RADAR International Scientific Activity:

Conferences, Workshops and Forums


Year Conference, Workshop or Forum Participants Lecture/Presentation Place
​2015 The 5th European Conference for Social Work Research


National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.




Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.

Alcohol Use among High Risk Youth in Israel: Multi Cultural Perspectives
Drug Use Trends among Israeli School Drop Outs: Gender and Country of Origin Comparisons 
Ljubljana, Slovenia




Phoenix, AZ

 14th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference at Hong Kong University



USAID Israel/West Bank/Gaza International Forum






4th  International Scientific Conference, Psychology of Cross-Cultural Interaction

Pruginin, I.





Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Pruginin, I.







Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A​

Resilience Factors among Care Givers Under Shared Stressful and Traumatic Conditions”


Mitigating Regional Conflict through Mutual Concerns and Cooperation: Assessment and Evaluation of Mental Health Intervention Needs during Emergency Conditions


Acculturation among FSU immigrant adolescents in Israel 

Hong Kong





Dead Sea, Israel








Smolensk, Russia

International Workshop





International Women’s Forum

Isralowitz, R., Reznik. A.,





Isralowitz, R., Reznik. A., Lawenthal Schori, M.

Promoting Peace through Drug Prevention and Treatment in the Middle East


Toward an Understanding of Russian Speaking Female Drug Use in Israel


University of Hong Kong




San Diego, CA​
USAID Israel/West Bank/Gaza International Forum
USAID-Middle East Regional Cooperation, Regional Forum
3nd International Scientific Conference, Psychology of Cross-Cultural Interaction
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Pruginin, I.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Mitigating Regional Conflict through Mutual Concerns and Cooperation: Assessment and Evaluation of Mental Health Intervention Needs during Emergency Conditions

Smoking Cessation among High Risk Youth
Russian speaking addicts in Israel; toward a typology of immigrants and its relation to the strategies of acculturation 
Dead Sea, Israel
Dead Sea, Israel
Smolensk, Russia
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
State University of New York. 8th Annual Institute for Disaster Mental Health Conference
 Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. 
Prescription Drug Use Trends among School Dropouts
Understanding and Responding to Trauma-Related Substance Abuse
 Hollywood, FL
New Paltz, NY 
2nd International Scientific Conference, Psychology of Cross-Cultural Interaction
Society for Prevention Research/National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A
Acculturation of Russian Speaking Drug Addicts in Israel
High Risk Adolescent Alcohol/Illicit Drug Use and Problem Behavior in Israel: Trends and Gender Differences (2001-2009). 
Smolensk, Russia
Denver, CO
Third Annual Conference on International Social Work
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
Institute for Disaster Mental Health, State University of New York, International Workshop
Isralowitz, R., Edwards, R.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Rawson, R., Hasson, A.
Isralowitz, R.
Organization Mechanisms and Cross Cultural Issues Affecting Development of International Social Work Education: The US (Rutgers) and Israel (Ben Gurion University) Experience)
Differential Drug Use, HIV/AIDS and Related Outcomes among Former Soviet Union Immigrants: Implications for Prevention and Treatment
Substance Abuse Issues in Disaster Recovery
Jersey City, NJ
Reno, Nevada
New Paltz, NY
School of Social Work, Monmouth University,
International Workshop
Isralowitz, R. 
International Perspectives of Drug Abuse and Policy
West Long Branch, NJ 
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
Council of Social Work Education, International Workshop
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R. 
Substance Use, Sexual Abuse and other Treatment Factors among Female Native Born and Russian Speaking Heroin Users in Israel
Immigrants and Substance Abuse: Lessons from Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Israel
 Quebec City, Canada
San Francisco 
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum

