Studies in Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion.
47. 1998 - “On a Sociological Challenge to the Veridicality of Religious Experience,” Religious Studies 34, 235-251.
48. 1998 - “Epistemic Peer Conflict and Religious Belief,” Faith and Philosophy 15, 229-235.
49. 1998 - “The Figure of Abraham in Hassidic Thought,” Harvard Theological Review
50. 1998 - (with Tamar Ross) - “The Implications of Feminism for Judaism” (Hebrew) in Avi Sagi and Ronen Shamir, eds., MultiCulturalism in a Democratic Jewish State (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1998.
51. 1999 - "The Secret of the Ninth Verse of Rabbi Leiner of Izbica," Haim Marantz, ed., Festschrift in Honor of Walter Ackerman
52. 1999 - Reply to Reese, American Philosophical Association Newsletter.
53. 2000 - “Identifying God in Experience: On Strawson, Sounds, and God’s Space,” in Paul Helm, ed., God and Reference (Curzon Press)
54. 2000 - “Judaic Perspectives on Petitionary Prayer,” in Paul Helm, ed., God and Reference (Curzon Press).
55. 2000 - “ Buber’s Blunder: Buber’s Replies to Scholem and Schatz-Uffenheimer,” Modern Judaism
56. 2000 – “ Prospects for a Sound Stage-3 of Cosmological Arguments,” Religious Studies
--Reprinted in A. Pruss and R. Gale, eds. The Existence of God (2006, Ashgate Academic Press).
57. 2000 – “In Defense of a Contented Exclusivist,” Religious Studies, 36 (2000), 401-417.
-- 2008 - Reprinted in Readings in Philosophy of Religion: East Meets West, ed. Andrew Eshleman, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 374-383.
58. 2001 - “’Fear and Trembling’, Kierkegaard’s Christian Work,” Faith and Philosophy.
59. 2003 - (Hebrew) “Abraham in Early Hasidic Thought,” in M. Halamish and H. Kasher, eds., Abraham in Jewish Tradition (Bar-Ilan University Press).
60. 2001 - “From Experience to God,” in David Shatz, editor, Readings in Philosophy of Religion
61. 2001 – “Feminism and Judaism, A Theological Approach,” C. Kahat, Judaism and Feminism
62. 2001– “The Aqedah in the Thought of David Hartman”
63. 2003 – ‘The Aqedah and Jewish Spirituality,” in Leonard Greenspoon, editor, Jewish Spirituality.
64. 2003 – “The Nature of Religious Experience,” Shalom Hartman Institute
65. 2003- “Loz Leibin: A Reply to Lippman Bodoff, The Edah Journal
66. 2004- “Mysticism,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Revised: 2010)
67. 2004 – “The Kabbalistic Sources of Rav Kook On Repentance,” in Volume Honoring Bracha Zak, ed. Zev Gries.
68. 2004 – “Mysticism,” in William Wainwright, editor, Oxford Handbook in Philosophy of Religion.
69. 2004 - “The Akedah and Covenant Today,” in Two Faiths, One Covenant? eds. Eugene Korn and John Pawlikowski (Sheed & Ward)
70. 2005 - "A New Gettier-Type Refutation of Nozick’s Analysis of Knowledge" Principia, An International Journal of Epistemology, 8, 279-283
71. 2006 - "Wellhausen and the Hasidim," Modern Judaism
72. 2006 – “Hasidism as an Activism,” Religious Studies
73. 2006- “Gender and Sexuality in the Garden of Eden,” Theology and Sexuality, 12, 319-335.
Reprinted in: 2009 – Stephen Hunt, Essays on Sexuality and Religion – Judaism and Islam (Ashgate Publishers).
74. 2006 – “Reb Nachman X2," in Feschrift Honoring Rabbi Natan Lopez-Cardozo
Reprinted in The Tent of Avraham
75. 2007 – “ On Scientific Explanations of Mystical Experience of God,” in William Sweet, editor, Science, Religion, and Philosophy (Ashgate)
76. 2007 - “Maimonides,” in eds. Paul Copan and Chad Meister, The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Religion (Routledge).
77. 2007 – “Beyond Belief: On the Uses of Creedal Confession,” Faith and Philosophy
78. 2008 – "God and Chance," in Joseph Seckbach, ed. Creation and Intelligent Design (Springer Publishing)
79. 2007 – "Conservative Judaism and Biblical Criticism," in Conservative Judaism, pp. 50-67.
80. 2008 – "Quinn's Thin Strategy," in James Kraft and David Basinger, eds. Phillip Quinn and Religious Diversity
81. 2008 - “Credulity and Experience of God,” Philo, 10: 114–124.
