Title NeatSeq-Flow WorkShop
Location Zoom [This Workshop is full]
Start Time 1/4/2021 10:00 AM
End Time 1/4/2021 2:00 PM
How to easily design and execute bioinformatics workflows using a friendly web-interface ========================================================= Dr Liron Levin of the Bioinformatics Core Facility will present the NeatSeq Flow platform, which enables design and execution of bioinformatics workflows through a friendly web interface The platform includes ready to use modules for a multitude of common bioinformatics tasks, as well as entire workflows for analysis of sequencing experiments In addition, the platform allows incorporation of user provided tools, and design of new workflows from scratch The workflows are executed on the BGU computer cluster, thus enabling parallelization and efficiency which are hard to achieve on a desktop computer. The workshop will include demonstration and hands on For further details and registration; ---------------------------------------- E-mail Liron at levinl@post.bgu.ac.il
Category Zoom Workshop
All Day Event  
Rating (0-5)
Content Type: Event