International Society of Addiction Medicine
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime International Forum
Brandeis/Harvard Research Center on Managed Care and Drug Abuse Treatment, Schneider Institute for Health Policy, Brandeis University, International Forum
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Rawson, R., Hasson, A.
Isralowitz, R., Rawson, R., Hasson, A.
Isralowitz, R
Female Native Born and Russian Speaking Heroin Addicts in Israel: A Status Model Comparison
Gender Differences among Native-Born and Former Soviet Union Immigrant Heroin Addicts in Israel
Using Drug Abuse Research to Promote Cooperation
Russian Speaking Immigrants in Israel: Patterns and Problems of Drug Abuse and Infectious Disease
Scottsdale, Arizona
Oporto, Portugal
Los Angeles, CA
Waltham, MA
US Agency for International Development International Forum
International Practice Research Symposium, State University of New York
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Forum
College on Problems of Drug Dependence, International Forum
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Straussner, L.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.
Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A.

Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A
Middle East Regional Cooperation and Drug Problems
An Exploration of Substance Abuse among Former Soviet Union Immigrants
Addiction Severity Index in Israel: Monitoring Drug Use, Treatment, HIV and Other Risk Behavior
Understanding the Israeli Addict Population-ASI Profiles of Former Soviet Union and Native Israeli Opiate Abusers
Drug Use and High Risk Adolescents
Taba, Egypt
Albany, NY
Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida
US National Institute on Drug Abuse International Research Forum on Drug Abuse: Progress Through Collaboration
US National Institute on Drug Abuse International Forum

Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California Los Angeles, International Workshop
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R.
High Risk Youth Drug Use and Problem Behavior in the Middle East
Drug Abuse among Former Soviet Union Immigrants in Israel
Peace and Drugs in the Middle East, Grand Rounds
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rockville, MD
Los Angeles
2003 US National Institute on Drug Abuse International Research Forum on Drug Abuse: Emerging Trends and Patterns in Drug Abuse/College on the Problems of Drug Dependence
 Isralowitz, R.
Substance Abuse in the Middle East: A Model of Cooperation Miami, Florida
US National Institute on Drug Abuse, Community Epidemiological Working Group
US National Institute on Drug Abuse International Forum: Building International Research on Drug Abuse: Treatment Innovations
US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, RADAR Network International/National Conference
International Society of Addiction Medicine
 US National Institute on Drug Abuse International Forum
School of Social Work, New York University, International Workshop
School of Social Work, New York University, International Workshop
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R., Afifi, M., Hasson, A., Rawson, R.
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R., Afifi, M., Rawson, R.
 sralowitz, R
Isralowitz, R
Isralowitz, R
Development of a CEWG Early Warning System for Youth at Risk Drug Abuse in Israel
Substance Abuse Monitoring in Israeli and Palestinian Communities
Information Center Development: Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Resources (RADAR) in an International Context Conference
Building a Drug Use Warning System in Palestinian and Israeli Communities
Development of an Early Warning Approach to Monitoring Substance Use among Youth at Risk in Israel and the Middle East, Community Epidemiological Working Group
Co-Existence and Social Program Development in the Middle East
Marijuana: The Never Ending Story of Policy and Political Intrigue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Quebec City, Canada
Denver, Colorado
Reykjavik, Iceland
Miami, Florida
New York
New York
Department of  Community Medicine, School of  Medicine, University of Connecticut,
International Workshop
University of Cardiff,
International Forum of British Society of Criminology
School of Applied Social Sciences and Research, University of Manchester, International Workshop
University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Substance Use Research,
International Workshop
International Forum American Public Health Association
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R.
Isralowitz, R., Afifi, M., Hasson, A., Rawson, R.
Substance Abuse Policy and Peace in the Middle East
Substance Abuse Among Immigrants from the former Soviet Union
Drugs and Peace in the Middle East
Migration from Russia to Israel and Substance Abuse Problems: Focus on Comparative Research Studies
Middle East Drug Use Watch:  A Tri-lateral Program to Collect Drug Use Information
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Cardiff, Wales
Manchester, England
Frankfurt, Germany
Atlanta, Georgia