​​​The Department of Health Policy and Management has ten senior faculty members, divided between those appointed at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FOHS) and those appointed at the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management (GGFBM). While faculty members appointed by GGFBM tend to be more oriented to health economics and management and FOHS-appointed faculty are more oriented to public health and policymaking related research, in practice, this distinction is of little relevance. Combined, our faculty members’ areas of expertise cover all of the core aspects of Health Systems Management: disaster medicine, epidemiology and public health, ethic​s, health economics, health equity and global health, health policy, health promotion, human resources in health, operations management, organizational behavior in health systems, health technology assessment, pharmacoeconomics, medical decision making and sociology of health and illness.

Most of our researchers have close ties and deep familiarity with the healthcare system in Israel, which give them a broad perspective and understanding of the problems of the Israeli (and other) healthcare system. Moreover, the department’s members are active in health-related associations, and many are also members of national health policy advisory committees and serve on international committees and advisory boards, and are thus involved in health policymaking on both national and international levels.

The Department's ethos is highly collaborative: members work together (as well as with colleagues from other departments, faculties and institutions) on joint research projects and supervise research students together. This cooperation leads to a culture of inquiry and exploration and to fertile research.

Our excellence in research is also reflected by the number of competitive research grants (such as ISF and NIHP) received by department members in recent years and by publications in professional journals.
