ICIL 2018
May 15-17, 2018
Leonardo Negev Beer Sheva hotel, Israel
Dear Colleague
We are inviting you to register to the
International Conference of Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2018. ICIL 2018 will take place in Israel,
from May 15th till May 17th 2018, hosted by the Department of
Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva
the International Centre for Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL), and
the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS).
ICIIL is a nonprofit professional association which has been
developing an integrated view of Industrial Logistics, sharing and exchanging
ideas and research results among students, researchers, academics and
industrialists. The biannual International Conference on Industrial Logistics
(ICIL) is the main mean to attain these objectives worldwide, moving from France 1993 to Brazil
1995, USA 1997, Russia
1999, Okinawa 2001, Finland 2003, Uruguay 2005, Lithuania 2006, Israel 2008,
Brazil 2010, Croatia 2012 and 2014, and Poland 2016.
The conference will feature a multidisciplinary program that
will include original research results and contributions to the fields of
logistics and supply chain management. The Organizing and Scientific Council
gladly invite professionals, academics, students and industrialists to participate
in the Conference.
The conference will be held in the
Leonardo Negev
Beer-Sheva hotel
Prof. Nicholas Hall
President of INFORMS
Ohio State University
Prof. Elise
George Mason University
Prof. Retsef Levi
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Yale T. Herer
Technion — Israel Institute of Technology
Prof. Andres
University of Chile
Prof. Tadeusz Sawik
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
Conference Early
registration fee till March 30, 2018: EUR300
Conference fee later:
Deadline for conference fee payment for inclusion of accepted
papers/abstracts in the Proceeding book and program is April 8, 2018. If any of the co-authors
is also co-author of other papers, please make sure that for each paper at
least one different author registers.
The registration fee includes:
the program, Proceeding book (on USB),
2 lunches, Coffee breaks,
and the social program. Please note in the registration form if you want
to participate in some events of the social program.
1. May 15 – Early evening tour of Beer-Sheva, visual show and reception in Beer Abraham, and reception
with the Mayor of Beer-Sheva.
2. May 16 - Gala dinner at
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev campus, accompanied with a virtual
archeological tour in the ruins of ancient Beer Sheva.
3. May 17 - Full day excursion to Jerusalem, with a short visit in the new logistic center
of SodaStream on the way near Beer-Sheva.
Registration is open. Please use Conference application on 
- Adler N.
- Alaluf A.
- Baran B.
- Bar-Gera
H. (Israel)
- Bitan Y.
- Cajner H.
- Canen AG.
- Cohen Y.
- Dukic G.
- Epstein
L. (Chile)
- Fernandez I. (Spain)
- Fogliatti
de Sinay M.C. (Brasil)
- Friedman
L. (Israel)
- Freis C.
- Frenkel I. (Israel)
- Gdowska
K. (Poland)
- Glass
- Grinshpoun
T. (Israel)
- Hadad Y.
- Helo P. (Finland)
- Herer Y.
- Ilani H.
- Keren B (Israel)
- Kerner Y.
- Książek
R. (Poland)
- Lerher T.
- Marie R.
- Marszewska
J. (Poland)
- Menipaz
E. (Israel)
- Mittal A.
- Mosheiov
G. (Israel)
- Naseraldin
H. (Israel)
- Nof S. (USA)
- Ozturk A.
- Penn M. (Israel)
- Perlman
Y. (Israel)
- Pinto G.
- Renko S.
- Sawik T.
- Sawik B.
- Schmidt
S. (Germany)
- Segev E.
- Shabtay
D. (Israel)
- Shauly M.
- Sinuany-Stern
Z. (Israel)
- Shoval S.
- Tammela I. (Brasil)
- Tzur M. (Israel)
- Veza I. (Croatia)
- Weintraub
A. (Chile)
- Yedidsion
L. (Israel)