| The Faculty of Engineering Sciences is the largest among the Five Faculties at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Nearly 6,500 students attend the Faculty's undergraduate and graduate programs, obtaining B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in different areas of discipline in Engineering among those who are unique only to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Graduates of our Faculty pursue successful careers in the industry, in different Research Institutes, Academics and various Industries. |
The Faculty of Engineering Sciences is a faculty which is multidisciplinary and therefore provides an attraction for researchers and students to be able to advance in the industry in Israel and worldwide. The Faculty of Engineering Sciences is focused on innovative research and teaching methods that expand knowledge through collaboration and mutual respect between Faculty Members and Students and Administrative Staff.
Since 1967, the Faculty of Engineering Sciences has educated leaders in all areas of technology, while establishing a challenging and stimulating intellectual Environment, drawing first-rate researchers and students and contributing to industrial innovations in Israel and the Negev. More than 20,000 engineers and researchers have graduated from the Faculty and developed careers in science, industry, and government, influencing the development of technology and society at large.
Through the Faculty's Industrial Affiliates Program, We collaborate closely with many of the industries corporations both in Israel and worldwide, in many different ways: prizes and scholarships for top students, corporate sponsorships for special courses, support for research as well as teaching and research laboratories, 'spotlight days' for recruiting students, Graduates programs, Seminars and Guest Lecturers to learn more about the latest innovations.
Interdisciplinary Research at The Faculty of Engineering Sciences, in keeping with our commitment to work across disciplinary boundaries and reach out to industry, many Faculty of Engineering researchers are members of Faculty-wide, University-wide, and inter-university research institutes and initiatives; Medical Informatics Research Center, The Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology (IKI), The National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN), The VLSI Systems Center, The Blechner Center for Industrial Catalysis and Process Development, The Medical Informatics Research Center and The Pearlstone Center for Aeronautical Engineering Studies.
The Faculty’s ethos is highly collaborative, and many of our researchers are engaged with colleagues, both in Israel and abroad, in interdisciplinary projects. Programs in new technologies, such as renewable energies, cyber security, software engineering, big data, nanotechnology, robotics, and electro-optics in particular, have generated academic programs, interdisciplinary centers, and research Laboratories whose work extends beyond traditional departmental boundaries.
· Biomedical Engineering
· Biotechnology Engineering
· Chemical Engineering
· Communication Systems Engineering
· Computer Engineering
· Data Engineering
· Electrical and Computer Engineering
· Industrial Engineering & Management
· Information Systems Engineering
· Materials Engineering
· Mechanical Engineering
· Software Engineering (in collaboration with the Dept. of Computer Science)
· Structural Engineering
· Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (Nanotechnology)
· Electrical & Computer Engineering and Physics
· Electrical & Computer Engineering and Mathematics
· Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
· Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
· Industrial Engineering & Management and Mathematics
· Materials Engineering and Physics
· Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering
· Mechanical Engineering and Physics
· Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics
· Structural Engineering and Geology
We aim to provide a rigorous, challenging, and inspiring education at the highest international standards of excellence. We offer interdisciplinary studies and combined programs that offer double majors with various departments in Engineering' and with other departments such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and more.
· Biomedical Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Biotechnology Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Chemical Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Communication Systems Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Electrical & Computer Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Electro-Optical and Photonics Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Energy Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Environmental Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Industrial Engineering & Management (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Information Systems Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Materials Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Mechatronics Engineering (M.Sc.)
· Nuclear Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Safety Engineering and Management (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Structural Engineering (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
· Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)
The Faculty of Engineering Sciences, allows exceptional students during their first degree to study in a special fast program path for their second degree (Meitar Program), third degree (Lehavim Program) and a direct study program for their Doctorate Degree.
Our goal is to develop, through a synergy of innovative teaching and research, a cadre of technological leaders capable of solving the problems facing contemporary society by means of comprehensive and exact scientific inquiry, without losing sight of the implications of technology on human beings.
We aim to be counted among the Leading Engineering Faculties in the world. Our mission, as scientists and citizens, is to generate and advance the frontiers of knowledge in technology, and to use that knowledge for the benefit of Research infrastructures and teaching, and recruiting exceptional faculty members to join our team.
We strive to strengthen our existing Research Centers, with Academic Institution and to increase our collaboration with Academic Institutions and industry companies in Israel and around the world.
Candidates who are accepted to The Faculty of Engineering Sciences will have the opportunity to study within a faculty of a high standards and quality, in a very dynamic, vigorous environment that is attentive to their needs.
I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a productive Academic Year, and a challenging enjoyable experience.
Prof. Yaniv Gelbstein

The Faculty of Engineering Sciences