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​Lab Members


Pr​​​​​of. Guy Roth
Lab Director​​​

Guy is a professor at Ben-Gurion University's School of Education and the head of the Educational Psychology Program.

His research focuses on adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation, drawing on self-determination theory, which defines adaptive regulation as autonomous (rather than controlled). His studies explore emotion regulation in both educational and social contexts, examining factors that promote or hinder adaptive regulation in parent-child and teacher-student relationships. This research is conducted through a combination of lab and fieldwork, utilizing diverse methodologies.

Guy serves as an Associate Editor for the British Journal of Educational Psychology and is a board member of the Journal of Experimental Education.                            More info

Gal Kahana

​Lab Manager

Gal is an M.A. student in the Educational Psychology Program. 
Her research focuses on the dual nature of reappraisal in emotion regulation, exploring how defensive motives can lead to negative mental health outcomes.​

Pos​​tdocto​ral Research Students

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Dr. Reut Nahum​​

Reut is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Education.
She is interested in researching motivation, parenting, and emotional regulation. In her research, she examined the relationship between the motivation to have children and parental behaviors and the emotional-social development of children.
In her postdoctoral research, Reut focuses on the relationship between adaptive emotional regulation and flexibility in emotional regulation, and on various motives for regulation.​​

​Ph.D. Students​

Tal Lev​​kovitz

Tal is a PhD student in the Department of Education and a certified educational psychologist.​​
She is interested in the definition of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation and its relation to well-being.

Nurit Kochavi

Nurit is the Director of the Parenting and Family Center at Kay College and a PhD student at the School of Education.
Nurit’s research focuses on the relationship between conditional and unconditional parental regard and the child's emotion regulation style.

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Meyrav Rehavi

Meyrav is a senior counselor in the Ministry of Education, Rural and Boarding Schools Sector, and a PhD student at the Department of Education.
She is interested in the relations between the characteristics of the educational environment and non-suicidal Self-injury in adolescents.


Rozital Meserman Azoulay

Rozital is a PhD student in the Department of Education and a certified educational psychologist.
Her research focuses on the relationship between emotion regulation, decision-making, sexual risk, and sexual agency.

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Bar Lipeles Alon

Bar is a PhD student in the Department of Education and an educational psychology intern.​​
She is interested in mothers' integrative emotion regulation as a predictor of autonomy support and adaptive regulation of anger among adolescents.



Tali Fried

Tali is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Education, specializing in curriculum and teaching.​
She is interested in the definition and consequences of adaptive regulation of positive emotions.​

Master's Research Students​​​


Mark Barkan

Mark is an M.A. student in the Educational Psychology Program.
In his research, he is interested in the relationship between parental characteristics and the child's emotion regulation style.

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Yaara Elimelech

Yaara is an M.A. student in the Educational Psychology Program.‏​




Dr. Yael Ostrricher Ashkenazy

Yael managed the lab and is now a certified educational psychologist. Her research focuses on the relationship between emotion regulation, empathy, and support for conciliatory policies in the context of intergroup conflicts.


Dr. Tamara Buzukashvili​

Tamara was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Education and a lecturer in the Educational Counseling Program. 
Her research explores aspects of motivation and the development of personal and professional identity across different cultural contexts. She is particularly interested in the relationship between emotion regulation, empathy, and the willingness to engage in reconciliation among groups. Her current work focuses on the role of integrative emotion regulation in shaping the connection between perceptions of collective victimhood and reconciliation within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.​

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Dr. Anat Kessler

Anat is the head of Teaching Internship Unit at Kay College.
Her research focuses on the relationship between integrative emotion regulation, empathy, and prosocial behavior.​


Ilan was a PhD student and serves as the Regional Educational Psychologist for the Southern District.​​


Dr. Nitsan Scharf
Nitsan was a Ph.D student in the Department of Education.
She is interested in the relationship between flexible emotion regulation and individuals' adjustment to stressful events.​​

Dr. Yehonatan Sharabi

Yehonatan was a PhD student in the Department of Education and is now a certified educational psychologist. 
His research focused on how different emotion regulation patterns are linked to adolescents' ability to learn from academic failures.