Director of the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism
Orcid: 0000-0001-5510-4470
Prof. Bareli received his Ph.D. (summa cum laude) from Tel-Aviv University in 2001.
He has been a lecturer at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute in Sede Boker since 2003. Prior to this, he was a lecturer in the Jewish history department at Tel-Aviv University (1996-2003). Dr.Bareli was co-editor of David Ben-Gorion's Memoirs
(1990-1994) and is currently co-editor of Iyunim Bitkumat Israel (1991- ).
He has taught numerous courses on modern Jewish, Zionist, and Israeli history.
The courses include: The Jewish world in the Modern Period, 1881-1948;
The origins of Israeli democracy; crossroads in Zionist and Israeli diplomacy, 1942-1956; struggles in Israel's politics in the 1950s.
Recent Publications
Mapai in Israel's Early Independence: 1948-1953, Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi Press, 2007
book cover
with Nir Kedar, Israeli Republicanism, Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute, 2011.
with Tuvia Friling, Daniel Gutwein (eds.), Society and Economy in Israel: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2005.
with Pinhas Ginossar (eds.), Essays on Jabotinsky, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2004.
with Nahum Karlinsky (eds.), Economy and Society in Mandatory Palestine, 1918-1948,
The Ben-Gurion Research Center, in cooperation with the Cherrick Center, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and with the Monaster Center for Economic Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2003.
with Yosef Gorny, Yitzhak Greenberg (eds.), The Histadrut from Workers' Society to Trade Union, Selected Essays on the Histadrut 1920-1994, The Ben-Gurion Research Center, The Institute for Research in the History of Zionism, Tel-Aviv University, 2000.
Avi Bareli, 'Mapai and the Oriental Jewish Question in the Early Years of the State', Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, Society n.s. 16, no.1 (Fall 2009), pp. 54-84.
'Mamlachtiuht, Capitalism and Socialism during the 50's in Israel', The Journal of Israeli History, Volume 26, Issue 2, September 2007, pp. 201– 227.
'Between Party Politics and Government Politics: Mapai's Leadership in the First Years of the State
of Israel', Israel, 5, 2004, pp. 31-62.
'The Crisis of Norms in Mapai during the '50s', Zion, 68, 1, 2003, pp. 69-104.
with Yosef Gorny 'Voluntarism in the Social and the Zionist Thought of Nathan Rothenstreich', Israel, 2, 2002, pp. 127-171.
'Forgetting Europe: Perspectives on the Debate about Zionism and Colonialism', Journal of Israeli History, vol. 20, no. 2/3, Summer/Autum 2001, pp. 99-120 [in English] (also in Hebrew: T. Friling (ed.)
'Israel of the '5os and the Anti-state Bias of the Left', Mikarov, 3, 2000 (winter), pp. 121-130.
Research Fields