Bistable Functions and Signaling Motifs in Systems Chemistry: Taking the Next Step Toward Synthetic Cells, I. Maity, N. Wagner, D. Dev and G. Ashkenasy; Accounts of Chemical Research (2025).
Engineering Reaction Networks by Sequential Signal Processing, I. Maity, D. Dev, R. Cohen-Luria, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Chem 10, P1132 (2024).
A Peptide-Based Oscillator, D. Dev, N. Wagner, B. Pramanik, B. Sharma, I. Maity, R. Cohen-Luria, E. Peacock-Lopez and G. Ashkenasy; JACS 145, 26279 (2023).
Dynamic Surface Layer Coiled Coil Proteins Processing Analog-to-Digital Information, C. Glionna, V. Kumar, G. Le Saux, B. Pramanik, N. Wagner, R. Cohen-Luria, G. Ashkenasy and N. Ashkenasy ; JACS 143, 17441 (2021).
Primitive Selection of the Fittest Emerging through Functional Synergy in Nucleopeptide Networks, A. Kumar Bandela, N. Wagner, H. Sadihov, S. Morales-Reina, A. Chotera-Ouda, K. Basu, R. Cohen-Luria, A. de la Escosura and G. Ashkenasy; PNAS 118, e2015285118 (2021).
Signaling in Systems Chemistry: Programing Gold Nanoparticles Formation and Assembly Using a Dynamic Bistable Network, I. Maity, D. Dev, K. Basu, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 60, 4512 (2021).
Programming Multistationarity in Chemical Replication Networks, N. Wagner, R. Mukherjee, I. Maity, S. Kraun and G. Ashkenasy; ChemSystemsChem 2, e1900048 (2020) (Computational Chemistry of Complex Systems special collection).
A Chemically Fueled Non-enzymatic Bistable Network, I. Maity, N. Wagner, R. Mukherjee, D. Dev, E. Peacock-Lopez, R. Cohen-Luria and G. Ashkenasy; Nature Communications 10, 4636 (2019).
Rhythm Before Life, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Nature Chemistry 11, 680 (2019) (News and Views).
Open Prebiotic Environments Drive Emergent Phenomena and Complex Behavior, N. Wagner, D. Hochberg, E. Peacock-Lopez, I. Maity and G. Ashkenasy; Life 9, 45 (2019) (Modelling Life-Like Behavior in Systems Chemistry special issue).
Emergence of Native Peptide Sequences in Prebiotic Replication Networks, J. Nanda, B. Rubinov, D. Ivnitski, R. Mukherjee, E. Shtelman, Y. Motro, Y. Miller, N. Wagner, R. Cohen-Luria and G. Ashkenasy; Nature Communications 8, 434 (2017).
Bistability and Bifurcation in Minimal Self-Replication and Non-Enzymatic Catalytic Networks, N. Wagner, R. Mukherjee, I. Maity, E. Peacock-Lopez and G. Ashkenasy; Chem. Phys. Chem. 18, 1842 (2017).
Theoretical Models of Generalized Quasispecies, N. Wagner, Y. Atsmon-Raz and G. Ashkenasy; book chapter in Quasispecies: From Theory to Experimental Systems (Springer, 2016).
A Bistable Switch in Dynamic Thiodepsipeptide Folding and Template-Directed Ligation, R. Mukherjee, R. Cohen-Luria, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 54, 12452 (2015) (Chemistry in Germany and Israel special issue).
Robustness of Synthetic Circadian Clocks to Multiple Environmental Changes, L. Gurevich, R. Cohen-Luria, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Chem. Commun. 51, 5672 (2015) (Molecular Logic Gates and Information Processing special issue).
How Catalytic Order Drives the Complexification of Molecular Replication Networks, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Israel Journal of Chemistry 55, 880 (2015). (Origin of Life special issue).
Coupled Oscillations and Circadian Rhythms in Molecular Replication Networks, N. Wagner, S. Alasibi, E. Peacock-Lopez and G. Ashkenasy; J. Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 60 (2015).
