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Fig. 1. Schematic outline of water-balance monitoring system for Yatir Forest study.

Vast amounts of water on the earth’s surface are constantly recycled between the land and oceans - and the atmosphere​. For a confined area, which allows researchers to ignore water input from sources other than precipitation (rivers, lakes, etc.), a relatively simple equation can be written down to describe the balance of water:

Precipitation = Evapo​ration + Transpiration + Runoff + Recharge + Storage,


  • Evaporation is the direct evaporative loss of water from the ground to the atmosphere;

  • Transpiration is the passage of water through the plants and its release into the atmosphere;

  • Runoff is the net surface-movement of water out of the system;

  • Recharge is the percolation of water through soil to the water table; and

  • Storage denotes the amount of water stored in the soil profile.​