

Country of origin

Title of research

​Abdaibari Ibrahim

​Dr. A. Niv

Palestinian Authority

​Harilal Sherina

​Dr. M. Bashouti


​Kaploun Adi

​​Dr. M. Bashouti


​Klil Noy

​Prof. A. Karnieli


Spatio-temporal analysis of albedo and biocrusts across the Israel - Egypt borderline​

​Koren Ytzhak

​Prof. A. Karnieli


​Change detection of land surface albedo from Landsat TM images

Levi Nathan

Prof. A. Karnieli


Using reflectance spectroscopy for detecting and mapping land-use effects on soil quality in dryland

​Noiman Danny

​Prof. Is. Visoly-Fisher


​Shevchenko Alexander

​Dr. A. Yochelis


​Continuum approach to water splitting via photo-co-catalysis

Shor Maya

Dr. A. Niv


Optics of nano-sized metal particles