
03 מאי 2021



To be held on Monday, May 3rd, 2021, 12:10-13:00

via zoom meeting - link


Protective Structures Research at the University of the Bundeswehr München 


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gebbeken EE


Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Research Center RISC



In the first part of the lecture, the University of the Bundeswehr München and its RISK research center will be introduced.

In the second part, current developments in the field of structural protection and structural civil protection will be presented on the basis of various research projects. The spectrum ranges from materials research and structural component development to the protection of buildings and the protection of public spaces against terrorist attacks. Here we focus on the philosophy of “hide force"-barriers that should be multifunctional. In order to achieve our research goals, we combine different methodologies: theory – numerical methods – experimental methods. This gives us the opportunity to verify and validate our models. For the testing in the high speed regime we have various Federal testing centers off campus. The lecture will give primarily an overview of our work and might initiate further and deep collaboration in research and development.  


About the speaker:

Professor Gebbeken joined the University of the Bundeswehr München in 1995 being chair holder of statics. Ever since his team BauProtect conducted more than 100 research projects in the field of protective structures and published more than 600 articles (cross media). He was involved internationally in design projects considering exceptional loadings (natural, manmade, accident) for (critical) infrastructures. He is editor of the International Journal of Protective Structures and founder of the International Association of Protective Structures. He is founder and director of the multidisciplinary research center RISK – Risk, Infrastructure, Security and Conflict. He is also President of the Bavarian Engineering chamber, Vice president of the German institute for checking and inspection and managing director of AJG Consulting Engineers as well as MJG Consulting Engineers. Effective 01.01.2020 Professor Gebbeken has been awarded the academic status “Emeritus of Excellence" which gives him the opportunity to continue teaching and research activities as well.