Petrophysics of Organic Rich Chalks

Funding: Israel Energy Initiatives (IEI). Co PI’s: Harold Vinegar and Shimon Feinstein (BGU)

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Selected articles: 

Gordin, Y., Hatzor, Y. H. and H. J. Vinegar, 2020. Anisotropy evolution during early maturation of organic-rich carbonates. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol. 188, Article Number 106946.

Omri Shitrit, Yossef H. Hatzor, Shimon Feinstein, Vyacheslav Palc​hik, and Harold J. Vinegar, 2019. Static and dynamic elastic moduli of organic-rich chalk. Geophysical Prospecting. Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 624 - 650. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12757.

Omri Shitrit, Yossef H. Hatzor, Shimon Feinstein, Vyacheslav Palchik and Harold J. Vinegar, 2016. Effect of kerogen on rock physics of immature organic-rich chalks. Marine and Petroleum Geology Vol. 73. pp. 392-404​​

Ksenia Bisnovat, Yossef H. Hatzor, Harold Vinegar, Scott Neguyen, Vyacheslav Palchik, and Shimon Feinstein, 2015Mechanical and petrophysical behavior of organic-rich chalk from the Judea Plains, Israel​. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol. 64, pp. 152 – 164.