Our group studies nanomaterials at all stages of their lifecycle, from design to applications to environmental impact. These nanomaterials possess properties intermediate between bulk materials and molecules. The tunability of their properties, including optical and electrical, allow for a range of potential applications.
The applications our group focuses on are catalysis and solar energy conversion from nanomaterial composite systems. As catalysts, nanomaterials could improve product selectivity, thereby reducing chemical waste and produce cleaner fuels. As energy conversion materials, they could lower the final cost per kWh to the end user. From precursor design to impact on the environment, we examine the possible contributions nanomaterials could have on our world.

Selected research topics:
- Synthesis of nanostructures in both the gas and liquid phases.
- Control over shape, size, and composition of 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D nanostructures.
- Synthesis of multi-component nanostructures and their assembly into films and 3D hierarchical structures.
- Structural, chemical, optical, and electrical characterization of inorganic nanostructures.
- Application of nanomaterials in electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, and photoelectrocatalysis.
- Application of nanomaterials in photovoltaic, electrochromic, and purification devices.
- Utilization of nanomaterials in relevant fields such as optics, electronics, and biotechnology.