Peer-Reviewed Publications
92. Baranov, M.; Duan, Y.; Leffler, N.; Avineri, S.; Ezersky, V.; Weinstock, I. A. "Entrapment of metastable nanocrystals by polyoxometalates", Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 4364-4367.
91. Tiwari, C. K.; Roy, S.; Tubul-Sterin, T.; Baranov, M.; Leffler, N.; Li, M.; Yin, P.; Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. "Emergence of Visible-Light Water Oxidation Upon Hexaniobate-Ligand Entrapment of Quantum Confined Copper-Oxide Cores", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202213762.
Highlighted by the editors as a "Hot Paper".
90. Zhang, G.; Wang, F.; Tubul, T.; Baranov, M.; Leffler, N.; Neyman, A.; Poblet, J. M.; Weinstock, I. A. "Complexed Semiconductor Cores Activate Hexaniobate Ligands as Nucleophilic Sites for Solar-Light Reduction of CO2 by Water", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 134, e202219162.
89. Baranov, M.; Polin, L.; Leffler, N.; Leitus, G.; Shames, A. I.; Weinstock, I. A. "All-inroganic ferric wheel based on hexaniobate-anion linkers", Dalton Trans., 2022, 51 (22), 8600-8604.
Highlighted on the front cover of the journal (volume 51, issue number 22, 2022).
88. Tubul-Sterin, T.; Baranov, M.; Gan-Or, G.; Leffler, N.; Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. "Polyoxometalate-Complexed Indium Hydroxide: Atomically Homogeneous Impregnation via Countercation Exchange", Inorg. Chem., 2022, 62 (5), 1804-1812.
87. Zhang, G.; Baranov, M.; Wang, F.; Poblet, J. M.; Kozuch, S.; Leffler, N.; Shames, A. I.; Clemente-Juan, J. M.; Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. "Soluble Complexes of Cobalt Oxide Fragments Bring the Unique CO2 Photoreduction Activity of a Bulk Material into the Flexible Domain of Molecular Science", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143 (49), 20769-20778.
86. Duan, Y.; Chakraborty, B.; Tiwari, C. K.; Baranov, M.; Tubul, T.; Leffler, N.; Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. "Solution-State Catalysis of Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation by Macroanion-Like Inorganic Complexes of γ-FeOOH Nanocrystals", ACS Catal., 2021, 11 (18), 11385-11395.
85. Guanyun, Z.; Gadot, E.; Wang, Y.; Gan-Or, G.; Baranov, M.; Tubul, T.; Neyman, A.; Mu, L.; Clotet, A.; Poblet, J. M.; Yin, P.; Weinstock, I. A. "Self-Assembly and Ionic-Lattice Like Secondary Structure of a Flexible Linear Polymer of Highly Charged Inorganic Building Blocks", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142 (16), 7295-7300.
84. Tiwari, C. K.; Baranov, M.; Neyman, A.; Neumann, R.; Weinstock, I. A. "Selective Oxidation by H5[PV2Mo10O40] in a Highly Acidic Medium", Inorg. Chem., 2020, 59 (17), 11945-11952.
Highlighted on the front cover of the journal (volume 59, issue number 17, 2022).
83. Chakraborty, S.; Tiwari, C. K.; Wang, Y.; Gan-Or, G.; Gadot, E.; Weinstock, I. A. "Ligand-Regulated Uptake of Dipolar-Aromatic Guests by Hydrophobically-Assembled Suprasphere Hosts", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141 (36), 14078-14082.
82. Baranov, M.; Tubul, T.; Azulai, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. "A Simple Coulombic Model for 31P NMR spectra of Cluster-Encapsulated Phosphorus Atoms", Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58 (13), 8877-8883.
81. Chakraborty, S.; Shaniderman-Grego, A.; Garai, S.; Baranov, M.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A. "Alcohols as Latent Hydrophobes: Entropically Driven Uptake of 1,2-Diol Functionalized Ligands by a Porous Capsule in Water", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141 (23), 9170-9174.
80. Chakraborty, B.; Gan-Or, G.; Duan, Y.; Raula, M.; Weinstock, I. A. "Visible-Light-Driven Water Oxidation With a Polyoxometalate-Complexed Hematite Core of 275 Iron Atoms", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58 (20), 6584-6589.