82. 2007 – “Mystical Experience of God and the Culture of Science,” M.W.F. Stone (ed.), Reason, Faith, and History: Philosophical Essays for Paul Helm (Ashgate)
83. 2008 – “Contentless Revelation – A Reply to Rabbi Elliot Dorff,” Conservative Judaism.
84. 2009– “The Hiding of the Hiding of God’s face,” in Ingolf Dalferth, ed., The Presence and Absence of God (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009), pp. 57-66.
85. 2008 - “Jewish Mysticism and Morality: Kabbalah and its Ontological Dualities,” Archiv fur Religiongeschichte
86. 2009 - “Jean Paul Sartre, the Mystical Atheist,” European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, Volume 1, 2009.
87. 2009 – “A Critical Study of Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion,” Philo
88. 2009 - “Jean Paul Sartre, the Mystical Atheist,” (Hebrew) Volume in Memory of Prof. Schwartz, ed. Yoseph Schwartz.
89. 2012 – “Judaism and Buddhism,” in Alon Goshen-Gottstein and Eugene Korn, Jewish Theology and World Religions, Littman Library, Oxford University Press.
90. 2010 – “On God, Suffering, and Theodical Individualism,” European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, 1, 187-191.
91. 2011 – "A Problem for Alston's Doxastic Practice," Philo 13: 23-38.
92. 2013 - "Omniscience in Context," in Chad Meister, ed., in Debating Christian Theism (Oxford University Press)
93. 2011 - "I Called to God from a Narrow Place – A Wide Future for Philosophy of Religion," European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
94. 2012 – "The God of the Jews and the Jewish God," Routledge Companion to Theism
95. 2012 - “Tradition and Modernity: Jewish Religious Identity in Israel and Attitudes to Palestinians and Arabs” Forum Bosnae
Reprinted in: Jerusalem Review, Volume 7, 2012.
Reprinted in Forum Bonsai, 56, as “Tradicija i modernost: Jevrejski religijski identitet u Izraelu i stavovi prema Palestincima”.
96. 2013 - “Constancy of Faith? Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Kierkegaardian Leap of Faith,” in The Authenticity of Faith in Kierkegaard’s Philosophy, Edited by Tamar Aylat-Yaguri and Jon Stewart (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), pp. 49-60
2015 – Hebrew Translation in Tamar Yaguri and Yakov Golomb, eds. Kierkegaard and Faith (Carmel Press).
97. 2013 - “Experience of Evil and Support for Atheism,” in Companion to the Problem of Evil, eds. Justin McBrayer and Dan Howard-Snyder (Blackwell)
98. 2012 - “A Theistic, Universe-Based, Theodicy of Human Suffering and Immoral Behavior,” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
99. 2015 - “Through the Thick and Thin: Support for Theism from Theistic Experience,” Acumen Handbook for Philosophy of Religion, ed. Graham Oppy.
Forthcoming - Polish translation in Stanisław Krajewski, Religious Experience
100. 2014– “Moses Mendelsohn on Idolatry,” (Hebrew) Iyun
101. 2015 – “What are They Doing Here? Jews in the Global Apartment House,” in Solidarity Beyond Borders: Ethics in a Globalising World, edited by Anna Abram and Janusz Solomon (Bloomsbury Academic Publishers).
102. 2017 - “Position Paper,” in Models of Divinity, eds. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis (Acumen Publishing).
103. 2017 - “First Response,” in Models of Divinity, eds. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis (Acumen Publishing).
104. 2017 - “Second Response,” in Models of Divinity, eds. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis (Acumen Publishing).
105. 2016 – “Halevi, Wyschogrod, and the Chosen People,” in A. Segal and D. Frank, eds., Jewish Philosophy Past and Present: Contemporary Responses to Classical Sources (Taylor and Francis/Routledge).
106. Forthcoming - “Introduction” The History of Evil from the Mid-20th century to Today (1950-2010), ed. Jerome Gellman (Acumen Press).
