(a) Books
Berger, A. (2011). Self-regulation: Brain, cognition, and development. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
(b) Chapters in Books
Ben-Shalom, T., Berger, A., & Henik, A. (to appear 2012). The beginning of the road: Learning mathematics for the first time. In D. Molfese, Z., V. Berninger, & O. Rubinsten (Eds.) Reading, writing, mathematics, and the developing brain: Listening to many voices. College Station, TX: Springer Publishing.
Berger, A., Buchman, Ch., & Green-Bleier, T. (2011). Development of error detection. In M.I. Posner (Ed.), Cognitive neuroscience of attention 2nd edition. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
(c) Refereed Articles in Scientific Journals
Berger, A. (2011). Electrophysiological evidence for numerosity processing in infancy. Developmental Neuropsychology,36(6),668-681.
Tzur, G., Berger, A., Luria, R., & Posner, M. I. (2010). Theta synchrony supports Weber-Fechner/Steven's Law for error processing, uniting high and low mental processes. Psychophysiology, 47, 758-766.
Auerbach, J.G., Atzaba-Poria, N., Berger, A., Landau, R., Arbelle, S., Raz, Y., & Ebstein, R. (2010). Dopamine risk and paternal ADHD symptomatology associated with ADHD symptoms in four and half-year-old boys. Psychiatric Genetics 20(4), 160-165.
Landau, R., Sadeh, A., Vassoly, P., Berger., A., Atzaba- Poria, N., & Auerbach, J.G. (2010). Sleep patterns of seven-week-old infants at familial risk for ADHD. Infant Mental Health Journal 31(6), 630-646.
Landau, R., Avital, M., Berger, A., Atzava-Poria, N. Arbelle, S., Faroy, M*., & Auerbach, J.G. (2010). Parenting of 7-month-old infants at familial risk for ADHD. Infant Mental Health Journal 31(2), 141-158.
Tzur, G. & Berger, A. (2009). Fast and slow brain rhythms in rule/expectation violation tasks: Focusing on evaluation processes by excluding motor action. Behavioural Brain Research, 198, 420-428.
Landau, R., Amiel-Laviad, R., Berger, A., Atzava-Poria, N., & Auerbach, J.G. (2009). Parenting of 7-month-old infants at familial risk for ADHD during infant’s free play, with restrictions on interaction. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 173-182.
Auerbach, J.G ., Berger, A., Atzaba-Poria, N., Arbelle, S., Cypin, N., Friedman, A., & Landau, R. (2008). Temperament at 7, 12, and 25 months in children at familial risk for ADHD. Infant and Child Development, 17, 321-338.
Berger, A., Kofman, O., Livneh, U., & Henik, A. (2007). Multidisciplinary perspectives on attention and the development of self-regulation. Progress in Neurobiology, 82, 256–286.
Tzur, G. & Berger, A. (2007). When things look wrong: Theta activity in rule violation. Neuropsychologia, 45, 3122-3126.
Cohen Kadosh, R., Cohen Kadosh, K., Linden, D.E.J., Gevers, W., Berger, A., & Henik, A. (2007). The Brain locus of interaction between number and size: A combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(6), 957-970.
Berger, A., Tzur, G., & Posner, M. I. (2006). Infant brains detect arithmetic errors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 103(33), 12649-12653.
Berger, A. (2006). On the reliability of cognitive measurement – the case of visual orienting. Experimental Psychology, 53(3), 209–217.
Kofman, O., Berger, A., Friedman, A., & Abu Jaffar, A. (2006). Motor inhibition impairment in school-aged children following exposure to organophosphate pesticides in infancy. Pediatric Research, 60(1), 88-92.
Browne, O.R., Benmoyal-Segal, L., Bryk, B., Zumsteg, D., David, Y., Kofman, O., Berger, A., Soreq, H., & Friedman, A. (2006). Coding region paraoxonase polymorphisms dictate accentuated neuronal reactions in chronic, sub-threshold pesticide exposure. The FASEB Journal, 20, 1733-1735.