79. Sharet-Leiser, S.; Polin, L.; Gan-Or, G.; Raula, M.; Weinstock, I. A. "Hexaniobate Cluster Anion Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticles: A New Structural Role for Alkali Metal Countercations", Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58 (2), 1012-1015.
78. Chakraborty, B.; Weinstock, I. A. "Water-soluble titanium-oxides: Complexes, clusters and nanocrystals", Coord. Chem. Rev., 2018, 382, 85-102.
77. Chakraborty, B.; Gan-Or, G.; Raula, M.; Gadot, E.; Weinstock, I. A. "Design of an inherently-stable water oxidation catalyst", Nature Comm., 2018, 9 (1).
76. Saganovich, M.; Gadot, E.; Raula, M.; Weinstock, I. A. "Proton-coupled electron transfer from photo-excited CdS nanoparticles", J. Coord. Chem., 2018, 71 (11-13), 1-16.
75. Weinstock, I. A.; Scheriber, R.; Neumann, R. "Dioxygen in Polyoxometalate Mediated Reactions", Chem. Rev., 2017, 118 (5), 2680-2717.
74. Wang, Y.; Raula, M.; Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Chakraborty, S.; Gan Or, G.; Gador, E.; Weinstock I. A.* "Polyoxometalate-engineered building blocks with gold cores for the self-assembly of responsive water-soluble nanostructures", Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56 (25), 7083-7087.
73. Lang, Z.; Aparicio-Angles, X.; Weinstock, I.; Clotet, A.*; Poblet, J. M.* "Counterintuitive adsorption of [PW11O39]7- on Au(100)", Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 3961-3969.
72. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Raula, M.; Le Ouay, B.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A.* "Host-guest chemistry with water-soluble gold nanoparticle supraspheres", Nature Nanotech., 2017, 12, 170-176.
Highlighted in the following venues (click to follow link):,
AZO Materials,
71. Zhang, M.; Hao, J.; Neyman, A.; Wang, Y.*; Weinstock, I. A.* "A role for polyoxometalate protecting ligands in catalysis by gold nanoparticles in water", Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 2400-2408.
Highlighted on the front cover of the journal (volume 56, issue number 5, 2017).
70. Garai, S.; Bogge, H.; Merca, A.; Petina, O. P.; Grego, A.; Gouzerh, P.; Haupt, E. T. K.; Weinstock, I. A.; Müller, A.* "Densely packed hydrophobic clustering: Encapsulated valerates form a high-temperature-stable {Mo132} capsule system", Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 6634-6637.
Highlighted on the front cover of the journal.
69. Kopilevich, S.; Gottlieb, H.; Keinan Adamsky, K.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A.* "The uptake and assembly of alkanes withing a porous nanocapsule in water: New information about hydrophobic confinement", Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 4476-4481.
Highlighted in ChemViews Magazine, volume 55, issue 14 (March 24, 2016).
68. Kim, M.; Weinstock, I. A.; Geletii, Y. V.*; Hill, C. L.* "Oxidation of reduced Keggin heteropolytungstates by dioxygen in water catalyzed by Cu(II)", ACS Catal., 2015, 5, 7048-7054.
67. Sobol, O.; Gadot, E.; Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A.*; Meshi, L.* "Addressing a "black box" of bottom-up synthesis: Revealing the structures of growing colloidal nanocrystal nuclei", Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 10521-10523.
66. Kopilevich, S.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A.* "Amplified rate accelaration by simultaneous up-refulation of multiple active sites in an endo-functionalized porous capsule", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 12740-12743.
65. Raula, M.; Gan Or, G.; Saganovich, M.; Zeiri, O.; Wang, Y.; Chierotti, M. R.; Gobetto, R.; Weinstock, I. A.* "Polyoxometalate complexes of anatase-TiO2 cores in water", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 12416-12421.
Highlighted by the editors as a "Hot Paper".
64. Zhang, M.; Weinstock, I. A.*; Wang, Y.* "Electrocatalysis by Polyoxometalate-Protected Gold Nanoparticles", J. Cluster Sci. (Special issue in memory of Louis Nadjo and Roland Contant), 2014, 25, 771-779.
