
Elise Miller Hooks.jpg

Yale T. Herer

 Associate Professor

Technion — Israel Institute of Technology​​


Newsvendor: You have More Time than Before

The world is being transformed by technology. The Newsvendor Problem, one of the cornerstones of Supply Chain Management (inventory management really), is no exception. Though there are many ways that technology is affecting the Newsvendor Problem, we will concentrate on explore two such ways, inventory accuracy and slowing down time. Though we will mention the new technologies, our talk will focus on new newsvendor type models that have come about due to the new technology. In particular,  we will examine our new newsvendor models and associated case studies.


About the speaker

Professor Yale T. Herer​

Yale T. Herer, B.S. (1986), M.S. (1990), Ph.D. (1990), Cornell University, Department of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Yale is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Yale joined the Technion in 1990 immediately after the completion of his graduate studies. In 1997 Yale moved to the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tel-Aviv University and in 2001 he returned to the Technion and has been there ever since. During the 2004–2005 academic year he spent a sabbatical at Northwestern University in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences. During the 2011–2012 academic year he spent the fall semester on sabbatical at INSEAD in the Technology and Operations Management Area, and during the 2015–2016 academic year he was on sabbatical at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Yale also briefly visited Cornell University’s Department of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering in the summer of 2000. He has worked for several industrial concerns, both as a consultant and as an advisor to project groups. Yale is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS). He currently serves as vice president of ORSIS. He also serves as an Associate Editor for Naval Research Logistics and has served on the editorial staff of IIE Transactions and {Operations Research Letters. Yale has successfully planned and executed three conferences. In 2006 he chaired the national conference for ORSIS. In 2010 he chaired the annual conference for the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) of INFORMS. MSOM is the largest subdivision of INFORMS. Finally Yale co-chaired an POMS Israel 2017.


Yale's research interest can be broadly defined as covering Production Planning and Control. More recently Yale has focused his research on the area of Supply Chain Management, especially when integrated with transshipments or other responsive operational activities. Yale has won various prizes including a 1996 IIE Transactions Best Paper Award, the 2002 Mitchner Award in Quality Sciences and Quality Management, a 2008 IBM Faculty Award, and INFORM's 2013 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice.
