The Data and Text Mining Research Lab (previously named Data Mining and Software Quality Engineering Lab) was established in 2002 by Prof. Mark Last, in collaboration with the National Institute of Computational Intelligence Applications (NIACI) at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. It is aimed at developing and implementing innovative methods of computational intelligence and data mining that will improve the quality, the security, and the efficiency of real-world information systems. The current research areas of the lab include data stream mining, time series analysis, multilingual text summarization, cyber intelligence, and medical informatics. The lab research activities have recently been supported by Israel Ministry of Defense, Israel Ministry of Economics, Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, US Department of Defense / IARPA, US Army Research Lab, General Motors, IBM Research, and additional funding agencies. The laboratory maintains extensive research ties with leading data scientists in Israel, US, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, India, and other countries.
The laboratory is headed by Prof. Mark Last.