Galia Avidan

Studies psychological and neural properties of the human visual system with a specific focus on brain mechanisms giving rise to perception of faces, objects, scenes and visually guided behavior.
Ilan Dinstein

Studies brain function and structure in developmental disorders including autism and ADHD with a strong emphasis on toddlers who have just been diagnosed. Ongoing projects include sensory, motor, and resting-state experiments using EEG and fMRI to study brain function as well as anatomical and DTI MRI scans to study brain structure.
Alon Friedman

Studies the pathophysiology of several brain disorders and the effects of stress on the nervous system. Human and animal studies focus on dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier in epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases, developing new imaging methods and novel therapies for the prevention and treatment of injury-related epilepsy and neurodegeneration.
Avishai Henik 

Studies numerical cognition, synesthesia, attention, and word processing using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques in humans. Studies include experiments with children, adults, and elderly individuals as well as populations with impaired cognitive abilities.
Moti Salti

Studies the neural processed that characterize conscious states and those that underlie conscious perception using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques in different patient groups and controls.
Ilan Shelef 

Is the chief radiologist of Soroka Medical Center. His lab develops computerized systems for clinical evaluation of the brain's venous system as well as clinical evaluation of the cerebral neuro-vascular coupling in different patient groups.
Lior Shmuelof 

Studies motor learning in humans using behavioral experiments and fMRI with a particular emphasis on learning of complex motor tasks.
Oren Shriki 

Studies the cortical dynamics, neural coding, and neural plasticity in different psychiatric and neurological disorders using EEG and electric brain stimulation in addition to developing new approaches to building brain-computer interfaces.
Michael Gilead 

Our field of research is social-cognitive neuroscience. We are mostly interested in phenomena that seem to be the result of the social/cultural and communicative/symbolic capacities of humans (for example, the ability to regulate one's emotions, political conflict). In thinking of these phenomena, we focus on individual-level mental events that may subserve them (e.g., perspective-taking processes, the workings of motivational systems), often applying a biological perspective (i.e., thinking in terms of evolutionary functions and biological systems, using neuroimaging methods).
Itzhak Melzer

The research is focused in the field of balance control in the elderly. We have developed a novel mechatronic device called the Balance Measure & Perturbation System (BaMPer System) in collaboration between the Physical Therapy and mechanical engineering departments (patent PCT/IB2010/052079). The BaMPer provide controlled and unpredictable perturbations of posture while subjects carry out daily motor tasks such as walking. These perturbations trigger postural “reflexes", lead to an activation of balance recovery responses.