1. Jacobs, A., E. Macdonald and Y. Rofè, (2002) The Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Future of Multi-Way Boulevards, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 257 pages.
2. Pontikis, K., Rofè Y. (Eds.) (2016). In Pursuit of a Living Architecture: Towards a building culture of humane and sustainable environments. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.
1. Mehaffy, M., S. Porta, Y. Rofè and N. Salingaros (2010) “Urban Nuclei and the Geometry of Streets: the ‘Emergent Neighborhoods’ Model.” Urban Design International. 15, 22-46.
2. Benenson I., Martens, K. Rofè Y. and Kwartler, A. (2011) “Public Transport versus Private Car: GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Area.” Annals of Regional Science. 47, (3), 495-515.
3. Rofè Y., Feierstein G. and Zarchin I. (2012) “Quantity and Quality of Neighbourhood Open Spaces in Israel”, Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 165, DP3, 177-187.
4. Rosenberg-Weinreb A. and Rofè Y. (2013) “Mapping Feeling: An Approach to the Study of Emotional Response and Aesthetic Preference.” Journal of Architecture and Planning Research. 30 (2), 127-145.
5. Rofè Y. (2014) "עירוניות קיימות וגנים עירוניים". שיקולי קיימות בתכנון גנים עירוניים בישראל, בעריכת י.שנל, א. רוזנברג וג. רונן, הוצאת פרדס. 309-343. (“Urbanism, Sustainability and Public Parks”, in Schnell, Y., Rosenberg, A. and Ronen, G. eds., Sustainability Considerations in Urban Garden Design in Israel, Pardes. 309-343.
6. Lerman Y., Rofè Y., and Omer I. (2014) “Using Space Syntax to Model Pedestrian Movement in Urban Transportation Planning”, Geographical Analysis special theme issue on Street Networks and Spatial Analysis. 46, 4, 392-410.
7. Rofè Y., Yerushalmi G., Margalit, M. and Windsor, A. (2015) “Case Study 2: High Streets and the Pedestrian Realm.” in: Vaughn, L. ed. Suburban Urbanities: Suburbs and the Life of the High Street, London: UCL Press. 223-236.
8. Omer, I., Rofè, Y., & Lerman, Y. (2015). The impact of planning on pedestrian movement: contrasting pedestrian movement models in pre-modern and modern neighborhoods in Israel. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1–22.
9. Rofè Y., Pashtan T. and Hornik J. (2017) “Is there a market for sustainable urbanism: A conjoint analysis of potential homebuyers in Israel” Sustainable Cities and Society. 30, 162-170.
10. Omer I., Rofè Y., Gittelman V., Lerman Y. and Kaplan N. (2017), “Evaluating crash risk in urban areas based on vehicle and pedestrian modeling”, Geographical Analysis 49, 4, 387-408.
11. Magen R., Omer I., Rofè Y. (2017)."הקשרים בין תכנון מרחבי, מיקום מסחר ותנועה בעיר הישראלית- המקרה של אשדוד ובת ים", תכנון – ביטאון איגוד המתכננים בישראל, 14, 2, 37-62 (Relationship between spatial planning, retail activity and movement in the Israeli city- The case of Ashdod and Bat Yam, Planning – Journal of the Israel Union of Planners, 14, 2, 37-62).
12. Rofè Y. (2019) “Mobility, Accessibility and Urban Form.” Invited chapter in: Banerjee T. and Loukaitou-Siders A. (Eds.) The New Companion to Urban Design, Routledge. 599-611.
13. Rofè Y., Porta S., Ingham S., Andrews C.R., Ettlinger, O. Robazza P. and Alexander M.M. (2020) “Building Beauty: A New Program Teaching Students to Help Heal the World.” In: Sayigh A. (ed.) Green Buildings and Renewable Energy. Innovative Renewable Energy. Springer, Cham. 611-622.