Sunday, May 18, 2014 
4:30 p.m.               
Finance Committee Meeting
Chairpersons: Eric Charles, UK; Micha Dapht, Israel
W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall 
6:30 p.m. 
Ceremony marking the construction of the Guzik Family Building for Biotechnology Engineering
in the presence of Dr. Nahum Guzik, USA 
Moderator: Prof. Joseph Kost, Dean, Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Balcony, 4th floor, Alon Building for Hi-Tech
7:30 p.m                
Celebrating Lag Ba’Omer at a Welcome Dinner hosted by President Prof. Rivka Carmi for overseas guests
Niusia and Aron Chilewich Square
Please wear comfortable shoes and warm clothing.
(For registered participants)
Monday, May 19, 2014              
9:30 a.m.               
Opening Plenary Session of the 44th Board of Governors Meeting
In the presence of The Honorable President of the State of Israel Mr. Shimon Peres
Alexander M. Goren, Chairman of the Board of Governors
Prof. Rivka Carmi, President
Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Rector
Keynote address:
A Dickensian Approach to Israel-UK Relations
by H.E. Daniel Taub, Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom

and Presentation of the Ben-Gurion Leadership Award to Mr. Shimon Peres,
President of the State of Israel

In the presence of Ruvik Danilovich, Mayor of Beer-Sheva
Joya Claire Sonnenfeldt Auditorium
12:00 p.m.             
Working lunch for Board members with President Rivka Carmi
Presentation by Dr. Eviatar Matania, Head of the Israel National Cyber Bureau
Barkan Conference Hall, Zlotowski Student Administration Building
2:00 p.m.               
Dedication of the Ruth and Heinz-Horst Deichmann Classroom and Computer Lab Building
in the presence of the Deichmann Family, Germany and Israel
Guest of Honor: MK Prof. Avishay Braverman
Ruth and Heinz-Horst Deichmann Classroom and Computer Lab Building
3:00 p.m.               
Zlotowski Lecture:
Development Under Duress: Risk and Resilience in Israeli Adolescents Exposed to Terrorism
by Prof. Golan Shahar, Department of Psychology 
Presentation of the Zlotowski Admission Awards for Outstanding Students
in the presence of Suzanne Zlotowski, UK, and Adelene
Zlotowski, Israel
Moderator: Prof. Alon Friedman, Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience
Ruth and Heinz-Horst Deichmann Classroom and Computer Lab Building
4:00 p.m. 
Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony of the Lorry I. Lokey Chemistry Building 
in the presence of Lorry I. Lokey, USA 
Moderator: Prof. Shlomi Dolev, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Plaza of the Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics
6:30 p.m.               
Festive Dinner and Dedication Ceremony of the President’s Pillars
Greetings: Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive, The Jewish Agency for Israel
Moderator: Prof. Amos Drory, Vice President for External Affairs
Minkoff Family Senate Court
9:00 p.m.               
Recital by classical pianist Evgeny Kissin, Israel/UK
and a dessert reception
Greetings: Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive,
The Jewish Agency for Israel
Joya Claire Sonnenfeldt Auditorium
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
9:00 a.m.               
Ceremony welcoming new members of the Ben-Gurion Society and recognizing the University's most loyal supporters
Plaza adjacent to the Ben-Gurion Wall
10:30 a.m.             
Presentation of the University’s Year in Review to the Board of Governors
W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall
1:00 p.m.               
Lunch with the Student Union
Sponsored by AABGU members Ricki & Zvi Alon, Helen & Jack Bershad, Dvora Ezralow,
Vicki & Lloyd Goldman, Arline & Ben Guefen, Maribeth & Steven Lerner, Aileen Whitman  
(For registered participants)
Zlotowski Student Center
4:00 p.m.               
Lecture under the auspices of the Robert St. John Chair in Objective Middle East Reporting
In the Eye of the Storm: Reflections on Being Jerusalem Bureau Chief for The New York Times
by Ethan Bronner, Deputy National Editor of The New York Times
Moderator: Prof. David Newman OBE, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall
5:00 p.m.               
Irene and Hyman Kreitman Annual Memorial Lecture
Innovation, Openness and the 21st Century University
by Prof. Andrew D. Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford
In the presence of H.E. Matthew Gould MBE, British Ambassador to Israel
Moderator: Prof. Raymond A. Dwek, CBE FRS, Director, Glycobiology Institute,
University of Oxford
W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall 
7:30 p.m.                   
Conferment Ceremony of Honorary Doctoral Degrees upon:
Dr. Linda S. Birnbaum, USA
James M. Breslauer, USA
Dr. Nahum Guzik, USA
Prof. Andrew D. Hamilton, UK
Evgeny Kissin, Israel/UK
Prof. Saul Friedländer, Israel/USA
Cheryl Saban, Ph.D., USA
Cummings Plaza
The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Udi Garden
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
8:30 a.m.               
Depart for Sede Boqer
9:30 a.m.               
Dedication of the building for the Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center
Greetings: Gérard Worms, President, French Associates
Prof. Emeritus David Faiman, Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center
Moderator: Prof. Pedro Berliner, Director, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research
Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center
Followed by a tour of the building 
11:00 a.m.             
Dedication of the the American Associates Village at Sede Boqer
Opening address: Prof. Pedro Berliner, Director, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research
Carol Saal, Past President, AABGU, and Vice Chair of the BGU Board of Governors
Words of thanks: Dr. Paula Kabalo, Director,
Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism
Closing remarks: Ron Rozen, Linenberg Rozen Architects
George Evens Family Auditorium
Followed by a tour of the village
1:00 p.m.                 
Chairman’s Council Meeting
Miriam and Ed Vickar Information Center
(For council members only)

9:00 p.m                
Gala Dinner celebrating the establishment of the President’s Pillars
Performance by Yehoram Gaon

Moderator: Roy J. Zuckerberg, Chairman Emeritus, BGU Board of Governors
Conference room, Beresheet Hotel
(For registered participants)
Dress code: Israeli elegant
Thursday, May 22, 2014  
12:00 noon
Check-out from hotel