​​​​​​Oral History Project

The Oral History Project of the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and ​Philosophy of Science​ is a series of interviews conducted by Prof. Ute Deichmann for two projects:

The Modern Informational and Structural Biology project contains extensive interviews with key figures in the life sciences. In addition to being experts in their field, they have the rare ability to identify scientific trends and pitfalls. The interviews were conducted starting in 2013 and new ones are added on an ongoing basis.

The Israeli-German Science Collaboration project contains shorter interviews with scientists who participated in the post-WWII collaboration between the nascent state of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science and various German institutions. Ute explores with them the motives, politics, scientific benefits, and moral costs involved.

These in-depth interviews are published as downloadable PDFs instead of audio or video files for fast review and information retrieval.

Modern Informational and Structural Biology ​​

Interviews by Ute Deichmann

Interviews ​B​y Name​
​​​Adrian Bird
​​​John Glass
​Howard Cedar
​Peter​ Lawrence
​​Eric Davidson
​​Hans Lehrach
​​Jack Dunitz
Edison Liu
​​Douglas Erwin
Gary Felsenfeld​
Benny Shilo


Interviews ​By Subject
Developmental Biology

Molecular Biology
​​Evolutionary Biology
Synthetic Biology
​​Genetics Systems Biology
Science/Society Interface


Israeli-German Science Collaboration Project

​Interviews by Ute Deichmann

Jack Dunitz - Crystallographer
Jörg Hüfner - Physicist
Günter von Gehlen - Physicist (in German)
Uzy Smilansky - Physicist
Leslie Leiser​owitz - Chemist
Michael Sela - Immunologist
Fritz Melchers - Immunologist (In German)
Raphael Falk - Geneticist

Ute Deichmann interviewing Eric Davidson