1. Vorob’ova, E. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 1979. Морфо-функциональный анализ зубной системы ящериц (Morpho-functional analysis of the tooth system in lizards). In: Vorob’ova, E., Iordansky, N. (eds.). Состояние и перспективы развития морфологии.(Current State and Perspectives of Morphology), Nauka, Moscow, Russia, pp. 122-127.
  2. Krasnov, B. R., Khokhlova, I. S. & Stefanov, V. 1981. Использование бродифакума для одновременного контроля численности нескольких видов грызунов (Use of Brodyfacum for simultaneous control of several rodent species). In: Lyarsky, P.P. (ed.). Современные проблемы медицинской дезинфекции и стерилизации (Modern Problems of Medical Disinfection and Sterilization), All-Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization, Moscow, pp. 75-76 (in Russian).
  3. Shilova, S. A., Stchipanov, N. A. & Krasnov, B. R. 1982. Контроль численности грызунов в стогах (Rodent control in the cornricks). In: Lyarsky, P.P. & Dryomova, V.P. (eds.). Научные основы дезинфекции и стерилизации (Scientific Basis of Disinfection and Sterilization), All-Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization, Moscow, pp. 86-88 (in Russian).
  4. Shilova, S. A., Krasnov, B. R., Nabenov, K. & Kudryavtzeva, E. 1983. Использование нового пестицида бродифакума для контроля численности домовых мышей (Use of the new pesticide, Brodyfacum, for the house mouse control). In: Lyarsky, P.P, Dryomova, V.P. & Shilova, S.A. (eds.). Теория и практика дезинфекции и стерилизации (Theory and Practice of Disinfection and Sterilization), All-Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization, Moscow, pp. 90-96 (in Russian).
  5. Krasnov, B. R. & Knyazeva, T. V. 1983. Обмен эктопаразитами между полуденной песчанкой Meriones meridianus и домовой мышью Mus musculus в эксперименте (Ectoparasite exchange between the midday jird, Meriones meridianus, and the house mouse, Mus musculus, under experiment). In: Taran, I.F. (ed). Профилактика природноочаговых заболеваний (Prophylaxis of Diseases in the Natural Foci), Plague-Control Institute of Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus, Stavropol, pp. 243-244 (in Russian).
  6. Krasnov, B. R. & Krasnova, I. S. 1984. Изменения видового состава сообществ мелких млекопитающих в сельском населенном пункте после проведения работ по контролю численности (Changes in species composition of small mammal community in rural settlement after control activities). In: Turov, I. S. (ed.). Актуальные проблемы дезинфекции и стерилизации (Actual Problems of Disinfection and Sterilization), All-Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization, Moscow, pp. 111-114 (in Russian).
  7. Stchipanov, N. I., Orlenev, D. P., Kasatkin, M. V., Oleinichenko, V. Y. & Krasnov, B. R. 1989. Мелкие млекопитающие в сельскохозяйственном ландшафте предгорий Дагестана (Small mammals in the agricultural landscape of the Dagestan foothills). In: Khokhlov, A. N., Savelieva, V. V. (eds.). Экологические проблемы Ставропольского региона (Ecological Problems of the Stavropol Region), Stavropol Committee of Nature Protection Society, Stavropol, pp. 335-357 (in Russian).
  8. Krasnov, B. R. & Khokhlova, I. S. 1989. Лабильность пространственно-этологической структуры группировок домовой мыши как стратегия адаптации к условиям среды (Plasticity of spatial and social structure of the house mouse populations as a strategy of adaptations to changing environment). In: Sokolov, V. E., Kotenkova, E. V. & Krasnov, B. R. (eds.). Домовая мышь (The House Mouse), Nauka, Moscow, pp. 223-253 (in Russian, English summary).
  9. Smirnova, T. V., Krasnov, B. R., Shalilova, V. & Ivanitzkaya, E. Y. 1989. Новый пестицид этилфенацин для контроля домовой мыши (New pesticide - ethylphenacin - for control of the house mouse). In: Sokolov, V. E., Kotenkova, E. V. & Krasnov, B. R. (eds.). Домовая мышь (The House Mouse), Nauka, Moscow, pp. 346-349 (in Russian, English summary).
  10. Krasnov, B. R. & Khokhlova, I. S. 1994. Пространственная структура популяций. (Spatial structure of populations) . In: Kotenkova, E. V. & Bulatova, N. (eds.). Домовая мышь. Систематика, биология, распространение. (The House Mouse (Mus musculus). Taxonomy, biology, distribution), Nauka, Moscow, pp. 190-215 (in Russian, English summary).
  11. Shilova, S. A., Krasnov, B. R. & Stchipanov, N. A. 1991. Прикладной аспект популяционной экологии (на примере мелких млекопитающих) (The application aspect of population ecology (small mammals as a model)). In: Shilov, I. A. (ed.). Экология популяций (Ecology of Populations). Moscow, Nauka, pp. 35-53 (in Russian, English summary).
  12. Shenbrot, G. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 1996. Patterns of animal distribution along the rainfall gradient in the Central Negev as an indicator of Global Climate Changes. In: Steinberger, Y. (ed.). Preservation of our world in the wake of change. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. vol. VI.. ISEEQS Publ., Jerusalem, pp.185-186.
  13. Shenbrot, G. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Geographic variation in the role of gerbils and jirds (Gerbillinae) in rodent communities across the Great Palaearctic Desert Belt. In: Denys, C., Granjon, L. & Poulet, A. (eds.). African Small Mammals, IRD Editions, Paris, pp. 511-529.
