Chapters in collective volumes
1 Ganor J. and Metz V. (2001) To stir or not to stir - implications for silicate dissolution experiments. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Water-Rock interaction, Vol. 1, 271-274, Balkema.
2 Cama J., Querol X., Ayora C., Sanz E., and Ganor J. (2001) Dissolution of synthetic zeolites at low temperature - preliminary results. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Water-Rock interaction, Vol. 1, 247-250, Balkema.
3 Ganor J., Avital A., Eliraz-Ronen G., Talby R., and Zaaror S. (2004) Gypsum precipitation in Red Sea - Dead Sea mixtures - a preliminary study. 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock interaction, Vol. 2, 1289-1292, Balkema.
4 Vengosh A., Hening S., Ganor J., Bullen T.D., Weyhenmeyer, C.E., Sturchio, N.C. and Paytan A. (2004) The origin and age of groundwater in the Nubian Sandstone aquifer in the Negev, Israel. 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock interaction, Vol. 1, 509-512, Balkema.
5 Anselmi G., Erel Y., Blum, J.D. and Ganor J. (2004) The effect of wetting-drying cycles on radiogenic isotope release during the dissolution of granitoids. 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock interaction, Vol. 2, 1439-1442, Balkema.
6 Harpaz, L., Ganor, J., and Bullen, T. D., (2007) Developing a new method of measuring dissolution rates of silicate minerals using changes in the isotopic ratio of a spiked solution. 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-12, Vol. 1, 423-426, Taylor and Francis Group.
7 Reznik, I., Ganor J., Lati J., Aharoni M., Cohen O., Mymon M. and Gavrieli I., (2010) Gypsum precipitation dynamics in a large experiment. 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-13, 489-492, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
8 Rosenberg Y., Ganor J. and Zmora-Nahum S. (2010) The effect of pH on the formation of gypsum scale in the presence of phosphonate antiscalant. 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-13, 493-496, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
9 Metz, V., Rosenberg, Y.O., Bosbach, D., Böttle, M. and Ganor, J. (2011) Formation of (Ba,Ra)SO4 solid solutions – results from barite (re)precipitation and coprecipitation experiments. in B. Merkel, M. Schipek (eds.), The New Uranium Mining Boom – Challenges and Lessons Learned. 635-642, Springer, Heidelberg.
10 Cama J., and Ganor J. (2015) Chapter 4: Dissolution Kinetics of Clay Minerals. In C. Tournassat, C. Steefel, I. Bourg, F. Bergaya (eds.), Natural and Engineered Clay Barriers, 101-153, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780081000274.
Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals
1 Ganor J. and Katz A. (1989), The geochemical evolution of halite structures in hypersaline lakes: The Dead Sea, Israel, Limnology and Oceanography 34(7), 1214-1223.
2 Ganor J., Matthews A. and Paldor N. (1989), Constraints on effective diffusivity during oxygen isotope exchange at a marble-schist contact, Sifnos (Cyclades), Greece, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 94, 208-216.
3 Ganor J., Matthews A. and Paldor N. (1991), Diffusional isotopic exchange across an interlayered marble-schist sequence with an application to Tinos, Cyclades, Greece, Journal of Geophysical Research 96(B11), 18073-18080.
4 Ganor J., Matthews A. and Schliestedt M. (1994), Post metamorphic low d13C calcite in the Cycladic complex (Greece) and their implications for modeling fluid infiltration processes using carbon isotope composition, European Journal of Mineralogy 6, 365-379.
5 Lasaga A.C., Soler J.M., Ganor J., Burch T.E. and Nagy K.L. (1994), Chemical weathering rate laws and global geochemical cycles, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58(10), 2361-2386.
7 Ganor J., Matthews A., Schliestedt M. and Garfunkel Z. (1996), Oxygen isotopic heterogeneities of metamorphic rocks: an original tectonostratigraphic signature, or an imprint of exotic fluids? A case study of Sifnos and Tinos islands (Greece), European Journal of Mineralogy 8, 719-732.
9 Ganor J. and Lasaga A.C. (1998), Simple mechanistic models for inhibition of a dissolution reaction, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 62, 1295-1306.
11 Cama J., Ganor J., Ayora C. and Lasaga A.C. (2000), Smectite dissolution kinetics at 80°C and pH 8.8, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64, 2701-2717.
12 Ganor J. Nir S. and Cama J. (2001) The effect of kaolinite on oxalate (bio)degradation at 25°C, and possible implications for adsorption isotherm measurements, Chemical Geology, 177: 431-442.
13 Metz V. and Ganor J. (2001) Stirring Effect on Kaolinite Dissolution Rate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(20), 3475-3490.
15 Ganor J., Cama J., and Metz V. (2003) Surface protonation data of kaolinite - reevaluation based on dissolution experiments. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 264, 67-75.
16 Erel Y., Blum J. D., Roueff E., and Ganor J. (2004) Lead and Strontium Isotopes as Monitors of Experimental Granitoid Mineral Dissolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (22), 4649-4663.
17 Ganor J., Roueff E., Erel Y., and Blum J. D. (2005) The dissolution kinetics of a granite and its minerals - implications for comparison between laboratory and field dissolution rates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (3), 607-621.