Competition and Cooperation in Dynamic Replication Networks, Z. Dadon, N. Wagner, S. Alasibi, M. Samiappan, R. Mukherjee and G. Ashkenasy; Chemistry Eur. J. 21, 648 (2015).
Transient Fibril Structures Facilitating Non-Enzymatic Self-Replication , B. Rubinov, N. Wagner, M. Matmor, O. Regev, N. Ashkenasy and G. Ashkenasy; ACS Nano 6, 7893 (2012); featured in Nature Nanotechnology 7, 549 (2012).
Chemical and Light Triggering of Peptide Networks under Partial Thermodynamic Control, Z. Dadon, M. Samiappan, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Chem. Commun. 48, 1419 (2012) (Emerging Investigators special issue).
Reaction Networks, Z. Dadon, N. Wagner, R. Cohen-Luria and G. Ashkenasy, book chapter in Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials (Wiley, 2012).
Peptide Based Computation: Switches, Gates and Simple Arithmetic, Z. Dadon, M. Samiappan, N. Wagner, N. Ashkenasy and G. Ashkenasy, book chapter in Molecular and Biomolecular Information Processing (Wiley, 2012).
Beta-Sheet Induced Chirogenesis in Polymerization of Oligopeptides, N. Wagner, B. Rubinov and G. Ashkenasy; Chem. Phys. Chem. 12, 2771 (2011).
How Symmetry and Order Affect Logic Operations and Computation in Catalytic Chemical Networks, N. Wagner, S. Alesebi and G. Ashkenasy; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 8, 471 (2011).
Building Logic into Peptide Networks: Bottom-Up and Top-Down, G. Ashkenasy, Z. Dadon, S. Alesebi, N. Wagner and N. Ashkenasy; Israel Journal of Chemistry 51, 106 (2011).
The Nature of Stability in Replicating Systems, N. Wagner and A. Pross; Entropy 13, 518 (2011).
Second Order Catalytic Quasispecies Yields Discontinuous Mean Fitness at Error Threshold, N. Wagner, E. Tannenbaum and G. Ashkenasy; Physical Review Letters 104, 188101 (2010).
Selection Advantage of Metabolic over Non-metabolic Replicators: A Kinetic Analysis, N. Wagner, A. Pross and E. Tannenbaum; BioSystems 99, 126 (2010).
Self-Replicating Amphiphilic Beta-Sheet Peptides, B. Rubinov, N. Wagner, H. Rapaport and G. Ashkenasy; Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 48, 6683 (2009).
Symmetry and Order in Systems Chemistry, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; J. Chem. Physics 130, 164907 (2009).
Systems Chemistry: Logic Gates, Arithmetic Units and Network Motifs in Small Networks, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Chemistry Eur. J. 15, 1765 (2009).
The Road to Non-enzymatic Molecular Networks , Z. Dadon, N. Wagner and G. Ashkenasy; Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 47, 6128 (2008).
Monte-Carlo Results for Continuum Percolation in Low and High Dimensions, N. Wagner, I. Balberg and D. Klein; Physical Review E 74, 011127 (2006).
AMOS2 Satellite Angular Velocity Estimation from a Single Sun Vector, N. Wagner; Proceedings of the 46th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (March 2006).
PRF Phase Diagrams, N. Wagner and C.A. Hartzstein; (IAI internal, 1994).
Tunneling and Percolation Behavior in Granular Metals, I. Balberg, N. Wagner, Y. Goldstein and S.Z. Weisz; MRS Symp. Proc. 195, 233 (1990).
Critical Behavior of the Electrical Resistance and its Noise in Inverted Random-Void Systems, I. Balberg, N. Wagner, D.W. Hearn and J.A. Ventura; Physical Review Letters 60, 1887 (1988).
Computer Study of the Electrical Noise in High-Dimensional Percolating Systems, I. Balberg, N. Wagner, D.W. Hearn and J.A. Ventura; Physical Review B 37, 3829 (1988).
