Continuing work

Using mathematical models to study water-limited ecological systems is in its infancy. We are now moving in the foll​owing directions:

  1. Applying our models to the rehabilitation of desertified areas, such as forestation;
  2. Expanding our models to clarify aspects of biodiversity and species' extinction; and
  3. Engaging in field observations and laboratory experimentation.​

Additional reference material

  1. מייקי ליניאל, עולים על הפסים, נשיונל ג'אוגרפיק (מהדורה עברית) גליון 47, אפריל 2002​.
  2. Philip Ball, Desert Story Patched Together, Nature Science Update, October 2001,​
  3. Rob van den Berg, Patterns of Green in the Desert Brown, Physical Review Focus, November 2001​


This research is supported by the Israel Science Foundation and the James S.​ McDonnell Foundation (Complex Systems Program)​
