Authored books:
Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab, 2008, "מודרות ואהובות: סיפורי חייהן של נשים בדוויות משכילות" (“Excluded and Loved: Educated Bedouin Women's Life Stories”), Eshkolot & Magnes Publisher (Hebrew)
Editorship of collective volumes:
Motzafi-Haller, Pnina & Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab. (2009). The Politics of Gendered Development (special issue), Hagar: Studies in Culture, Policy and Identities, Ben-Gurion University
Co-Edited books:
1. Nasasrah Mansur, Richter-Devroe, Abu-Rabia-Queder Sarab & Radclif Richard (Eds.) 2015. The Naqab Bedouin and Colonialism: New Perspectives, Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict,
Routledge, United Kingdom. (
2. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Weiner, Naomi. Eds. (2010). ""נשים פלסטיניות בישראל: זהות, יחסי כוח והתמודדות" ("Palestinian Women in Israel: Identity, Power Relations and Coping"), Jerusalem: Van-Leer Press, Hakibutz Hameukhad (Hebrew)
Chapters in collective volumes:
1. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2012). Bedouin girl's education in Israel, Jacqueline Waldaren & Ignacy-Marek Kaminski, Eds. Learning from the Children: Culture and Identity in Changing Worlds. Oxford: Berghahn Publisher.pp. 35 – 53 [reprinted]
2. Motzafi-Haller, Pnina & Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2009). The Politics of Gendered Development. A special issue of the journal Hagar. Vol 9, 1. (English)
3. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2007). Education, tradition and modernization: Bedouin girls in Israel, Valentine, Moghadam, Ed. From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. N.Y: Syracuse University Press .pp.180-203
4. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2006). 'They felt I raped a role that was not supposed to be mine': First woman principal in traditional tribal society, Oplatka, Izhar & Hertz-Lezrowitz, Rachel Eds. Women Principals in a Multicultural Society: New Insights into Feminist Educational Leadership. Netherlands: Sense Press. pp.123-139
5. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2005). Feminism and post-colonialism at the Arab-Bedouin educational system in the Negev, Champagne, Donald & Abu-Saad, Ismael Eds. Education, Social Development and Empowerment among Indigenous Peoples and Minorities: International Perspectives. Beer-Sheva, Israel: The Negev Center for Regional Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. pp. 217-235
6. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (Forthcoming). פריצת גבולות מרחביים ומגדריים על ידי נשים בדוויות"" (Breaking spatial and gender borders by Bedouin women), Karplus, Yuval & Meir, Avinoam, Eds. Structuring Bedouin Space. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press (Hebrew).
7. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2012). סובייקטיביות במחקר נרטיבי: המקרה של מחקר פמיניסטי ילידי"" (Subjectivity in narrative study: The case of indigenous feminist research), Specktor-Marzel, Gabriela & Mashih -Tuval, Rivka, Eds. Narratives and Research: Creation, Interpretation and Criticism. Tel-Aviv: Mophet Center, pp.155-177 (Hebrew)
8. Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2005). מתמודדות מתוך שוליות: שלושה דורות של נשים בדוויות בנגב"" ("Coping from the margins: three generations of Negev Bedouin women"), Yanaay, Niza Berkoviz, Nitza & Dahan-Kalev, Henriet Eds. Gender, Space and Periphery: Women in the South. Beer-Sheva, Midreshet Ben-Gurion. pp. 86-109 (Hebrew)
Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals:
* The Paradox of Professional Marginality among Arab-Bedouin Women, Sociology. 52 :2016, (1-17) IF:2.165, JR:13/142 in sociology, Q1 (
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Weiner-Levy, Naomi (Forthcoming). Between local and foreign structures: Exploring the agency of Palestinian women in Israel. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Yuval, Karplus (2012). Regendering space and reconstructing identity: Bedouin women's translocal mobility into Israeli-Jewish institutions of higher education, Gender, Place and Culture; A Journal of Feminist Geography, 1-17.
* Weiner-Levi, Naomi & Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2012). Researching my people, researching the “other”: Field experiences of two researchers along shifting positionalities, Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 46 (4), 1151-1165
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2011). Higher education as a platform for cultural transition: The case of the first educated Bedouin women in Israel, Higher Education Quarterly, 65 (2), 186-205
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Arar, Khaled (2011). Gender and higher education in different national spaces: Palestinian women studying in Israeli and Jordanian universities, Compare: Journal of International and Comparative Education, 41 (3), 1-18
* Arar, Khaled & Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2011). Turning points in the lives of two pioneer Arab women principals in Israel, Gender & Education, 23 (4), 415-429
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2008). Politics of conformity: Power for creating change, Ethnology: An International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology, 47 (4), 209-225
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Weiner–Levi, Naomi (2008). Identity and gender in cultural transitions: Returning home from higher education as “internal immigrants” among Bedouin and Druze women in Israel, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 14 (6), 665-682
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2008). Does education necessarily mean enlightenment? The case of Palestinian Bedouin women in Israel, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 39 (4), 381-400
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab & Oplatka, Izhar (2008). The power of femininity among female leadership in Bedouin society: Exploring the gender and ethnic experiences of Muslim women who accessed the supervisory, Journal of Educational Administration, 46 (3), 396-415
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2007). Permission to rebel: Arab Bedouin women changing negotiation of social roles, Feminist Studies, 33 (1), 161-187
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2007). Coping with “forbidden love” and loveless marriage: Educated Bedouin women from the Negev, Ethnography, 8 (3), 297-323
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2007). The activism of Bedouin women: Social and political resistance, HAGAR: Studies in Culture, Policy and Identities, 7 (2), 67-84
* Abu-Rabia-Queder. Sarab (2006). Between tradition and modernization: Understanding the problem of Bedouin female dropout, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 27 (1), 3-17
[Reprinted in In Jacqueline, Waldaren & Ignacy-Marek, Kaminski (Eds.), (2012) Learning from the Children: Culture and Identity in Changing Worlds. Oxford: Berghahn Publisher, pp. 35 - 53]
* Abu-Rabia-Queder, Sarab (2008). "ניהול ומגדר בחברה הבדווית"Gender and management in Bedouin society, Megamot, 45 (3), 489-509 (Hebrew)