Scientific Publications
Refereed articles in scientific journals
- Tichon J., Freiman E., Spiegel O., Baruchi E., Atar A., Lapid R., King R., Bar-David S. and Saltz D. 2024. Species behavioural characteristics lead to unique fragmentation threats: The Nubian ibex as a case study. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
- Kan-Lingwood N.Y., Sagi L., Mazie S., Shahar N., Zecherle Bitton L., Templeton A.R, Rubenstein D., Bouskila A. and Bar-David S. 2024. Genotyping Error Detection and Customised Filtration for SNP Datasets. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Paul S., Shahar N., Seifan M., Bar-David S. 2023. An experimental design for obtaining DNA of a target species and its diet from a single non-invasive genetic protocol. Ecology and Evolution.
Tichon J., E. Freiman, O. Spiegel, E. Baruchi, A. Atar, R. Lapid, R. King, S. Bar‐David,and D. Saltz. 2022. Population dynamics and the effect of drought in the threatened Nubian ibex. WildlifeSociety Bulletin e1397.
- Eshel G., Duppen N., Wang G., Oh D.H., Kazachkova Y., Herzyk P., Amtmann A., Gordon M., Chalifa-Caspi V., Arland Oscar M., Bar-David S., Marshall-Colon A., Dassanayake M., Barak S. 2022. Positive selection and heat-response transcriptomes reveal adaptive features of the Brassicaceae desert model, Anastatica hierochuntica. New Phytologist.
- doi: 10.1111/nph.18411
- Maor-Cohen
M., Bar-David S., Dolev A., Berger-Tal O., Saltz D. and Spiegel O. 2021. Settlingin: Reintroduced Persian Fallow Deer Adjust the Borders and Habitats of TheirHome-Range During the First 5 Years Post Release. Frontiers in Conservation Science (2):733703.
Zecherle L.J., Nichols H.J., Bar-David S., Brown R.P., HippersonH., Horsburgh G.J., Templeton A.R. 2020. Subspecies hybridization as a potential conservation tool in species reintroductions. Evolutionary Applications
Zecherle L.J., Bar-David S., Nichols H.J., Templeton A.R., HippersonH., Horsburgh G.J., Brown R.P.
2020. Landscape resistance affects individual habitat selection but not genetic relatedness in a reintroduced desert ungulate. Biological Conservation 252, 108845.
Cohen Y., Bar‐David S., Nielsen M., Bohmann K., Korine C. 2020. An appetite for pests: Synanthropic insectivorous bats exploit cotton pest irruptions and consume various deleterious arthropods. Molecolar Ecology 29(6): 1185-1198.
Maor Cohen M., Shamon H., Dolev A., Reichman A., Bar David S., Saltz D. 2020. Long‐term reevaluation of spatially explicit models as a means for adaptive wildlife management. Ecological Applications.
Rodger Y., Greenbaum G., Bar-David S., Winters G. 2018. Detecting hierarchical levels of connectivity in a population of Acacia tortilis at the northern edge of the species’ global distribution: Combining classical population genetics and network analyses to gain conservation insights. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194901.
Renan S., Speyer E., Ben-Nun T., Ziv A., Greenbaum G., Templeton A.R., Bar-David S. and Bouskila A. 2018. ission-fusion social structure of a reintroduced ungulate: Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 222: 261-267.
Greenbaum G., Renan S., Templeton A. R., Bouskila A., Saltz D., Rubenstein D.I., Bar-David S. 2018.Revealing life-history traits by contrasting genetic estimations with predictions of effective population size. Conservation Biology.
Blaustein, L., Segev, O., Rovelli, V., Bar-David, S., Blank, L., Polevikov, A., Pezaro, N., Krugman, T., Showstack, S., Koplovich, A., Ozeri, L., & Templeton, A. R. (2017). Compassionate approaches for the conservation and protection of fire salamanders. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 63(3-4), 43-51.
Bennett E. A., Champlot S., Peters J., Arbuckle B. S., Bar-David S., et al. 2017. Taming the late Quaternary phylogeography of the Eurasiatic wild ass through ancient and modern DNA. PLOS ONE 12(4): e0174216.
Goodman I., Shahar N., Kahila Bar-Gal G., Saltz D., Bar-David S. 2017. Evaluation of noninvasive genetic methods for Nubian Ibex. Conservation Genetics Resources: 1-3.
Nezer O., Bar-David S., Gueta T., Carmel Y. 2017. High-resolution species-distribution model based on systematic sampling and indirect observations. Biodiversity and Conservation: 1-17.
Greenbaum G., Templeton A. R., Bar-David S. 2016. Inference and Analysis of Population Structure Using Genetic Data and Network Theory. Genetics 202(4): 1299-1312.
Giotto N., Gerard J-F., Ziv A., Bouskila A., Bar-David S. 2015. Space-Use Patterns of the Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus): Complementary Insights from Displacement, Recursion Movement and Habitat Selection Analyses. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143279.
Berger-Tal O. and Bar-David S. 2015. Recursive movement patterns: review and synthesis across species. Ecosphere 6(9): 149.
Renan S., Greenbaum G., Shahar N., Templeton A. R., Bouskila A., Bar-David S. 2015. Stochastic modeling of shifts in allele frequencies reveals a strongly polygynous mating system in the reintroduced Asiatic wild ass. Molecular ecology 24(7): 1433-1446.
Greenbaum G., Templeton A.R., Zarmi Y., Bar-David S. 2014. Allelic Richness following Population Founding Events – A Stochastic Modeling Framework Incorporating Gene Flow and Genetic Drift. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115203.