63. Grego, A.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A.* "Stepwise-Resolved Thermodynamics of Hydrophobic Self-Assembly", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 8358-8362.
62. Zeiri, O.; Wang, Y.; Neyman, A.; Stellaci, F.; Weinstock, I. A.* "Ligands-Shell Directed Assembly and Depolymerisation of Patchy Nanoparticles", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 968-972.
61. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Meshi, L.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Regioselective
Placement of Alkanethiolate Domains on Tetrahedral and Octahedral Gold
Nanocrystals”, Chem. Comm. 2012, 48, 9765-9767.
60. Kopilevich, S.; Gil, A.; Garcia-Ratés, M.; Avalos, J. B.; Bo, C.; Müller, A.; Weinstock,
I. A.* “Catalysis in a Porous Molecular Capsule: Activation by Regulated Access to
Sixty Metal Centers Spanning a Truncated Icosahedron”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134,
Highlighted by Stu Borman in Chemical & Engineering News.
59. Besson, C.; Schmitz, S.; Capella, K. M.; Kopilevich, S.; Weinstock, I. A.* and Kögerler,
P.* “A regioselective Huisgen Reaction Inside a Keplerate Polyoxomolybdate
Nanoreactor”, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 9852-9854.
58. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate-Decorated Nanoparticles”, Chem. Soc.
Rev. 2012, 41, 7479-7496.
57. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Sharet, S.; Weinstock, I. A. "Role of Alkali-Metal Cation Size in
the Self-Assembly of Polyoxometalate-Monolayer Shells on Gold Nanoparticles", Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 7436-7438.
Highlighted on the cover of volume 51, issue 14 (July 16, 2012).
56. Sharet, S.; Sandars, E.; Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Neyman, A.; Meshi, L.; Weinstock, I. A.
"Orientations of Polyoxometalate Anions on Gold Nanoparticles", Dalton Trans. 2012,
41, 9849-9852.
Highlighted on the inside cover of the journal, Selected as a "Hot Article" by the editors, and written up for the Dalton Trans. Blog by Jennifer Newton.
55. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Neyman, A.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A. "Nucleation and Island
Growth of Alkanethiolate Ligand Domains on Gold Nanoparticles", ACS Nano, 2012, 6,
54. Neyman, A.; Wang, Y.; Sharet, S.; Varsano, N.; Botar, B.; Kögerler, P.; Meshi, L.;
Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate-Directed Assembly of Water-Soluble AgCl
Nanocubes”, Chem. Comm. 2012, 48, 2207 – 2209.
53. Schäffer, C.; Todea, A. M.; Bögge, H.; Cadot, E.; Gouzerh, P.; Kopilevich, S.;
Weinstock, I. A.; Müller, A. “Pore and Interior Properties of a Metal-Oxide-Based
Capsule Softened: Substituting 60 Oxide by 60 Sulfide Ligands”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2011, 50, 12326 –12329.
52. Snir, O., D.; Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “The Reduction of Dioxygen by Keggin
Heteropolytungstates” Israel J. Chem. (special issue—“Frontiers in Metal Oxide
Cluster Science”, Weinstock, I. A. Ed.) 2011, 51, 247-258.
51. Petina, O.; Rehder, D.; Haupt, E. T. K. Grego, A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Merca, A.; Bögge,
H.; Szakacs,J.; Müller, A. “Guests on Different Internal Capsule Sites Exchange with
Each Other and with the Outside” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 410-414.
50. Snir, O.; Weinstock, I. A. "Electron Transfer to Dioxygen by Keggin
Heteropolytungstate Cluster Anions" In Complexity in Chemistry and Beyond:
Interplay Theory and Experiment, Nato Advanced Research Symposium, Hill, C. L.;Musaev, D. G.; Müller, A.; Eds.; Springer, 2012, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
49. Snir, O.; Wang, Y.; Tuckerman, M. E.; Geletii, Y.V.; Weinstock, I. A. “Concerted
Proton-Electron Transfer (CPET) to Dioxygen in Water”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132,
48. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, Y.: Gitis, V.: Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Reversible binding of an
inorganic cluster-anion to the surface of a gold nanoparticle”, Inorg. Chim. Acta (Invited
article for a special issue in honor of Achim Müller), 2010, 363, 4416-4420.
47. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “Cation mediated self-assembly of inorganic cluster-anion
building blocks” Dalton Trans. (Invited Perspectives Article), 2010, 39, 6143-6152.
Highlighted on the front cover of the journal.
46. Wang, Y.; Neyman, A.; Arkhangelsky, E.; Gitis, V.; Meshi, L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Self-Assembly
and structure of directly imaged inorganic-anion monolayers on a gold
nanoparticle”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 17412-17422.
45. Schäffer, C.; Bögge, H.; Merca, A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Rehder, D.; Haupt, E. T. K.;
Müller, A. “A Spherical 24 Butyrate Aggregate with a Hydrophobic Cavity in a
Capsule with Flexible Pores: Confinement Effects and Uptake-Release Equilibria at
Elevated Temperatures”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8051-8046.
44. Ziv, A.; Grego, A.; Kopilevich, S.; Zeiri, L.; Miro, P.; Bo, C.; Müller, A.; Weinstock,
I. A. “Flexible Pores of a Metal-Oxide-Based Capsule Permit Entry of Comparatively
Larger Organic Guests”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 6380-6382.
Highlighted on the cover of the journal, in Chemical & Engineering News, Chemistry World, and See also, JACS Image Challenge and the first "enhanced" Cover-Art Podcast on JACS Beta.
43. Neyman, A.; Meshi, L.; Zeiri, L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Direct imaging of the ligand
monolayer on an anion-protected metal nanoparticle through cryogenic trapping of its
solution-state structure”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 16480-16481.
42. Carr, R.; Weinstock, I. A.; Sivaprasadarao, A.; Müller, A. Aksimentiev, A. “Synthetic
ion channels via self-Assembly: A route for embedding porous polyoxometalate
nanocapsules in lipid bilayer membranes”, Nano letters, 2008, 8, 3916-3921.
41. Weinstock, I. A. “Outer-sphere oxidation of the superoxide radical anion”, Inorg.
Chem., 2008, 47, 404-406.
40. Hill, C. L.; Delannoy, L.; Duncan, D. C.; Weinstock, I. A.; Renneke, R. F.; Reiner, R.
S.; Atalla, R. H.; Han, J. W.; Hillesheim, D. A.; Cao, R.; Anderson, T. M.; Okun, N.
M.; Musaev, D. G.; Geletii, Y. V. “Complex catalysts from self-repairing ensembles to
highly reactive air-based oxidation systems”, C. R. Chimie 2007, 10, 305-312.
39. Geletii, Y. V.; Gueletii, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electron capture and transport by
heteropolyanions: Multi-functional electrolytes for biomass-based fuel cells” Submitted
by invitation to J. Mol. Cat. 2007, 262, 59-66.
38. Geletii, Y. V.; Hill, C. L.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A. “Reduction of O2 to
superoxide anion (O2
) in water by heteropolytungstate cluster-anions”, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 2006, 128, 17033-17042.
37. López, X.; Weinstock, I. A.; Bo, C., Sarasa; J. P.; Poblet, J. M. “Structural evolution in
polyoxometalates: A DFT study of dimerization processes in lindqvist and keggin
cluster anions”, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 6467-6473.
36. Botar, B.; Geletii, Y. V.; Kögeler, P.; Musaev, D. G.; Morokuma, K.; Weinstock, I. A.;
Hill, C. L. “The true nature of the iron(III) γ-Keggin structure in water. Catalytic
aerobic oxidation and chemistry of an unsymmetrical trimer”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,
128, 11268-11277.
35. Mbomekallé, I.-M.; Bian, F.; Tebba, H.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electrocatalytic
reduction of O2 by a Cu(II)-substituted electron-rich wheel-type oxomolybdate
nanocluster”, J. Cluster Sci., 2006, 17, 333-348 (special issue in honor of Achim
34. Sundaram, K. M.; Neiwert, W. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Relative energies of
alpha and beta isomers of Keggin dodecatungstogallate”, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 958-
33. Geletii, Y. V.; Weinstock, I. A. “Ionic-strength dependence of electron-transfer
reactions of Keggin heteropolytungstates: Mechanistic probes of O2 activation in
water” Submitted (by invitation) to a special Issue on “Activation of Dioxygen and
Homogenous Catalytic Oxidation”, J. Mol. Cat. A. Chem., 2006, 251, 255-262.
