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Water scarcity in semi-arid and arid regions is the hallmark of desert formation and the basis of dryland vulnerability to land degradation. Thus, creative and effective management of water resources is critical to reversing desertification and restoring the health of degraded drylands. At the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, part of the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, active projects are under way in Israel, Africa and Asia.

Foiling Salinization of Topsoil
When expanding agriculture in rural arid regions, planners will often exploit local marginal water resources, namely recycled wastewaters or inferior-grade groundwater. Injudicious use of these waters for irrigating crops will lead to salt buildup in fields that damages plants and reduces fertility, one aspect of desertification.

Israel’s Jezreel Valley, a formerly marshy ecosystem with limited agricultural potential, underwent considerable drainage work in the 1980s to turn the semi-arid Valley into a fertile basin for farming. Crop irrigation to improve yields was introduced by constructing a series of artificial reservoirs that stored recycled urban wastes. However, farmers found that land adjoining the reservoirs became saline and unusable, an entirely unexpected development.

Zuckerberg Institute researchers used studies of underground water movement to explain this problem. Applying hydrochemical and isotope tracing studies, they found that the reservoirs partially blocked the normal outflow of the low-lying salt-rich groundwater. Therefore, low-salt irrigation water mixed with the saline ground water, which built up close to the soil surface. Evaporation of this water by solar heat left the salts behind, producing a saline topsoil unfit for farming.

Uncovering the mechanism of salineation enabled an approach for reversing the soil degradation. Combined horizontal drains with deep vertical shafts were introduced into the partially confined, shallow saline aquifer, releasing the groundwater pressure buildup. This allowed washing, drying and aeration of the topsoil for reintroduction of sustainable, intensive agriculture in the abandoned fields.

Managing Reduced Water Resources
Governmental decisions to divert water from one area to another can result in serious developmental and social problems. During the Soviet regime, water taken from remote basins in the Kazakhstan Republic undermined land reclamation schemes. Overzealous exploitation of these water systems led to soil degradation and contamination of surface as well as groundwater in the water-deprived areas. This engendered a deterioration of public health due to consumption of low-quality domestic water and food.

Researchers of the Zuckerberg Institute investigated the agriculture and hydrology of the Ily River delta, a region negatively affected by the diversion scheme. Field data were collected and combined with numerical and management strategies. By quantitatively characterizing the complex hydrological features of the region, the scientists devised cost-effective recommendations to mediate the damaging effects of human activities on the region’s agriculture.

Novel Ways of Storing Fresh Water
A significant fraction of world deserts are covered by “takyr” soil. This clay-based material has low water permeability, rapid runoff characteristics, and a high level of salinity. Developing “takyr” regions for intensive agriculture is therefore a major challenge.

Scientists at the Blaustein Institute for Desert Research have designed a novel approach to conserving runoff in the “takyr.” By setting up an infiltration basin at an appropriate location in the local watershed and digging special “submerging wells,” precipitation can be funneled into the ground to create a layer of fresh water over the saline water table. This so-called “artificial lens of fresh groundwater” floats like oil above the high-density, salt-rich groundwater.

The group has carried out a long-term study determining the quantity of water that can be stored in the “lens” and how this changes with weather conditions and soil and water-table properties. They found that a long period of drought causes the “lens” water to spread out and change its shape, making retrieval much more difficult. The researchers are now carrying out both experimental and modeling studies to better understand the physical chemical process taking place in the artificial lens to achieve longer-term stability. At any rate, in Turkmenistan deserts, these “lenses” are often the only source of fresh water available for small farms and livestock husbanders.

Water Harvesting to Combat Desertification
Dwindling vegetation coverage in regions with nascent desertification encourages desertification. With expanded surface exposure, the pelting of strong occasional rains breaks down spongy soil-aggregates, which then turn into a dense, particulate crust that retards entry of water into the ground. Downpour runoff increases, producing turbulent flows down the incline that detach loose surface particles, generally the most fertile layer of soil. Thus the land becomes less supportive for natural vegetation as well as for local farmers and pasturalists.

In order to increase vegetative coverage in arid regions, it is essential to increase the effective supply of water to the degraded land. One approach widely used since ancient times is water harvesting. Here naturally generated runoff from a largewatershed area is trapped by ground modifications that bring the flow into a much smaller expanse. Thus the quantity of precipitation concentrated in the receiving area will greatly exceed meteorologically measured rainfall.

Researchers at the Blaustein Institute for Desert Research have adapted this approach for the simultaneous production of firewood and fodder in a system known as runoff agroforestry. Productivity is further increased by planting an “intercrop” between rows of trees. This highly effective technique is extremely suitable for arid environments, and allows farmers to increase their yields of various agricultural products.

The BIDR investigators established a runoff agroforestry system in the dry Turkana district of Northern Kenya. Growing shallow-rooting annuals and deep-rooting perennials, the system takes advantage of blue leaf wattle (Acacia saligna) as the tree component, due to its drought resistance, and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) as intercrops. Studies showed that trees grew particularly well, and when the soil was deep enough, large volumes of runoff water could be stored underground, producing high yields of intercrops.

In order to advance use of blue leaf wattle in reversing desertification, the effects of different growing conditions on tree performance were evaluated in Israel’s Negev desert. Flood scheduling, supplemental drip irrigation timing, and irrigation water qualities on tree growth were measured. Appropriate conditions for strengthening tree survival were determined. In addition, pollarding of the wattle (cutting low-lying branches down to the trunk) was investigated to increase sunlight entering the forest floor and improving intercrop growth. This procedure was found not to affect root numbers, and after a year of re-growth the development of roots, trunk, branches and the plant’s unusual variety of leaves (phyllodes) was satisfactory, independent of the watering treatment applied. These studies further strengthened the value of blue leaf wattle for runoff agroforestry and fighting desertification.

Meteorology and Climatology
Water scarcity is the key factor in the development arid and semi-arid landscapes. In Israel, where the annual rainfall is far below 500 mm, the country suffers from acute water scarcity and is characterized b​y large desert and semi-desert regions. An understanding of meteorological processes and climatic change are therefore essential for projecting the possible worsening of water availability, with its implications for Israel’s economic development, particularity in the areas of agriculture, population expansion, and water-intensive industrial ventures.Meteorology researchers at the BIDR Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics are investigating the factors involved in atmospheric circulation systems in the Mediterranean region and how these affect regional rainfall; they also examine the effects of climatic change and the El Niסo system on the weather and climate in Israel. It has been long appreciated that an important fraction of precipitation can come from water evaporating from the local land mass and its return as rainfall. An advanced analytical model designed by the BIDR Meteorology Group provides an improved estimation of this recycling effect, and may provide an better understanding of how local vegetation, forestation, or deforestation affects regional rainfall and climate. The model also helps elucidate how atmospheric circulation — an important parameter included in its formulation — influences the appearance of anomalous dry or wet conditions.​

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