  14. Shenbrot, G. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Rodents in desert environment: Is density dynamics really correlated with annual rainfall fluctuations? In: Prakash, I. (ed.). Ecology of Desert Environments. Festschrift for Professor J.L.Cloudsley-Thompson. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp. 405-421.
  15. Krasnov, B. R. & Shenbrot, G. I. 2001. Tenebrionid beetles of Makhtesh Ramon: diversity, seasonality and community structure. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 187-216.
  16. Krasnov, B. R., Khokhlova, I. S., Burdelova, N. V. & Shenbrot, G. I. 2001. Flea assemblages on rodents in Makhtesh Ramon: host-habitat mediation of host-parasite relationships. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 251-272.
  17. Krasnov, B. R. 2001. A monitoring protocol for a nature reserve: The case study for the Ramon Park Nature Reserve. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 309-322.
  18. Krasnov, B. R., Mazor, E., Avni, Y., Plakht, J. R. & Shenbrot, G. I. 2001. Urban ecology: Mizpe Ramon as and example. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 365-384.
  19. Shenbrot, G. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Rodents of Makhtesh Ramon: habitat distribution and temporal dynamics of spatial organization of communities. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 235-250.
  20. Shenbrot, G. I. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Lizards of Makhtesh Ramon: habitat distribution and spatial organization of communities. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 217-234.
  21. Mazor, E. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Makhteshim Country, Ramon Science Center and Nature Laboratory. In: Krasnov, B. R.  & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 1-32.
  22. Mazor, E. & Krasnov, B. R. 2001. Vivid research in the Laboratory of Nature. In: Krasnov, B. R. & Mazor, E. (eds.). The Makhteshim Country: Laboratory of Nature, Pensoft Publ., Sofia, pp. 403-404.
  23. Morand, S., Poulin, R. & Krasnov, B. R. 2006. Global changes and the future of mammal-macroparasite interactions. In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, R. (eds.). Micromammals and macroparasites: From evolutionary ecology to management. SpringerVerlag, Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 617-636.
  24. Medvedev, S. & Krasnov, B.R. 2006. Fleas - permanent satellites of small mammals. In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, R. (eds.). Micromammals and macroparasites: From evolutionary ecology to management. SpringerVerlag, Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 161-278.
  25. Poulin, R., Krasnov, B.R. & Morand, S. 2006. Patterns of host specificity in parasites exploiting small mammals. In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, R. (eds.). Micromammals and macroparasites: From evolutionary ecology to management. SpringerVerlag, Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 233-256.
  26. Krasnov, B. R., Morand, S. & Poulin, R. 2006. Patterns of macroparasite diversity in small mammals. In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, R. (eds.). Micromammals and macroparasites: From evolutionary ecology to management. SpringerVerlag, Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 197-232.
  27. Morand, S., Krasnov, B. R., Poulin, R. & Degen, A. A. 2006. Micromammals and macroparasites: Who is who and how do they interact? In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, R. (eds.). Micromammals and macroparasites: From evolutionary ecology to management. SpringerVerlag, Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 3-12.
  28. Krasnov, B.R. 2009. Ectoparasite population denamics: Determinants of ectoparasite species composition. In: Hare, P.A. (ed.). Transfer of Technology: Sustainable and Unsustainable Experience from Israel. BiblioBooks, Florida, pp. 257-271.
  29. Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. 2010. Introduction. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-4.
  30. Bordes, F., Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. and Poulin, R. 2010. Parasite diversity and latitudinal gradients in terrestrial mammals. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 89-98.
  31. Krasnov, B.R. and Poulin, R. 2010. Ecological properties of a parasite: species-specific stability and geographical variation. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 99-114.
  32. Poulin, R. and Krasnov, B.R. 2010. Similarity and variability in parasite assemblages across geographical space. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 115-128.
  33. Morand, S., Bordes, F., Pisanu, B., Goüy de Bellocq, J. and Krasnov, B.R. 2010. The geography of defence. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 159-172.
  34. Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. 2010. Conclusions and Perspectives. In: Morand, S. and Krasnov, B.R. (eds.). The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 267-270.
  35. Krasnov, B.R. 2013. Ectoparasites of small mammals: interactive saturated and unsaturated communities. In: K. Rohde (ed.). The Balance of Nature and Human Impact. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 89-102.
  36. Krasnov, B.R. & Rizzoli, A. 2013. Population dynamics of ectoparasites of terrestrial hosts. In: K. Rohde (ed.). The Balance of Nature and Human Impact. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 21-34.
  37. Krasnov, B.R. & Poulin, P. 2014. Relationships between parasite diversity and host diversity. In: S. Morand, B.R. Krasnov. and T. Littlewood (eds.).  Parasite Diversity and Diversification: Evolutionary Ecology Meets Phylogenetics. Cambridge University Press, Cambrideg (accepted, fall 2014).
  38. Desdevises, Y., Morand, S., Krasnov, B.R. & Claude, J. 2014. Comparative analysis - recent developments and uses with parasites. In: S. Morand, B.R. Krasnov. and T. Littlewood (eds.).  Parasite Diversity and Diversification: Evolutionary Ecology Meets Phylogenetics. Cambridge University Press, Cambrideg (accepted, fall 2014).
  39. Krasnov, B.R., Morand, S. & Poulin, R. 2014. Phylogenetic signals in ecological properties of parasites. In: S. Morand, B.R. Krasnov. and T. Littlewood (eds.).  Parasite Diversity and Diversification: Evolutionary Ecology Meets Phylogenetics. Cambridge University Press, Cambrideg (accepted, fall 2014).