Dr. Yossi David is a senior lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies and the head of the lab for Communication and Social BIAS (Beliefs, Ideologies, Affect, and Stereotypes) Research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Prior to this, Dr. David was a faculty member in the Department of Communications at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, in Germany (2018-2022). His primary scholarly interests center on what drives public opinion and social behavior, with a special emphasis on antagonistic and hostile communication behaviors, both in the context of professional media production and digital media. His research aims to contribute new perspectives to comparative studies of the role that social biases play in shaping and constructing public opinion and behavior in times of conflict (e.g., the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) and crisis (e.g., the COVID-19 infodemic). Specifically, he studies to what extent stereotypical perceptions and representations of particular groups shape attitudes and emotions toward them or increase support for violence or human rights abuses against them; how media representation, information, and misinformation may construct and change attitudes, emotions, and behavior in times of crisis; and to what extent the use and perception of digital technologies (e.g., social media, artificial intelligence) affect attitudes and human behavior. In his research, Dr. David relies on a broad range and mixture of methodologies, including quantitative methods such as experiments, public opinion polls, and content analysis, as well as qualitative approaches like textual analysis and participatory observations. Dr. David was awarded the top faculty paper award by the Ethnicity & Race in Communication Division at the International Communication Association (2019). His research has been published in high-ranking journals, including Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2022), New Media & Society (2022), Social Movement Studies (2022), Feminist Media Studies (2021), Information, Communication & Society (2020), Discourse & Society (2019), and Journal of Conflict Resolution (2018).