Austrian, Jewish, German, Czech:
Reframing Max Brod and Prague Zionism
An International Conference organized by Dimitry Shumsky (Hebrew Univ.) and Mark H. Gelber (Ben-Gurion University), co-sponsored by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The National Library of Israel, the Leo Baeck Institute (Jerusalem), the Keren Kayemet Institute for the History of Zionism and Settlement, the Institute for Jewish Studies, Antwerp, The Embassy of the Czech Republic, Tel Aviv
May 25
Session I
16:00 – 19:00 p.m. – National Library of Israel, Givat Ram, Jerusalem
Chair: Dov Kulka (Jerusalem)
Mark H. Gelber (Beer Sheva), Max Brod and Prague Circles
Hillel Kieval (St. Louis), Gender Relations and National Rapprochement. Brod's "A Czech Servant Girl" Revisited |

Dov Kulka

Mark H. Gelber

Hillel Kieval

Discussion Session I

Discussion Session I
Official Opening at National Library
20:00 p.m.
Opening speakers:
Haggai Ben Shammai (Jerusalem)
Mark H. Gelber (Beer Sheva)
Main lecture:
Dimitry Shumsky (Jerusalem),הציונות ההומניסטית של מקס ברוד: הרקע ההיסטורי /Brod's Humanist Zionism: The Historical Background.
Lectures in Hebrew. |

Mark H. Gelber

Haggai Ben Shammai

Musical Interludes
Dimitry Shumsky
May 26
Sessions in Beer Sheva, Ben Gurion University
Session II
10:15 – 12:15 a.m. – Ayrton University Center, Room -136
Chair: Michael Elm (Beer Sheva)
Stefan Vogt (Frankfurt a. Main), Max Brod and Socialism
Abraham Rubin (New York), An Aescetic Judenfrage: Max Brod and the Quest for a Jewish-National Literature |

Stefan Vogt

Abraham Rubin

Discussion Session II
Session III
14:30 – 17:30 – Ayrton University Center, Room -136
Chair: Kobi Kabalek, (Beer Sheva)
Nurit Pagi (Haifa), From Indifferentism to Zionism: Revolution or Evolution?
David Dessin (Antwerp), Secularization as Universalism: The Discussion between Max Brod and Hans-Joachim Schoeps
Sebastian Schirrmeister, Max Brod's Writings in Hebrew |

Nurit Pagi

David Dessin

Sebastian Schirrmeister

Discussion Session III
Session IV
18:15 – 19:30 (Ayrton Building, Room -136)
Chair: Eitan Bar Yosef (Beer Sheva)
Scott Spector (Ann Arbor), Brod's Homelands |

Scott Spector
We would like to thank all the participants and guests for an interesting and thought-provoking conference!