32. Geletii, Y. V.; Hill, C. L.; Bailey, A. J.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I.
A. “Electron-exchange between α-Keggin tungstoaluminates, and a well-defined
cluster-anion probe for studies in electron transfer”, Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 8955-8966.
31. Botar, B.; Geletii, Y. V.; Kögerler, P.; Musaev, D. G.; Morokuma, K.; Weinstock, I.
A.; Hill, C. L. “Asymmetric terminal ligation on substituted sites in a disorder-free
Keggin anion, [β]-SiFe2W10O36(OH)2(H2O)Cl]5-“, Dalton Trans., 2005, 11, 2017-2021.
30. Yokoyama, T.; Chang, H.-M.; Reiner, R. S; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Kadla, J.
F.; “Polyoxometalate Oxidation of Non-Phenolic Lignin Subunits in Water: Effect of
Substrate Structure on Reaction Mechanism”, Holzforschung, 2004, 58, 116-121.
29. Kim, G.-S.; Zeng, H.; Neiwert, W. A.; Cowan, J. J.; VanDerveer, D.; Hill, C. L.;
Weinstock, I. A. “Dimerization of A-α-[SiNb3W9O40]7- by pH-Controlled Formation of
Individual Nb–µ-O–Nb Linkages”, Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42, 5537-5544.
28. Agarwal, U. P.; Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H. “FT-Raman Spectroscopy for Direct
Measurement of Lignin Concentrations in Kraft Pulps”, TAPPI Journal, 2003, 2, 22-26.
27. Weinstock, I. A.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Sonnen, D. M; Hill, C. L. “An Environmentally
Benign Catalytic Polyoxometalate Technology for Transforming Wood Pulp into
Ira A. Weinstock, CV, page 13
Paper” In Green Chemistry: Advancing Sustainability through Green Chemistry,
Lankey, R.; Anastas, P. and Williamson, T., Eds., ACS Symposium Ser. 823, 2002, 87-
26. Neiwert, W. A.; Cowan, J. J.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Stability
and Structure in α- and β-Keggin Heteropolytungstates, [Xn+W12O40](8-n)-
, X = p-Block
Cation”, Inorg. Chem., 2002, 41, 6950-6952.
25. Weinstock, I. A.*; Grigoriev, V. A.; Cheng, D.; Hill, C. L. “Role of Alkali-Metal Cation
Size in Electron Transfer to Solvent-Separated 1:1 [(M+)(POM)] (M+ = Li+
, Na+
, K+)
Ion Pairs” In Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nanocomposite Design, Yamase, T. and
Pope, M. T., Eds., New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002, 103-127.
24. Cowan, J. J.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Dodecatungstoaluminic Acid
and its Mono-Lacunary and Mixed Addendum Derivatives”, Inorganic Syntheses,
Coucouvanis, D., Ed. 2002, 33, 18-26.
23. Weinstock, I. A.*; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Wemple, M. W.; Cowan, J. J.; Reiner, R. S.;
Sonnen, D. M.; Heintz, R. A.; Bond, J. S.; Hill, C. L.* “Equilibrating Metal Oxide
Cluster Ensembles for Oxidation Reactions Using Oxygen in Water”, Nature, 2001, 414,
Highlighted by the Editors of C&E News as one of the top 10 advances in chemistry in 2001, features in C&E News, "News of the Week", discussed in Nature “News and Views”, and reported in Techline, Science News, and by United Press
International (UPS).
22. Grigoriev, V. A.; Cheng, D.; Hill, C. L.*; Weinstock, I. A.* "Role of Alkali-Metal Cation
Size in the Energy and Rate of Electron Transfer to Solvent-Separated 1:1
[(M+)(Acceptor)] (M+ = Li+
, Na+
, K+) Ion Pairs", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123, 5292-
21. Cowan, J. J.; Bailey, A. J.; Heintz, R. A.; Do, B. T.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Hill, C. L.;
Weinstock, I. A.* “Formation, Isomerization and Derivatization of Keggin
Tungstoaluminates”, Inorg. Chem., 2001, 40, 6666-6675.