107. 2016 - “Jewish Chosenness and Religious Diversity – A Contemporary Approach” in Robert McKim, ed. Religious Perspectives on Religious Diversity. (Brill)
108. 2015 – “On a New Logical Problem of Evil,” Faith and Philosophy
109. 2015 – “On an Alleged Proof of Atheism: Reply to John Park,” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
110. 2016 – “My Jewish Theology of Jesus,” Theology Today
111. 2017 – “Wardian Trinity and the Stubborn Jews,” Philosophia Christi
112. 2017 – “A Remaining Non-Inferential Problem of Evil,” Faith and Philosophy
113. Forthcoming- “It is Logically Impossible for Everlasting God to Fall into Boredom," Religious Studies
114. Forthcoming – “Truth, Telic Truth, and Inter-Religious Understanding,” in Alon Goshen Gottstein, Truth and Inter-Religious Dialogue (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books)
115. Forthcoming – “On Behalf of Rock-Bottom Religious Exclusivism,” in K. Schilbrack (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Religious Diversity (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers)
1. 1978 - Review Essay of Basil Mitchell's, The Justification of Religious Belief, Philosophia,
2. 1987 - Review of A. Blum's Logic, Part I, Philosophia.
3. 1991 - Review of Harvey E. Goldberg, ed., Judaism Viewed from Within and from Without; Anthropological Studies, in Israel Social Science Research.
4. 1991 - "Between Rationalism and Mysticism, A Review Essay," in Jewish Action.
5. 1991 - Review of Zeev Levy's, David Baumgardt and Ethical Hedonism, Jewish Quarterly Review.
6. 1993 - Review of Martin Buber, The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, The Origin and Meaning of Hasidism, and The Eclipse of God, Studies in the Relation Between Religion and Philosophy, in American Philosophical Association Newsletter.
7. 1996 - Review of Nehemia Polen, The Holy Fire, in Jewish Action.
8. 1997 - Review of Elizabeth S. Radcliffe and Carol J. White, editors, Faith in Theory and Practice, Essays on Justifying Religious Belief (Open Court, 1993), in American Philosophical Association Newsletter.
9. 1997 - Review of Avraham Shapira, The Kabbalistic and Hasidic Sources of A. D. Gordon's Thought (Hebrew) in Iyunim b'Tekumat Yisrael.
10. 1997 - Review of J. Jordan and D. Howard-Snyder, eds., Faith, Freedom, and Rationality, Philosophy of Religion Today, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews.
11. 1997 - Review of Todd C. Moody, Does God Exist? in Canadian Philosophical Reviews.
12. 1997 - Review of Timothy A. Robinson, ed., God, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews.
13. 1997 - Review of William Reese Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, in American Philosophical Association Newsletter.
14. 2000 - Review of S. Schuster, Philosophical Practice, Iyyun
15. 2000 – Review of Norman Lamm, The Religious Thought of Hasidism, Text and Commentary, in Jewish Action
16. 2001- Review of Matthew Bagger, Religious Experience, Justification, and History, in Faith and Philosophy
17. 2002 – Review of Netivot Shalom in Jewish Action
18. 2003- “Review of Jonathan Adler, Beliefs Own Ethics,” Iyun, Israeli Journal of Philosophy
19. 2004- Review of Elliot N. Dorff, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, A Jewish Approach to Modern Personal Ethics, Moed - Annual for Jewish Studies
20. 2004 – Review of “Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” ed. Oliver Lehman Daniel H. Frank, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
21. 2006 – Review of Shaul Magid, Hasidism on the Margin, in Polin, A Journal of Polish Jewish Studies
22. 2006 – Review of Steven M. Cahn, Ten Essential Texts in the Philosophy of Religion, Classics and Contemporary Issues, in American Philosophical Association Newsletter
23. 2007 - Review of Rynhold, Daniel, Two Models of Jewish Philosophy: Justifying One's Practices, Journal of Religion
24. 2008 – Review of Yohanatan Blass, Minofet Tzufim, Jewish Action.
25. 2009 - Review of Michael Kogan, Opening the Covenant, Journal of Religion
26. 2009- Review of Chana Safrai and Avital Hochstein, Women in and Women Out, Nashim Journal
27. 2010 – Review of Gordon Graham, Re-enchantment of the World, Mind
28. 2010 – Review of The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy, from Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century, Steven Nadler and T. M. Rudavsky, editors, Cambridge University Press, 2009, Faith and Philosophy
29. 2011– "Review of Two Books on the God of the Old Testament," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
30. 2102 – Review of Samuel Fleishhacker, Divine Teaching and the Way of the World, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
31. 2013- Review of: Howard Wettstein, The Significance of Religious Experience, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
32. 2016 – Review of Samuel Fleischacker, The Good and the Good Book, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
33. 2017 - Review of Richard H. Jones, Philosophy of Mysticism, Raids on the Ineffable,
34. 2017 - Review of Peter Chong-Beng Gan, Dialectics and the Sublime in Underhill’s Mysti-cism
35. 2017- Review of Richard Swinburne, “The Coherence of Theism,” Reading Religion (Ameri-can Academy of Religion)