Prof. Taleb Mokari

Prof. Taleb Mokari
Taleb Mokari received a Bachelor's degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2000, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry under the supervision of Uri Banin from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2002 and a Ph.D. from the same group in 2006 (summa cum laude).  He was a Fulbright and an Ilan Ramon postdoctoral fellow with Peidong Yang at the University of California, Berkeley. He joined the Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a staff scientist in 2007. He joined the Department of Chemistry and the Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 2009 as a faculty member and promoted to associate professor (tenured) in 2012. 
Since joining the Department of Chemistry at BGU, he received the Dean’s honors for excellent researcher from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at BGU (2010,2013), the Ma’of Fellowship established by the Kahanoff Foundation (2011), the Wolf Foundation’s Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research (2011), the Toronto prize (2015), and the Tenne Family prize for nano-scale sciences (2015). In 2012 he has been appointed as a member of the Young Academy of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
His research focuses on the chemical and physical properties of inorganic nanostructures. His group specializes in synthesizing nanostructures, investigating their fundamental physical and chemical properties, and studying their potential applications for renewable energy.

Current Group Members

Dr. Michael Volokh

Dr. Michael (Misha) Volokh
Lab Manager and researcher
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Studies in Nanotechnology, BGU, 2017
M.Sc., Chemistry, BGU, 2012
B.Sc., Chemistry, BGU, 2011
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, BGU, 2011

His current research interests include photoelectrocatalysis, the formation of complex hybrid nanostructures, and electrophoretic deposition.

Researchgate: Michael_Volokh​


Twitter handle: Michael Volokh (@MichaelVolokh)​

  Ph.D. Students:

Helena Fridman

Helena Fridman

M.Sc., Chemistry, BGU, 2018
B.Sc., Chemistry, BGU, 2016

Helena investigates the growth mechanisms of nanoparticles and their surface modifications.
Liang Tian.jpg

Liang Tian

M.Eng., Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2018
B.Eng., Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2015

Liang studies the underlying growth mechanism of (hybrid) metal-sulfide nanostructures.
Karam Shreteh
Karam Shreteh
B.Sc., Chemistry, BGU, 2018

Karam studies the synthetic mechanisms of novel multicomponent semiconductor–metal nanostructures.

Noa Afik
Noa Afik
B.Sc. Chemistry, BGU, 2019
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, BGU, 2019

Noa studies and develops different (ternary) hybrid nanostructures.

Former Group Members

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