Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center

Spitzer Department of Social Work

Ben Gurion University





Youth Adults Gender Status Books 

Substance Use Trends and Treatment among Israeli School Dropouts.
(Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Segal-Engelchin, D. & Schneid, K.) (under review)

Prescription Drug Use among Young Adults: Blaming the Victim (Isralowitz R., 2012)       Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, forthcoming

Ethnicity and Inhalant Use among High-Risk Youth (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2012) Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, forthcoming

Patterns of Alcohol Use among Israeli High-Risk Youth, 2004-2009 (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2011)  Journal of Substance Use, Vol. 16(6), 496-501

Tobacco Cessation among High Risk Youth in the Middle East (Isralowitz, R., Afifi, M & Sussman, S., 2008)  Evaluation & the Health Professions, Vol.31(3), 306-312

Former Soviet Union Immigrant and Native-Born Adolescents in Israel: Substance Use and Related Problem Behavior (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2007)  Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, Vol 6(1), 131-138

Drug and Alcohol Use among Immigrant and Israeli-Born Adolescents: A Comparative Study (Slonim-Nevo, V. & Isralowitz, R., 2004)   Society and Welfare, Vol. 24(3), 263-286 (Hebrew)

Immigrant and Delinquent Youth:Patterns of Substance Abuse (Isralowitz, R. & Slonim-Nevo, V., 2002)  Addiction Research and Theory, Vol. 10(4), 399-414




Former Soviet Union Immigrants (1989-2010):

Drug Use Problems in Israel (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Peleg, T.) (under review). 

Religious Affiliation and Drug Use among Russian Speaking Immigrants (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Spiegel, S., 2010)  International Migration, Vol. 48 (3), 174-178

Immigrants from Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus Region: Differential Drug Use, Infectious Disease and Related Outcomes (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Rawson, R. & Hasson, A., 2009) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Vol. 7(3), 450-457 

Severity of Heroin Use in Israel: Comparisons between Native Israelis and Former Soviet Union Immigrants (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A., Spear, S., Brecht, M. & Rawson, R., 2007)  Addiction, Vol. 102(4), 630-637

Late Life Benzodiazepine Use among Russian Speaking Immigrants in Israel (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Borkin, S., 2006)  The Gerontologist, Vol. 46, 677-679

Drug Abuse, Risks of Infectious Diseases and Service Utilization among Former Soviet Union Immigrants:  A View from New York City (Isralowitz, R., Straussner, L. & Rosenblum, A., 2006)  Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, Vol. 5(1), 91-96.

Heroin Addicts and Vision Problems: A Prospective Study (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Assa, V., 2005)  Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Vol. 12(2), 161-165

Food Insecurity among Drug Addicts in Israel: Implications for Social Work Practice (Kaufman, R., Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2005)  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, Vol. 5(3), 21-32

Cultural Identification and Substance Use: Immigrant and Native Heroin Addicts in Israel (Isralowitz, R., 2004)   Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 144(2), 222-224

The Use of Marijuana In The United States:  Reflections (Isralowitz, R., 2003) Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, Vol. 3(4), 105-107

A Preliminary Exploration of Immigrant Substance Abusers from the Former Soviet Union Living in Israel, Germany and the United States: A Multi-National Perspective (Isralowitz, R., Straussner, L., Vogt, I. & Chtenguelov, V., 2002)  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, Vol.2(3/4), 119-136

Religious Affiliation of Russian Speaking Heroin Addicts in Israel (Isralowitz, R., 2002)  Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 142(6), 791-793

Toward an Understanding of Russian Speaking Heroin Addictsand Drug Treatment Services in Israel (Isralowitz, R., 2001)  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 1(2), 33-44.








