The purpose of this DSRC@BGU and HIDA Summer Exchange is to bring together data science talent from both institutions to work together on predefined research projects. These projects should advance the participant's skillset in the application and, or research or, information and data science methods. Principal investigators (PI) shall welcome the other institution's participants in their labs and to their teams, and ensure that they have the necessary support and resources to succeed in their projects. The participating researchers shall share credit for the results of the project. This hands-on experience at each other's institutions shall serve as the foundation for ongoing scientific collaboration between Helmholtz centers and BGU.

​The exchange program is open to Bachelor and Master students, as well as to doctoral researchers and postdocs at BGU. At Helmholtz, the program is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs.

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​About ​H​​​IDA

HIDA offers training in Information and Data Science to doctoral researchers and postdocs. As a central forum and innovation hub, HIDA facilitates the interdisciplinary exchange of Data Science expertise between all of the Helmholtz Centers and research fields. HIDA connects six regional Helmholtz Information and Data Science Schools and ensures exchange between them. What's more, HIDA cooperates with top-level universities and research institutions nationally and internationally to further knowledge exchange in Data Science methods and skills within the Helmholtz Association and beyond.

Visit HIDA website »


What can participating students expect?

* Interesting and challenging data science problems that expand participants' skillsets and knowledge of methodologies

* Experienced scientists that mentor and support their professional development in data science methods and their application in the six Helmholtz domains


DSRC@BGU will cover living expenses for their participants' six-week stay at the HIDA lab. In return, HIDA finances Helmholtz participants' stays at BGU).

 Registration Form​ for Students »

​Questions? Feedback? Get in touch with Racheli Eldin (


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