18 Ezra S., Feinstein S., Bilkis I., Adar E., and Ganor J. (2005) Chemical transformation of 3-bromo-2,2-bis(bromomethyl)propanol under basic conditions. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (2), 505-512.
19 Metz V., Amram K., and Ganor J. (2005) Stoichiometry of smectite dissolution reaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (7), 1755-1772.
21 Metz V., Raanan H., Pieper H., Bosbach D., and Ganor J. (2005) Towards the establishment of a reliable proxy for the reactive surface area of smectite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (10), 2581-2591.
22 Ganor J., Huston T. J. and Walter L. M. (2005) Quartz precipitation kinetics at 180°C in NaCl solutions – implications for the usability of the principle of detailed balancing. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (8), 2043-2056.
23 Cama J., Ayora C., Querol X., and Ganor J. (2005) Dissolution kinetics of synthetic zeolite NaP1 and its implication to zeolite treatment of contaminated waters. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (13), 4871-4877.
24 Cama J. and Ganor J. (2006) The effects of organic acids on the dissolution of silicate minerals: A case study of oxalate catalysis of kaolinite dissolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (9), 2191-2209.
25 Vengosh, A., Hening, S., Ganor, J., Mayer, B., Weyhenmeyer, C. E., Bullen, T. D., and Paytan, A., (2007). New isotopic evidence for the origin of groundwater from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev, Israel. Applied Geochemistry 22, 1052-1073. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.01.005.
27 Vengosh A., Hirschfeld D., Vinson D., Dwyer G., Raanan H., Rimawi O., Al-Zoubi A., Akkawi E., Marie A., Haquin G., Zaarur S., Ganor J. (2009) High naturally occurring radioactivity in fossil groundwater from the Middle East. Environmental Science and Technology 43 (6), 1769-1775. DOI: 10.1021/es802969r.
29 Reznik I. J., Gavrieli I. and Ganor J. (2009) Kinetics of gypsum nucleation and crystal growth from Dead Sea brine. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (20), 6218-6230. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.07.018.
30 Reznik I. J., Gal A., Ganor J. and Gavrieli I. (2009) Gypsum saturation degrees and precipitation potentials from Dead-Sea-Seawater mixtures. Environmental Chemistry, 6, 416-423.
31 Ezra S., Feinstein S., Bilkis I., Adar E., and Ganor J. (2010) Chemical degradation of 2,2-bis(bromomethyl)propan-1,3-diol (DBNPG) in alkaline conditions. Chemosphere, 79, 476-481. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.01.016.
33 Reznik I. J., Gavrieli I., Antler G. and Ganor J. (2011) Kinetics of gypsum crystal growth from high ionic strength solutions; case study of Dead Sea- seawater mixtures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 2187-2199. DOI:. 10.1016/j.gca.2011.01.034.
34 Rosenberg Y. O., Metz, V. and Ganor J. (2011) Co-precipitation of radium in high ionic strength systems: 1. Thermodynamic Properties of the Na-Ra-Cl-SO4-H2O System- Estimating Pitzer Parameters for RaCl2. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 5389-5402. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.06.042.
35 Rosenberg Y. O., Metz, V., Oren Y., Volkman Y. and Ganor J. (2011) Co-precipitation of radium in high ionic strength systems: 2. Kinetic and ionic strength effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 5403-5422 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.013.
36 Rosenberg Y. O., Reznik I. J., Zmora-Nahum S. and Ganor J. (2012) The effect of pH on the formation of a gypsum scale in the presence of a phosphonate antiscalant. Desalination, 284, 207-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.08.061.
37 Reznik I. J., Gruber C., Ganor J., and Gavrieli I (2012). Towards the establishment of a general rate law for gypsum nucleation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 85, 75-87, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.02.002.
38 Rosenberg, Y. O., Metz, V., and Ganor, J., (2013). Radium Removal in a Large Scale Evaporitic System. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 121-137, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.046.
39 Gruber C., Harpaz L., Zhu, C., Bullen T.D. and Ganor, J., (2013). A new approach for measuring dissolution rates of silicate minerals by using silicon isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 104, 261-280, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.11.022.
40 Rosenberg, Y.O., Sadeh, Y., Metz, V., Pina, C.M. and Ganor, J., (2014). Nucleation and growth kinetics of RaxBa1-xSO4 solid solution in NaCl aqueous solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 125, 290-307, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.09.041.
41 Vengosh A., Hirschfeld D., Vinson D., Dwyer G., Raanan H., Marie A., Zaarur S., Ganor J. (2014) Response to Comment on "High Naturally Occurring Radioactivity in Fossil Groundwater from the Middle East". Environmental Science and Technology 48 (16), 9946-9947. DOI: 10.1021/es501140b.
42 Gruber C., Zhu C., Georg, RB, Zakon Y. and Ganor, J. (2014). Resolving the gap between laboratory and field rates of feldspar weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 147, 90-106, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.013.
43 Golan R., Gavrieli I., Lazar B. and Ganor J. (2014). The determination of pH in hypersaline lakes with a conventional combination glass electrode. Limnology and Oceanography - Methods, 12, 810-815, DOI: 10.4319/lom.2014.12.810.
44 Golan R., Gavrieli I., Ganor J., and Lazar B. (2016). Controls on the pH of hyper-saline lakes – A lesson from the Dead Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, , 434, 289-297, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.11.022.