​​​Ph.D. Graduates

Dr. Tal Tubul-Sterin
​Polyoxometalate​ complexes of metal-hydroxide and oxy-hydroxide cores: synthesis and reactions
Dr. Chandan Kumar Tiwari
Polyoxometalates in strongly acidic media and as ligands for reactive metal-oxide nanocrystals
Dr. Gal Gan-Or​
Polyoxometalate functionalized metal oxides and hydroxides
Dr. Eyal Gadot
Linear metal-oxide polymers from molecular-inorganic building blocks
Dr. Shelly Sharet-Leiser
Reactions of polyoxometalate-protected metal nanoparticles in water
Dr. Alina Shnaiderman-Grego​​​
Hydrophobic self-assembly in nano-confined domains​
Dr. ​Sivil Kopilevich
Reactions and catalysis within a soluble metal-oxide based nano-reactor
Dr. Alevtina Neyman
Solution-state studies of self-assembled metal-oxide superstructures
Dr. Offer Zeiri
The self-assembly of mixed-ligand shells on gold nanoparticles in water
Dr. Ophir Snir
Concerted proton-electron transfer to dioxygen in water

​​​​M.Sc. Graduates

Talia Ambar
​Polyoxometalate complexed metal sulfide nanoparticles
Libi Polin​
Hexaniobate cluster anions as ligands in nanoscience and coordination chemistry
Karin AbutbulVisible-light photochemistry of reduced heteropolytunstates
Marina SaganovichPolyoxometalate-directed assembly of water-soluble photocatalytic CdS nanoparticles
Moran Shaanan
Bromine-based systems for industrial-scale energy storage
Ayala Ziv

Post-Doctoral Associates

Dr. ​Guanyun Zhang   Shandong University, China
Dr. ​Yan Duan​​University of Valencia, Spain​
​​Dr. ​Sourav Ch​akraborty
Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati​
Dr. ​Biswarup Chakraborty
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Prof. ​​Yifeng Wang
​Shandong University, China
Dr. ​Manoj Raula
Amity University, Noida
Dr. ​Adam Weingarten
Associate Editor, Nature Communications​
Dr. ​Yizhan Wang
University of Illinois, Chicago
Dr. Vijay Kumar
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

Visiting Scientists​

Oleksandra MariichakVasyl'​ Stus Donetsk National Uni​versity​, Ukraine​