20. Geletii, Y. V.; Bailey, A. J.; Cowan, J. J.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.* “Highly
Efficient and Stable Catalyst for Peroxynitrite Decomposition”, Can. J. Chem., 2001, 79,
19. Atalla, R. H.*; Weinstock, I. A.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S.; Sonnen, D. M.; Houtman, C.
J.; Heintz, R. A.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L.; Wemple, M. W.; Geletii, Yu. V.; Barbuzzi, E.
M. G. “Polyoxometalate-Based Closed Systems for Oxidative Delignification of Wood
Pulp Fibers” In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis,
Argyropoulos, D. S., Ed., ACS Symposium Series 785, 2001, Chapter 19, pp 313-326.
18. Grigoviev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Polyoxometalate Oxidation of Phenolic
Lignin models” In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis,
Argyropoulos, D. S., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 785, 2001, Chapter 18, pp 297-312.
17. Grigoriev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.*; Weinstock, I. A.* “Role of Cation Size in the Energy of
Electron-Transfer to 1:1 Polyoxometalate Ion Pairs {(M+)(Xn+VW11O40)}(8-n)- (M = Li,
Na, K)”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2000, 122, 3544-3545.
16. Birchmeier, M. J., Hill, C. G. Jr., Houtman, C. J., Atalla, R. H., Weinstock, I. A.* “Enhanced Wet Air Oxidation: Synergistic Rate Acceleration upon Effluent
Recirculation”, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2000, 39, 55-64.
15. Kim, G-S.; Zeng, H.; Rhule, J. T.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.* “Synthesis, X-ray
Structure and Hydrolytic Chemistry of the Highly Potent Antiviral Polyniobotungstate
A-α-[Si2Nb6W18O77]8-”, Chem. Commun., 1999, 1651-1652.
14. Weinstock, I. A.*; Cowan, J. J.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Zeng, H.; Hill, C. L. “Equilibria
Between α and β Isomers of Keggin Heteropolytungstates”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999,
121, 4608-4617.
13. Weinstock, I. A.* “Homogeneous-Phase Electron-Transfer Reactions of
Polyoxometalates”, Chem. Rev., 1998, 98, 113-170.
12. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.*; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Hill, C. L. “Selective
Transition-Metal Catalysis of Oxygen Delignification Using Water-Soluble Salts of
Polyoxometalate (POM) Anions. Part I. Chemical Principles and Process Concepts”,
Holzforschung, 1998, 52, 304-310.
11. Weinstock, I. A.*; Hammel, K. E.; Moen, M. A.; Landucci, L. L.; Ralph, S.; Sullivan,
C. E.; Reiner, R. S. “Selective Transition-Metal Catalysis of Oxygen Delignification
Using Water-Soluble Salts of Polyoxometalate (POM) Anions. Part II. Reactions of α-[SiVW11O40]5- with Phenolic Lignin-Model Compounds”, Holzforschung, 1998, 52, 311-318.
10. Weinstock, I. A.*; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. E.; Hammel, K. E.; Houtman,
C. J; Hill, C. L.; Harrup, M. K. “A New Environmentally Benign Technology for
Transforming Wood Pulp into Paper. Engineering Polyoxometalates as Catalysts for
Multiple Processes”, J. Mol. Cat. A: Chem., 1997, 116, 59-84.
9. Sonnen, D. M.; Reiner, R. S.; Atalla, R. A.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Degradation of PulpMill
Effluent by Oxygen and Na5[PV2Mo10O40], a Multi-Purpose Delignification and
Wet Air Oxidation Catalyst”, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 1997, 36, 4134-4142.
8. Weinstock, I. A.*; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. A.; Hammel, K. E.; Hill, C. L.;
Houtman, C. J. “A new environmentally benign technology and approach to bleaching
kraft pulp. Polyoxometalates for selective delignification”, New. J. Chem., 1996, 20,
7. Weinstock, I. A.*; Atalla, R. H.; Agarwal, U. P.; Minor, J. L.; Petty, C. “Fourier
Transform Raman Spectroscopic Studies of a Novel Wood Pulp Bleaching System”,
Spectrochim. Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1993, 49A(5-6),
6. Weinstock, I. A.* “Use of the Term "Bleaching" in the Context of Virgin and Secondary
Fibers”,Progress in Paper Recycling (now: TAPPI Journal), 1993 (November), 89-91.