Anomalous Diffusion and Continuum Percolation, N. Wagner and I. Balberg; J. Statistical Physics 49, 369 (1987).
Excluded Volume and its Relation to the Onset of Percolation, I. Balberg, C.H. Anderson, S. Alexander and N. Wagner; Physical Review B 30, 3933 (1984).
Percolation Thresholds in the Three-Dimensional Sticks System, I. Balberg, N. Binenbaum and N. Wagner; Physical Review Letters 52, 1465 (1984).
Life, Complexity and Order; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Ben-Gurion University, May 2023.
Open Systems, Complexification and Emergence; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Tel Aviv University, February 2019.
Using Replication Networks to Model Systems Complexification and Evolutionary Dynamics; Gordon Research Conference on Systems Chemistry: from Concepts to Conception, Sunday River, Maine, July 2018.
Multistationarity in Catalytic Reaction Networks; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, April 2018.
Bistability, Bifurcation and Multistability in Prototype Models for Understanding Living Systems and the Origin of Life; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, March 2017.
Closing Remarks (Conference Organizer); Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, April 2016.
Modeling Emergent Properties of Life using Catalytic Reaction Networks, Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) Seminar, City University of New York, February 2016.
Modeling Life, Emergence and Evolution using Network Simulation, Signal Processing and Information Theory, Electrical Engineering Department Seminar, Ariel University, April 2015.
Opening Remarks (Conference Organizer); Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, March 2015.
Modeling Circadian Clocks using Catalytic Networks, Israel Physical Society Annual Meeting (Poster Session), Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, December 2014.
Modeling and Simulation: From Simple Replicators to Catalytic Networks; ITN Spring Workshop on Replication and Adaptation in Molecular Networks, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, May 2014.
Catalytic Networks: Prototypes for Exploring Replication, Emergence and Complexification; 6th SIDEER Symposium – Exploring Real World Networks: from Genes to Ecosystems, Sde Boker, March 2014.
Closing Remarks (Conference Organizer); Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, December 2013.
User-Friendly Simulation for Chemical Reactions with Graphical Interface; Matlab User's Conference, Tel Aviv, September 2013.
Emergence and Transition in Replication, Metabolism and Evolution; Israel Chemical Society Annual Meeting (Special Session in Memory of Emmanuel Tannenbaum), Tel Aviv, February 2013.
Information Processing in Small Catalytic Networks: Logic Gates, Computational Modules, Network Motifs and Evolutionary Dynamics; What is Information 2013, Sde Boker, January 2013.
Dynamical Behavior of Reversible Catalytic Networks; Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems (Oral Presentation and Poster), Colby College, Maine, July 2012.
A Model for the Origin of Homochirality in Polymerization and Beta Sheet Formation; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, December 2011.
Modeling and Simulation in Systems Chemistry; ESF - COST High-level Research Conference on Systems Chemistry III, Crete, October 2011.
Modeling Systems Chemistry with Catalytic Networks; Group Seminar, Division of Experimental Therapeutics, Dept. of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, July 2011.
Modeling Catalytic Networks: Relevance to the Origin of Life; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, December 2010.
Second Order Quasispecies Yields First Order Phase Transition, Israel Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Poster Session), Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, October 2010.
Simulation Tools for Probing Logic, Symmetry and Order in Systems Chemistry; COST - Recent Topics in Systems Chemistry: Molecular Replication and Computation, Dead Sea, May 2010.
Using Catalytic Reaction Networks to Model Systems Chemistry, Molecular Complexification and Evolutionary Dynamics; Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, January 2010.
Logic, Order and Symmetry in Catalytic Networks; American Chemical Society Fall 2009 National Meeting (Physical Chemistry Poster Session), Washington, D.C., August 2009.
Symmetry and Order in Catalytic Networks; Israel Society for Astrobiology and Origin of Life, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, December 2008.
Symmetry and Order in Systems Chemistry; European Conference on Complex Systems, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, September 2008.
AMOS2 Satellite Angular Velocity Estimation from a Single Sun Vector; Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Technion, Haifa, March 2006.