Coordinator: prof. Isaac A. Meir (
Tuesdays, 13.00-14.00
Seminar Room, Bona Terra Dept. MID
Refreshments served at 13:00Refreshments served at 13:00
Date & Abstract​Speaker​Titel

Nov. 8th

Prof. Alon Tal

Will demography defeat river rehabilitation efforts? The case of the River Jordan

Nov. 15th

Dr. Yodan Rofe

In pursuit of a living architecture: Continuing Christopher Alexander's quest for a human and sustainable building culture

Nov. 22nd

Julie Trottier & Jean Perrier

The paracommons of water

Nov. 29th

 Amaia Zuazua

Biomimicry in architecture

Dec. 13rd

Prof. Isaac Meir

Green technologies - The art of integration

Dec. 20th

Prof. Evyatar Erell

How important is urban air temperature?

Jan. 10th

Dr. Yaakov Garb

The Palestinian-Israeli E-waste commodity chain: Research and advocacy on a hidden crisis

Jan. 17th

Suleliman Sweity

Assessing the extent and causes of elevated children’s blood Lead levels (BLLs) caused by the unregulated E-waste recycling in the West Line villages (Hebron area)

​March 8th

Jeffrey Cook Workshop on Desert Architecture: The Challenge of Climate Responsive Architecture in Hotter and Drier Cities

​March 14th

​Emily M. Rubinstein

​Housepit Organization at Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Village, Slocan Narrows, British Columbia

​March 21st

​David Pearlmutter

​Designing for pedestrian comfort in thermally stressful cities       

​April 4th

​Gadi Giveon

​Boosting the Periphery: Training the next generation of Municipal government leaders

​May 9th

​Pnina Motzafi-Haller & Sarab Abu-Rabia-Queder

​Why is gender not enough to understand inequality in labor markets: Intersectionality analysis in the cases of Bedouin professional and Mizrahi women

​May 23rd

​Havatzelet Yahel

​Israel and the Negev Bedouin: Historical geography and law

​June 6th

​Kleo Axarli

​Introducing innovation in bioclimatic design through vernacular architecture