• Furmanov T, Karniel A (in press). An Active Sensing Principle for Haptic Interaction with Dynamical Systems. Accepted for publication in IEEE Access. [][Furmanov2014.pdfFurmanov2014.pdf
  • Mawase F, Shmuelof L, Bar-Haim S, Karniel A (2014). Savings in Locomotor Adaptation Explained by Changes in Learning Parameters Following Initial Adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology. [html][Mawase2014.pdfMawase2014.pdf]
  • Shkedy Rabani A, Harries N, Namoora I, Al-Jarrah MD, Karniel A, Bar-Haim S (2014). Duration and Patterns of Habitual Physical Activity of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. [html][ShkedyRabani2013.pdfShkedyRabani2013.pdf]
  • Nisky I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Karniel A (2013). Analytical Study of Perceptual and Motor Transparency in Bilateral Teleoperation. IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems 43(6): 570-582. [html][Nisky2013.pdfNisky2013.pdf]
  • Botzer L, Karniel A (2013). Feedback and Feedforward Adaptation to Visuomotor Delay During Reaching and Slicing Movements. European Journal of Neuroscience DOI:10.1111/enj.12211: 1-16. [html][Botzer2013.pdfBotzer2013.pdf]
  • Karniel A (2013). The minimum transition hypothesis for intermittent hierarchical motor control. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7 (12): 1-8.  [html] [Karniel2013.pdfKarniel2013.pdf]
  • Mawase F, Haizler T, Bar-Haim S and Karniel A (2013). Kinetic Adaptation During Locomotion on a Split-belt Treadmill. Journal of Neurophysiology 109 (8): 2216-2227. [html] [Mawase2013.pdfMawase2013.pdf]
  • Ben-Tov M, Levy-Tzedek S, Karniel A (2012). The Effects of Rhythmicity and Amplitude on Transfer of Motor Learning. PLoS ONE 7(10). [html] [Ben-Tov2012.pdfBen-Tov2012.pdf]
  • Mawase F and Karniel A (2012). Adaptation to Sequence Force Perturbation during Vertical and Horizontal Reaching Movement- Averaging the Past or Predicting the Future? Fornt. Syst. Neurosci 6:60. [html] [Mawase2012.pdfMawase2012.pdf]
  • Leib R, Karniel A (2012). Minimum Acceleration with Constraints of Center of Mass: A Unified Model for Arm Movements and Object Manipulation, Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 1646-1655. [html] [Leib2012.pdfLeib2012.pdf]
  • Avraham G, Nisky I, Fernandes H, Acuna D, Kording K, Loeb G, Karniel A (2012). Towards Perceiving Robots as Humans - Three Handshake Models Face the Turing-like Handshake Test IEEE transactions on Haptics 5(3)196-207. [html] [Avraham2012.pdfAvraham2012.pdf]
  • Nisky I, Avraham G, Karniel A (2012). Three alternatives to measure the human likeness of a handshake model in a Turing-like test, PRESENCE 21(2). [html] [Nisky2012.pdfNisky2012.pdf]
  • Peled A, Karneil A (2012). Knowledge of Performance is Insufficient for Implicit Visuomotor Rotation Adaptation, Journal of Motor Behavior DOI:10.1080/00222895.2012.672349. [html] [Peled2012.pdfPeled2012.pdf]
  • Pressman A, Karniel A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2012). Simultaneity in perception of knocking. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part a - Systems and Humans 42 (4): 920-930. [html] [Pressman2012.pdfPressman2012.pdf].
  • Mawase F, Bar-Haim S, Karniel A (2011). Lack of Predictive Control in lifting series of virtual objects by individuals with diplegic Cerebral Palsy, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 19:686-695. [html] [Mawase2011.pdfMawase2011.pdf]
  • Karniel A (2011). Open questions in computational motor control. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10:385-411. [html] [Karniel2011.pdfKarniel2011.pdf]
  • Levy-Tzedek S, Ben-Tov M, Karniel A (2011). Rhythmic movements are larger, faster but with the same frequency upon removal of visual feedback Journal of Neurophysiology 106:2120-2126. [html] [Levy-Tzedek2011b.pdfLevy-Tzedek2011b.pdf]
  • Nisky I, Pressman A, Pugh CM, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Karniel A (2011). Perception and Action in Teleoperated Needle Insertion. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 4:155-166. [html] [Nisky2011.pdfNisky2011.pdf]
  • Diesendruck L, Gertner L, Botzer L, Goldfarb L, Karniel A, Henik A (2011). Months In Space: Synesthesia Modulates Attention and Action. Cognitive Neuropsychology. [html] [Diesendruck2011.pdfDiesendruck2011.pdf]
  • Pressman A, Karniel A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2011). How soft is that pillow? The perceptual localization of the hand and the haptic assessment of contact rigidity. Journal of Neuroscience 31(17):6595-6604. [html] [Pressman2011.pdfPressman2011.pdf]
  • Levy-Tzedek S, Ben-Tov M, Karniel A (2011). Early switching between movement types: indication of predictive control? Brain Research Bulletin 85(5) 283-288. [html] [Levy-Tzedek2011a.pdfLevy-Tzedek2011a.pdf]
  • Karniel A, Avraham G, Peles BC, Levy-Tzedek S, Nisky I (2010). One Dimensional Turing-Like Handshake Test for Motor Intelligence. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2010(46): p. e2492. [Video Article in JoVE] [Karniel2010.pdfKarniel2010.pdf]
  • Levy N, Pressman A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Karniel A (2010). Adaptation to Delayed Force Perturbations in Reaching Movements. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12128 [html] [Levy2010.pdfLevy2010.pdf]