5. Schwartz, R. W.*; Bunker, B. C.; Dimos, D. B.; Assink, R. A.; Tuttle, B. A.; Tallant, D.
R.; Weinstock, I. A. “Solution Chemistry Effects in Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin-Film
Processing”, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 1992, 2 (1-4), 243-254.
4. Weinstock, I. A.; Schrock, R. R.; Davis, W. M. “Rhenium(VII) Monoimido Alkylidyne
Complexes. The Importance of Face Selectivity in the Metathesis of Acetylenes via
Rhenacyclobutadiene Intermediates”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1991, 113, 135-144.
3. Weinstock, I. A.; Schrock, R. R.*; Williams, D. S.; Crowe, W. E. Labile, "Reactive
Bis(imido)Rhenium(V) Complexes”, Organometallics, 1991, 10, 1-2.
2. Schrock, R. R.*; Weinstock, I. A.; Horton, A. D.; Liu, A. H.; Schofield, M. H.
“Preparation of Rhenium(VII) Monoimido Alkylidyne Complexes and Metathesis of
Acetylenes via Rhenacyclobutadiene Intermediates”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1988, 110,
1. Weinstock, I. A.; Floriani, C.*; Chiesi-Villa, A.; Guastini, C. “Bimetallic
Organotransition-Metal Tautomers of a Chiral Enolate. Preparation of [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(CH2)O-(Cl)Zr(η5-C5H5)2] and [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(O)CH2-Au(PPh3)]. X-ray Crystal Structure of [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(CH2)O(Cl)Zr(η5-C5H5)2]”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 8298-8299.
Invited Editorials
2. Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Frontiers in Metal-Oxide Cluster Science”, Introduction
to a special issue of the Israel J. Chem. (Guest Editor, I. A. Weinstock), 2011, 51, 176-178.
1. Hill, C. L.*; Weinstock, I. A.* “On the Trail of Dioxygen Activation”, Nature, 1997, 388,
Invited book chapters
4. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Self assembly and structures of polyoxometalate
monolayers on metal and metal-halide nanoparticles”, Polyoxometalate Chemistry:Some Recent Trends (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology); F.Secheresse, Ed. 2013.
3. Snir, O.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Electron-transfer reactions” in: Physical InorganicChemistry: Applications, Vol. 2, Chapter 1, A. Bakac, Ed., Wiley, New York, NY, 2010.
2. Weinstock, I. A.*; Minor, J. L.; Atalla, R. H. “Non-Chlorine Bleaching of Wood Pulps
Mediated by Heteropolyoxometalates”, 5th International Symposium on Activation ofDioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, Barton, Derek H. R., Martell, Arthur E., and Sawyer, Donald T., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1993, 487.
1. Hill, C. L.*; Duncan, D. C.; Hecht, E. A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Homogeneous Catalyzed
Selective Oxidations Based on O2 or H2O2: New Systems and Fundamental Studies”, 5th International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, Barton, Derek H. R., Martell, Arthur E., and Sawyer, Donald T., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1993, 71-83.
U.S. Patents
5. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,302,248, April 12, 1994 (date issued)
“Oxidative Bleaching of Wood Pulp by Vanadium-Substituted Polyoxometalates”.
4. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,552,019, September 3, 1996 (date issued),
“Oxidative Delignification of Wood or Wood Pulp by Transition Metal-Substituted Polyoxometalates”.
3. Atalla, R. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S. U.S. Patent 5,549,789, August
27, 1996 (date issued), “Oxidation of Lignin and Polysaccharides Mediated byPolyoxometalate Treatment of Wood Pulp”.
2. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,695,605, December 9, 1997 (date issued),
“Oxidative Delignification of Wood or Wood Pulp by Transition Metal-Substituted
1. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,824,189, October 20, 1998 (date issued),
“Oxidative Delignification of Wood Pulp or Fibers Using Transition Metal-SubstitutedPolyoxometalates”.