Gueta T., Templeton A. R., Bar-David S. 2014. Development of genetic structure in a heterogeneous landscape over a short time frame: the reintroduced Asiatic wild ass. Conservation Genetics Volume 15(5): 1231-1242.
Davidson, A., Carmel, Y., Bar-David, S. 2013. Characterizing movement pathways using a non-invasive approach: The reintroduces Asiatic wild ass in the Negev. Landscape Ecology 28(8): 1465-1478.
Blank, L., Sinai, I., Bar-David, S., Peleg, N., Segev, O., Sadeh, A., Kopelman, N. M., Templeton, A. R., Merilä, J., Blaustein, L. 2012. Genetic population structure of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at the southernmost extreme of its distribution. Animal Conservation 16(4): 412-421.
Renan S., Speyer E., Shahar N., Gueta T., Templeton A. R., Bar-David S. 2012. A factorial design experiment as a pilot study for noninvasive genetic sampling. Molecular Ecology Resources 12(6): 1040-1047.
- Berger-Tal O., Bar David S., and Saltz D. 2012. Effectiveness of Multiple Release Sites in Reintroduction of Persian Fallow Deer. Conservation Biology 26(1): 107-115.
- Saltz D., Bar David S. Zidon R., Dolev A., Perelberg A., King R., and Berger-Tal O. 2011. Reintroducing the Persian fallow deer Dama mesopotamica in Israel – a chronology. Animal Production Science 51: 251–258.
- Bar-David S., Bar-David I., P. C., Rayn S. J., Knechteland Cross C. U., and Getz W. M 2009.Methods for assessing movement path recursion with application to African buffalo in the Kruger regions of South Africa. Ecology 90: 2467-2479.
- Bar-David S, Saltz D., Dayan T., and Shkedy Y 2008. Using spatially expanding populations as a tool for evaluating landscape planning: the reintroduced Persian fallow deer as a case study. Journal for Nature Conservation 16: 164-174.
- Bar-David S, Segev O., Peleg N., Hill N., Templeton A.R., Schultz S.B., and Blaustein L 2007. Long distance movement by Fire Salamander (S. s. infraimmaculata) and Implications for habitat fragmentation. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53: 143-160.
- Bar-David S, Saltz D., Dayan T. 2005. Predicting the spatial dynamics of reintroduced populations – The Persian fallow deer. Ecological Applications 15: 1833-1846. (Article featured in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 86: 121-123.
- Perelberg, A., Saltz, D., Bar-David, S., Dolev, A., and Yom-Tov, Y. 2003. Seasonal and circadian changes in the home ranges of reintroduced Persian fallow deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 67: 485-492.
- Dolev, A., Saltz, D., Bar- David, S., and Yom-Tov, Y. 2002. The impact of repeated releases on the space-use patterns of reintroduced Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica) in Israel. Journal of Wildlife Management 66: 737-746.
- Bar-David, S., Lerer, I., Kimchi Sarfaty, C., Gelman Kohen, Z., Meiner, V., Zlotogora, J., and Abeliovich, D. 1996. Localization of two X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) genes to Xp: MRX37 gene at Xp22.31-p22.32 and a putative MRX gene on Xp22.11-p22.2. American Journal of Medical Genetics 64: 83-88.
- DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-8628(19960712)64:1<83::AID-AJMG15>3.0.CO;2-O
Zlotogora, J., Lerer, I., Bar-David, S., Ergaz, Z., Abeliovich, D. 1995. Homozygosity for Waardenburg Syndrome. American Journal of human Genetics 56: 1173-1178.
Chapters in collective volumes
Geigl, E., Bar-David, S., Beja-Pereira, A., Cothran, E. G., Giulotto, E., Hrabar, H., Oyunsuren, T., Pruvost, M,. 2016. Genetics and Paleogenetics of Equids, in 'Wild Equids: Ecology, Conservation, and Management' edited by Ransom J. and Kaczensky P., Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bar-David S, Lloyd-Smith J. O, and Getz W. M. 2006. Dynamics and Management of Infectious Disease in Reintroduced Populations: the Case of Persian fallow Deer in Israel. McNeely J. A., McCarthy T.M. (eds.), Conservation Biology in Asia: Current Status and Future Perspectives, the Society for Conservation Biology. 340-362.
Getz, W. M., J. O. Lloyd-Smith, P. C. Cross, S. Bar-David, P. L. Johnson, T. C. Porco, M. S. Sánchez, 2006. Modeling the invasion and spread of contagious disease in heterogeneous populations. Feng, Z., Dieckmann, U., Levin, S.A. (eds.), Disease Evolution: Models, Concepts and Data Analyses, AMS-DIMACS Vol. 71: 113-144
Saltz, D., Lourie, A., Bar- David, S., and Dolev, A. 1999. Planning and implementing a long-term reintroduction program for Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica). In Advances in Deer Biology, Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Congress. Zomborszky. Z. (editor), Pannon University of Agriculture Faculty of Life Science, Kaposvár, Hungary. pp. 190-193.
Dolev, A., Bar-David, S., Yom-Tov, Y., and Saltz, D.1999. Home range establishment in reintroduced Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica). In Advances in Deer Biology, Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Congress. Zomborszky. Z. (editor), Pannon University of Agriculture Faculty of Life Science, Kaposvár, Hungary. pp. 41-43.
Bar-David, S., Dolev, A., Dayan, T., and Saltz, D. 1999. Behavioral and ecological aspects of reintroduced Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica). In Advances in Deer Biology, Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Congress. Zomborszky. Z. (editor), Pannon University of Agriculture Faculty of Life Science, Kaposvár, Hungary. pp. 187-189.