  • Mawase F, Karniel A (2010). Evidence for predictive control in lifting series of virtual objects. Experimental Brain Research 203:447–452 [html] [Mawase2010.pdfMawase2010.pdf]
  • Nisky I, Baraduc P, and Karniel A (2010). Proximodistal gradient in the perception of delayed stiffness. Journal of Neurophysiology 103:3017-3026 [html] [Nisky2010.pdfNisky2010.pdf]
  • Leibowitz N, Baum B, Enden G, Karniel A (2010). The Exponential Learning Equation as a Function of Successful Trials Results in Sigmoid Performance. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 54:338-340 [html] [Leibowitz2010.pdfLeibowitz2010.pdf]
  • Mussa-Ivaldi, Alford, Chiappalone, Fadiga, Karniel, Kositsky, Maggiolini, Panzeri, Sanguineti, Semprini, Vato (2009). New perspectives on the dialogue between brains and machines. Frontiers in Neuroscience Article Accepted on: Tue, Nov-24-2009 [html] [Mussa-Ivaldi2009.pdfMussa-Ivaldi2009.pdf]
  • Botzer L, Karniel A (2009). A simple and accurate onset detection method for a measured bell-shaped speed profile. Front. Neuropro. 1(2):1-8. doi:10.3389/neuro.20.002.2009 [html] [Botzer2009.pdfBotzer2009.pdf]
  • Edrei Y, Mintz M, Barnea O and Karniel A (2009). Involvement of the autonomic nervous system in motor adaptation: acceleration or error reduction? Experimental Brain Research 192 :133-143 [html] [Edrei2009.pdfEdrei2009.pdf]
  • Nisky I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Karniel A (2008). A Regression and Boundary-Crossing Based Model for the Perception of Delayed Stiffness. IEEE transactions on Haptics 1 73-82 [html] [Nisky2008.pdfNisky2008.pdf]
  • Leibowitz N, Levy N, Weingarten S, Grinberg Y, Karniel A, Sacher Y, Serfaty C, Soroker N (2008). Automated measurement of proprioception following stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation 30 :1829-1836 [html] [Leibowitz2008.pdfLeibowitz2008.pdf]
  • Pressman A, Nisky I, Karniel A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2008). Probing Virtual Boundaries and the Perception of Delayed Stiffness. Advanced Robotics 22 :119-140 [html] [Pressman2008.pdfPressman2008.pdf]
  • Ben-Itzhak S and Karniel A (2008). Minimum acceleration criterion with constraints implies bang-bang control as an underlying principle for optimal trajectories of arm reaching movements. Neural Computation 20(3) :779-812 MIT press [html] [BenItzhak2008.pdfBenItzhak2008.pdf]
  • Pressman A, Welty LH, Karniel A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2007). Perception of delayed stiffness. The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) 26 :1191-1203 [html] [Pressman2007.pdfPressman2007.pdf]
  • Trainin E, Meir R, Karniel A (2007). Optimal Control Theory Predicts Complex Patterns of Neural Activity Observed in the Primary Motor Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiol. 97 :3736-3750 [html] [Trainin2007.pdfTrainin2007.pdf]
  • Klaiman E and Karniel A (2006). Bimanual Adaptation: Internal Representations of Bimanual Rhythmic Movements. Experimental Brain Research 171: 204-214 [html] [Klaiman2006.pdfKlaiman2006.pdf]
  • Karniel A, Kositsky M, Fleming KM, Chiappalone M, Sanguineti V, Alford ST, and Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2005). Computational analysis in vitro: dynamics and plasticity of a neuro-robotic system. J. Neural Eng, 2 250-265 [html] [Karniel2005.pdfKarniel2005.pdf]
  • Karniel A, and Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2003). Sequence, time or state representation: How does the motor control system adapt to variable environments? Biological Cybernetics 89(1):10-21 [html] [Karniel2003.pdfKarniel2003.pdf]
  • Karniel A (2002). Three creatures named "forward model" Neural Networks 15(3):305-307 [html] [Karniel2002b.pdfKarniel2002b.pdf]
  • Karniel A, and Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2002). Does the motor control system use multiple models and context switching to cope with a variable environment? Experimental Brain Research 143:520-524, Springer-Verlag [​html] [Karniel2002a.pdfKarniel2002a.pdf]
  • Karniel A, Meir R, and Inbar GF (2001). Best Estimated Inverse versus Inverse of the Best Estimator. Neural Networks 14:1153-1159 [html] [Karniel2001b.pdfKarniel2001b.pdf]
  • Karniel A, Meir R, and Inbar GF (2001). Polyhedral Mixture of Linear Experts for Many-To-One Mapping Inversion and Multiple Controllers. Neurocomputing 37(1-4):31-49 [html] [Karniel2001a.pdfKarniel2001a.pdf]
  • Karniel A and Inbar GF (2000). Human Motor Control: Learning to Control a Time-Varying Non-linear Many-to-One System. IEEE transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C 30(1):1-11. [html] [Karniel2000.pdfKarniel2000.pdf]
  • Karniel A and Inbar GF (1999). The use of a nonlinear muscle model in explaining the relationship between duration, amplitude and peak velocity of human rapid movements. Journal of Motor Behavior 31 (3):203-206. [html] [Karniel1999.pdfKarniel1999.pdf]
  • Karniel A and Inbar GF (1997). A Model For Learning Human Reaching Movements. Biological Cybernetics 77(3):173-183. [html] [Karniel1997.pdfKarniel1997.pdf]