Scientific Publications:
1. Leiser, D., Bereby, Y., & Melkman, A. (1994). A comparison of display methods for spatial point layout. Behavior & Information Technology, 14, 135-142.
2. Leiser, D., Bereby, Y., & Melkman, A. (1995). Minimizing Distortions – Seating requirements for stereo projection rooms. Ergonomics, 38, 1231-1239.
3. Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Erev, I. (1998). On learning to become a successful loser: A comparison of alternative abstractions of learning processes in the loss domain. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 42, 266-286.
4. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Leiser, D., & Meyer, J. (1999). Perception of artificial stereoscopic stimuli from an incorrect viewing point.Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 1555-1563.
5. Erev, I., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Roth, A. (1999). The effect of adding a constant to all payoffs: Experimental investigation, and implications for reinforcement learning. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 39, 111-128
6. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Meyer, J., &Flascher, O. (2002). Prospect theory analysis of guessing in multiple choice tests.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15, 313-327.
7. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Meyer, J., &Budescu, D. V. (2003). Decision making under internal uncertainty: The case of multiple-choice tests. ActaPsychologica, 2, 207-220.
8. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Assor, A., & Katz, I. (2004). Children’s choice strategies: The effects of age and task demands. Cognitive Development, 19, 127-146.
9. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., & Unger-Aviram, E. (2004). When performance goals deter performance: Transfer of skills in integrative negotiations.Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 93, 142-154.
10. Chen Idson, L., Chugh, D., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., Grosskopf, B., &Bazerman, M. (2004).Overcoming focusing failures in competitive environment.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 17, 159-172.
11. Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Grosskopf, B. (2004). How manipulable are fairness perceptions? The effect of adding irrelevant alternatives.Research on Economic Inequality, 11, 43-53.
12. Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Niederle, M. (2005). Fairness in bargaining.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 56, 173-186.
13. Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Kaplan, A. (2005). The effect of motivational goals and age on the ability to transfer knowledge.Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30, 1-22.
14. Katz, I., Assor, A., Kanat-Maymon, Y., &Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2006). Interest as a motivational resource: Feedback and gender matter, but interest makes the difference. Social Psychology of Education, 9, 27-42.
15. Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Roth, A. (2006). The speed of learning in noisy games: Partial reinforcement and the sustainability of cooperation. American Economic Review, 96, 1029-1042.
16. Grosskopf, B., Bereby-Meyer Y., &Bazerman, M. (2007). The robustness of the winner's curse phenomenon.Theory and Decision, 389-418.
17. Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Grosskopf, B. (2008). Overcoming the winner’s curse: an adaptive learning perspective.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21, 15-27.
18. Moran, S., Bereby-Meyer Y., &Bazerman. M. (2008).Stretching the effectiveness of analogical training in negotiations: Learning core principles for creating value.Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 2, 99-134.
19. Katz, I., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Assor, A., &Danziger, S. (2010). Children’s Adaptive Pre-Decisional Search Behavior: Effects of Memory and Number of Alternatives. Journal of Economic Psychology, 1, 17-24.
20.Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., &Zetler, L. (2010). The effect of debriefing and goal orientation on the transfer of integrative negotiation strategies.Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 1, 64-86.
21. Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2012). Reciprocity and uncertainty. Comment on Francesco Guala: Reciprocity: Weak or Strong? What Punishment Experiments Do (and Do Not) Demonstrate. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 18-19.
22. Shalvi, S., Eldar, O., &Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2012). Honesty requires time (and lack of justifications). Psychological Science, 23, 1264-1270.
23. Keinan, R. &Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2012). "Leaving it to chance" – Passive risk taking in everyday life. Judgment and Decision Making, 7, 705-715.
24. Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Leiser, D. (2013). Pitfall or Scaffolding? Starting-point pull in configuration decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 502-514.
25. Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Fiks, S. (2013). Changes in Negative Reciprocity as a Function of Age.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26, 397-403.
26. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., Grosskopf, B. &Chugh, D. (2013). Choosing between lotteries: remarkable coordination without communication.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26, 338-347.
27. Dorfman, A., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Moran, S. (2013). When feeling skillful impairs coordination in a lottery selection task.PLOS ONE, 8, 1-6.
28. Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., &Meiran, N. (in press). Between rationality and reciprocity: The social bright side of self-control failure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
29. Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Ockenfels, A., (2013). Is it all about the self? The effect of self-control shortage on ultimatum game proposers.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,7, 240.
30. Shalvi, S., Eldar, O., &Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2013). Honesty requires time-a reply to Foerster et al. (2013). Frontiers in psychology 01/2013; 4:634. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00634
31. Zimerman, L., Shalvi, S. &Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2014). Self-reported ethical risk taking tendencies predict actual dishonesty .Judgment and Decision Making, 9, 58-64.
Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published Proceedings:
1992, Leiser, D., & Bereby, Y. Stereoscopic projection and seating arrangements. Poster. XXVth International Congress of Psychology - Brussels.
1993, Bereby, Y., & Leiser, D. Distortions of Artificial Stereoscopic Stimuli. Second Bi-Annual Convention of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology,
Ramat-Gan, Israel.
1995, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Erev, I. On the robustness of the framing effect: A reinterpretation of the "payoff effect" observed in probability learning experiments. Poster, 15th Bi-Annual Conferences on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Jerusalem, Israel.
1995, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Erev, I. Payoff effects" observed in probability learning experiments: Explanation with a reinforcement based learning model with reference point. Poster, Third Bi-Annual Convention of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
1996, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Erev, I. On the robustness of the framing effect: a reinterpretation of the "payoff effect" observed in probability learning experiments. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Chapel Hill, NC.
1997, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Erev, I. On learning to become a successful loser: A comparison of alternative abstractions of learning processes in the loss domain.30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Bloomington,
1998, Erev, I., Roth, A., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meyer, J. The potential generality of descriptive game - theoretic models: Reinforcement learning in matrix and
perceptual games. Learning: Rational, Evolutionary and Experimental Aspects, Workshop in Honor of Professor Reinhard Selten, Beer-Sheva, BGU, Israel.
1998, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Shamir, G. Learning the contingency between two dichotomous variables. Workshop on Decision Making, Tel-Aviv University.
1998, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Gilat, S. What is learned in Probability Learning? 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Nashville,
1999, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Shamir, G. Learning the contingency between two dichotomous variables, Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making,
Mannheim, Germany.
1999, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Shamir, G. A reinforcement based learning model for probabilistic discrimination learning. 32th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Mathematical Psychology, Santa Cruz, CA.
2000, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meyer, J. and Budescu, D. V. A decision analysis of the effects of scoring rules on MC tests. 2000 Annual Meeting, National Council on
Measurement in Education (NCME), New Orleans, LA
2000, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Niederle, M. Understanding the nature of fairness: The importance of intentions. Economic Science Association (ESA), New York, NY.
2001, Grosskopf, B., & Bereby-Meyer, Y. Learning to avoid the winner’s curse. ESA.
(Economic Science Association) World Meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
2001, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Roth, A. The fragility of cooperation in repeated prisoner's dilemma. Ninth International Conference on Social Dilemmas.
2001, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., & Aviram-Unger, E. The effect of learning teams on the transfer of skills in a complex multi-issue negotiation task.
Academy of Management (AOM), Washington, August.
2001, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Grosskopf, B. Ignoring other’s cognition in bargaining: can it be overcome? Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual
Meeting. Orlando.
2002, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Grosskopf, B. Learning to avoid the winner’s curse. Academy of Management (AOM).
2002, Bereby Meyer, Y., and Roth A. E. The fragility of cooperation. Economic Science Association (ESA) Meeting, Boston, MA, June 2002.
2002, Grosskopf, B., Bereby-Meyer Y., & Bazerman, M. The robustness of the winner's curse phenomenon. Economic Science Association (ESA) Meeting,
Boston, MA, June 2002.
2002, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., and Unger-Aviram, E. Learning in negotiations: A question of transfer. Economic Science Association (ESA) Meeting, Boston, MA, June 2002.
2003, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Konstantini, L., Leiser, D., & Even-Haim, M. Decision making in configuration problems. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision
Making (SPUDM), Zurich.
2003, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., Chen Idson, L., Chugh, D., Grosskopf, B., & Bazerman, M. Choosing the less attractive option to get a better outcome .
Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2003 Annual Meeting. Vancouver.
2004, Moran, S., Bereby-Meyer, Y., and Bazerman, M. Getting More out of Analogical Training in Negotiations: Learning Underlying Principles for
Creating Value. Academy of Management (AOM), New Orleans, August, 2004.
2005, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., & Setler, L. The Effects of Reflection and Motivation Goals on the Transfer of Skills in Integrative Negotiations. The
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) 18th Conference, Seville, Spain, June.
2005, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Moran, S. When knowledge might hurt you: the case of lottery selection. Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Annual Meeting.
Toronto, Canada.
2007, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Rotem, S. Is homo economicus five years old? Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM), Warsaw
2008, Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Moran, S. Lottery selection: Choosing for oneself and advising others. Poster, XXIXth International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
2009, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Kholmer, A. & Moran, S. The role of perceived skill in tacit coordination problems. Asia Pacific meeting of the Economic Science Association (APESA) meeting, Haifa.
2009, Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Leiser, D. Pitfall or Scaffold? Anchoring effect in planning decisions. Subjective Probability and Decision Making (SPUDM), Rovereto, Italy.
2009, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Halali, E., & Dorfman, A. Choice deliberation depletes self-resources. Subjective Probability and Decision Making (SPUDM), Rovereto, Italy , August 2009.
2009, Bereby-Meyer, Y., Moran, S., Halali, E., & Schweitzer, M. E. Cool down, it is worth money: evidence from Ultimatum and Trust games. Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2009 Annual Meeting. Boston.
2010, Moran, S., Bereby-Meyer, Y.,.Modiano, H., & Schweitzer, M. E. Take off the poker face: emotion regulation in negotiation. Society for Judgment and
Decision Making, 2010 Annual Meeting. St. Louis
2011, Halali, E., Dorfman, A., & Bereby-Meyer, Y. The matters matter: When conscious thought is superior to unconscious thought. International Conference
on Behavioral Decision Making, the Interdisciplinary Center IDC, Herzliya, Israel.
2011, Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meiran, N. When rationality and fairness conflict: The role of self-control in the Ultimatum-Game. 14th International
Conference on Social Dilemmas, 2011 bi-annual meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2011, Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meiran, N. When rationality and social preferences conflict: The role of self-control in social exchange situations. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) 23nd bi-annual meeting, Kingston upon Thames, UK.
2011, Moran, S. & Bereby-Meyer, Y. Emotion Regulation in Negotiation. Workshop on Experimental Approaches in Conflict Research. January 3-4, 2011, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and IDC Herzlyia.
2012, Bereby-Meyer, Y. Choosing between lotteries: individual differences and coordination. The Erasmus-Technion Workshop on Decisions and Predictions.
January 9-11, 2012, Dead Sea, Israel.
2012, Bereby-Meyer, Y. Does a shortage in self-control affect fairness considerations and moral behavior? Conflict and Moral Concern Workshop 6-7 June, 2012, Jerusalem, Israel.
2012, Moran, S., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Modiano, H. & Schweitzer, M. Take off the poker face: Regulating anger in emotionally charged negotiations. Conflict and Moral Concern Workshop 6-7 June, 2012, Jerusalem, Israel.
2012, Dorfman, A., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Eyal, T. The effects of pride versus pleasure on pro social behavior. Economic Science Association (ESA) Meeting, September, 2012, Cologne, Germany.
2012, Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer,Y., Meiran, N. When rationality and fairness conflict: The role of cognitive-control in the ultimatum game. Economic Science Association (ESA) Meeting, September, 2012, Cologne, Germany.
2012, Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meiran, N. When rationality and fairness conflict: The role of self-control in the Ultimatum-Game. Poster presented at thePsychonomic Society, 2012 annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA.2012,
Halali, E., Bereby-Meyer, Y., & Meiran, N. The social bright side of egodepletion: Between cognitive-control and social considerations. Paper presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2012 annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
2013, Bereby-Meyer, Y. The developmental changes in negative and positive reciprocity HUJI, and the center for decision-making and economic psychology, BGU, joint workshop on cooperation and generosity. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.