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Edelstein, O.E., Pater, K., Sharma, R., & Albert, S.M (2014). Influence of urban residence on use of psychotropic medications in Pennsylvania, USA: Cross-sectional comparison of older adults attending senior centers. Drugs and Aging, 31(2), 141-148.
Albert, S.M., Edelstein, O.E., King, J., Flatt, J., Lin, C., Boudreu, R., & Newman, A. (2015). Assessing the quality of a nonrandomized pragmatic trial for primary prevention of falls among older adults. Prevention Science, 16(1):31-40.
Albert, S.M., Raviotta, J., Lin, C.J., Edelstein, O., & Smith, K.J. (2016). Cost effectiveness of a statewide falls prevention: Healthy steps for older adults, Pennsylvania. American Journal of Managed Care, 22(10), 638-644
Edelstein, O.E., Band-Winterstein,T., & Bachner, Y.G. (2017). The meaning of burden of care in a faith-based community: the case of Ultra-Orthodox Jews (UOJ). Aging and Mental Health, 21(8), 851-861
Edelstein, O.E., Band-Winterstein, T., & Bachner, Y.G. (2018). Profile and burden of care among caregivers of ultra-Orthodox frail elders. Aging and Mental Health, 22(5), 639-645
Band-Winterstein, T., Edelstein, O.E., & Bachner, Y.G. (2019). Correlates of depression in caregivers of ultra-Orthodox frail older adults. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(6), 654–664
Edelstein, O.E., Shorer, T., Shorer, Z., & Bachner, Y.G. (2019). Correlates of quality of life in mothers of children diagnosed with Epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior, 93, 80-86
Edelstein, O.E. , Wacht, O., Greenstein-Cohen, O., Reznik, A., Pruginin, I., & Isralowitz. R (2020). Does religiosity matter? University student attitudes and beliefs toward medical cannabis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 51, 102407
Edelstein, O.E., Wacht, O., Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., & Bachner, Y.G. (2020). Beliefs and attitudes of graduate gerontology students about medical marijuana use for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 52, 102418
Edelstein, O.E., Vered, I. C, & Sarid, O. (2021). Correlates of participation in physical activity among older women in Israel: Does ethno-cultural background matter? Health Promotion International, 36(1), 34–45
Edelstein, O.E., Achdut, N., Vered, I., & Sarid, O. (2020). Determinants of bone mineral screening behavior among three ethno-cultural groups in Israel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6138
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Zolotov, Y., Grinstein-Cohen, O, Wacht, O., Pruginin, I., Yehudai, M., & Edelstein, O. (2021). Toward medical cannabis education in Israel. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 58, 102709
Findley, P.A., Edelstein, O.E, Pruginin, I., Reznik, A., Milano, M., & Isralowitz, R. (2021). Attitudes and beliefs about medical cannabis among social work students: Cross-national comparison. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 58, 102716
Likhitsathian S., Edelstein O.E., Srisurapanont, M., Zolotov Y. , Nuntaporn- Karawekpanyawong N., Reznik, A, & Isralowitz R.. (2021). Cross-national comparison of medical students' attitudes and beliefs about medical cannabis and its application for pain management. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 59, 102720 [The first two authors have contributed equally to the manuscript]