
Jun. 20, 2022

M5 - Joyce Goldman Auditorium at the Faculty of Health Sciences






Registration and coffee


Opening remarks

Prof. Raz Jelinek 


​Keynote Speaker​

Pr​of. Dina Ben-Yehuda
The Hebrew University


Genomic Session 


2000 Genomes - Associated Genotype to Phenotype and Uncovering New Pathways and diseases genes​​

Prof. Yuval Tabach​
The Hebrew University


Data and Genomics in the service of medical decisions​​

Prof. Noam Shomron
Tel-Aviv University


The Impact of US County-Level Factors on ​COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality​​​​

Prof. ​Yuval Shahar, MD, PhD, FACMI, FMIAHSI
Head, Medical Informatics Research Center​, BGU


Coffee break


EMR Session 


Time-course analysis of multiple endpoints in real-world medical data, with an example on hospitalized COVID-19 patients​

Anat Reiner-Benaim, PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences​


Causal inferenc​e for infectious diseases​

Daniel Nevo, PhD, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Tel Aviv University​​​


The Age of Predictive Medicine

Ben Reis, PhD, Director, Predictive Medicine Group, Harvard Medical School

​Prof. Angel Porgador,
​Dean​ of the Health Sciences, School of Public Health, BGU


Poster's Session + Lunch 


Epidemiology Session 

​Quantitative​ Environmental Surveillance: the Case of Estimation of Polio Prevalence and Sensitivity of Detection

Dr. ​​​​​Yakir berchenko

​​New Advances In Satellite Based Exposure Modeling: Lessons Learned Fr​om Models In The USA, Mexico, Israel and Europe​

Prof.​ Itai Kloo​g


​Utilizing AI and data to pro​​​mote proactive and preventative medicine

Ori Magen, MD, Public health resident and clinical product manager, Clalit Innovation​​​


Big Data and Us, Mortals

Prof. Victor Novack MD, 
founding director of Andre Deloro Cohen Soroka-BGU Medical Research Institute and Head of the R&D Authority at Soroka University Medical Center


Call for Posters

Submission Instructions

We invite poster presentations on recent work in all areas of AI and Big Data in Medical and Public Health Sciences, and closely related fields.

We accept both published and unpublished work, provided that it represents recent and original work of interest to our audience.

To participate, please send us by email to eldin@bgu.ac.il  in one pdf file:

  1. Title

  2. Authors and affiliations

  3.  Abstract (up to 250 words)

​Submission deadline27.05.2022 

Visiting​​​​ BGU​​

You can reach Ben-Gurion University of the Negev by car or public transportation.
  • Car - take highway 4 south from Tel-Aviv, switch to highway 41 East in Ashdod and then follow highway 40 South to Beer-Sheva.

  • Israel Railways schedule and fares (in English and Hebrew) information at 03-5774000
    or 04-8564444. Get off at Beer Sheva north station. Take the Mexico Bridge to the campus.

  • Egged Bus Service schedule and fares (in English and Hebrew ) information at 03-6948888. 
    Get off at Reger Road and Ben-Gurion Boulevard intersection. (bottom left corner of map above.)

  • Metropoline Bus Service schedule and fares (in Hebrew only ) information at *5900 
    e-mail: info@metropoline.com. Get off at Reger Road and Ben-Gurion Boulevard intersection. (bottom left corner of map )



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