Work Alienation, Patterns of Substance Use and Country of Origin among Male Hospitality Workers in Israel (Isralowitz. R., Reznik, A., & Belhassan, Y., 2012) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction ( published online: 16 June 2012)

Binge Drinking among Israeli Hospitality Workers: Gender and Country of Origin Differences (Isralowitz. R., Reznik, A., & Belhassan, Y., 2012)  Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Vol. 19(2), 181-183


Late Life Alcohol Use and Gender Differences among Former Soviet Union Immigrants (Isralowitz, R., Shpiegel, S., Reznik, A., Borkin, S. & Snir, Y., 2009)  Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, Vol. 8(2), 201-205

Problem Severity Profiles of Substance Abusing Women in Therapeutic Treatment Facilities (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2009)   International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Vol. 7(2), 368-375

Female Heroin Addicts in Israel (Isralowitz, R., 2003)  Psychiatric Times, Global Watch Special Edition, Vol. XX, No. 11, pp. 25-27

Drugs and Terrorism:  The Need for Immediate Policy Change (Isralowitz, R., 2002)  

Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, Vol. 2(2), 97-99

Substance Abuse Policy and Peace in the Middle East: A Palestinian and Israeli Partnership (Isralowitz, R., Sussman, G., Afifi, M., Rawson, R. Babor, T. & Monterio, M., 2001)  Addiction, 96, 973-980

The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST): Development, Reliability and Feasibility (Ali, R., Awwad, E., Babor, T., Bradley, F., Butau, T., Farrell, M., Formigoni, M., Isralowitz, R., Lacerda, R., Marsden, J., McRee, B., Monteiro, M., Pal, H., Maritza Rubio-Stipec, M. & Vendetti, J., 2002)   Addiction, 97, 1183-1194

Characteristics of Heroin Using Immigrant and Native Born Women: Implications for Policy and Program Development (Isralowitz, R. & Bar Hamburger, R., 2002)  Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 34(1), 97-103


Cannabis Use Trends among High Risk Youth in Israel:

An Examination of Gender and Country of Origin Factors (Isralowitz, R. &  Reznik, A.) (under review)

Prescription Drug Use Trends among Israeli School Dropouts: An Analysis of Gender and Country of Origin (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Straussner, S., 2011)  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, Vol 11(1), 75-86

Ethiopian Youth in Israel: Gender Related Alcohol Use and Problem Behavior (Isralowitz, R., Shpiegel, S., Reznik, A. & Laytin, A., 2009)  Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Vol. 16(3), 273–278

Bedouin Youth In Israel: Gender Related Smoking and Non-Smoking Attitudes and Behavior (Isralowitz, R., Reznik, A. & Sussman, S. 2009)  Journal of Smoking Cessation, Vol. 4(2), 99-101

Gender Differences among Israeli Adolescents in Residential Treatment (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2007)  Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Vol. 14(2), 167-172

Gender Differences in Prevalence of Drug Use among High Risk  Adolescents in Israel 
(Isralowitz, R. & Rawson, R., 2006)  Addictive 
Behaviors, Vol. 31(2), 355-358

Binge Drinking among High Risk Male and Female Adolescents in Israel (Isralowitz, R. & Reznik, A., 2006)  Journal of Adolescence, Vol. 29(5), 845-849 

Illicit Drugs (Isralowitz, R. & Myers, P., 2011)  Greenwood/ABC-CLIO Publishers

Alcohol (Myers, P & Isralowitz, R., 2011)   Greenwood/ABC-CLIO Publishers

Immigrants and Drugs: Demographic, Statistical and Cultural Analysis (Reznik, A. & Isralowitz, R., 2010)  Ves Mir Publishers (Russian)

Nonparametric Statistics for the Examples, Exercises and Illustrations (Reznik, A., 2008) Rech Publishers (Russian).

Drug Abuse: A Resource Handbook (Isralowitz, R., 2004)  ABC-CLIO Publishers

Drug Use, Policy and Management (Isralowitz, R., 2002)   Auburn House: Greenwood Publishers (2nd Edition)

Drug Problems: Cross Cultural Policy and Program Development (Isralowitz, R., Afifi, M. & Rawson, R. (eds.), 2002)  Auburn House: Greenwood Publishers