The Israel-LTER  project presently runs a complementary group of 12 long-term ecological research sites established by the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael — Jewish National Fund,  Israel Nature & National Parks Protection Authority,  TheAgricultural Research OrganizationMinistry of Agriculture & Rural DevelopmentBen-Gurion University of the Negev,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Yad Hanadiv – Rothschild Foundation.   The oldest research site is Avdat, which was founded in the 60s and was followed by stations at Ramat Hanadiv, Lehavim, Shaked Park, Yatir, Ramon, Gilat, Kedoshim, Nitzanim, Aravah, Adulam and Har Meron. Ongoing activities at these sites are supported by the bodies that formed the stations, as well as by research grants. Starting with 2003 five of the sites have been operating as a coordinated group using the top-down approach. In each of five sites situated along the rainfall gradient in Israel the relationship between woody and herbaceous vegetation and biological diversity are under study. Coordination of research among the different groups is exemplified by the use of the same analytical approach and similar methodologies of gathering data, in order to achieve synthesis. 

The LTER project at Nitzanim coastal dunes. In this experiments the vegatation from one of the dunes was removed. Due to high precippitation and low wind power the Nitzanim dunes are stable by vegetation. Clearcut is used to increase the number of sand-dwelling (psammophile) organisms.​
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