
The Interdisciplinary Forum for Holocaust and Genocide Researchers of the Rabb Center at Ben Gurion University is a home for a community of Holocaust and Genocide researchers at the university and beyond it​. The purpose of the forum is to be a platform for collaborations, sharing information about conferences, seminars, publications, and a stage for presenting research in the making and receiving feedback from community members.​



​Institutional Affiliation



Research Areas​

Personal Website​

​Dr. Talia Diskin-Haim

​Haifa University
​Interfaces between the fields of law, education, history and childhood
​Ms. Ella Banyan

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​Designing the memory of the Holocaust in the digital age through video games
​Prof. (Emeritus) Mark Gebler

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​Foreign Literatures and Linguistics

​Jewish Aspects in Avant-Garde. Between Rebellion and Revelation; and Kafka after Kafka: Dialogical Engagement with His Writings from the Holocaust to Postmodernism; The Legacy of Ruth Klüger and the End of the Auschwitz
​Ms. Michal Katz

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev​
​Politics and Goverment
​Collective memory in Israel, queer collective memory
​Prof. (Emeritus) Haim Maor

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev​
​Israeli art and creation
​Dr, Nathan Marcus

Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​General History
​History of Austria, history of finance and general modern history of Europe
​Prof. Oren Mayers

​Haifa University
​Journalistic practices and values, collective memory and popular culture.
​Dr. Norma Musih
​Hebrew University
​Sociology and Anthropology
​Digital memory, political imagination and algorithmic culture.
​Dr. Gila Oren

​College of Management Academic Studies
​Business Management
Heritage Tourism; Dark Tourism ; virtual tourism; Customer Experience; Holocaust Survivors


​Dr. Gala Plotkin Amrami

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​Medicalization and categorization in education, shaping parental subjectivity and the experience of stigma in relation to the categories of neurological diversity and transgender, and sociology of therapeutic discourse in education, absorption practice, trauma and resilience.
​Prof. Ilana Rosen

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​Hebrew Literature
​Researcher of folk and documentary literature of Jews and Israelis in the twentieth century. Among her research topics are: the memory of the Holocaust, the life of Central European Jewish communities between the two world wars, immigration to Israel and settlement in the southern region, literature on the issue of committee groups in Israel such as the Hungarians, the Egyptians and more, and the study of the proverb.
​Dr. Noam Tirosh

​Ben Gurion University of the Negev
​Memory Studies, Digital Memory, Media and Memory, Memory and Rights, Holocaust Memory
https://cris.bgu.ac.il/en/persons/noam-tirosh/publications /